Friday, August 14, 2015

What Other Books did Albert Pike Write?

What Other Books did Albert Pike Write?

  1. Beyond the Law : The Religious and Ethical Meaning of the Lawyer's Vocation - Albert Pike
  2. Book of the Words - Albert Pike
  3. Digest Index of Morals & Dogma - Albert Pike, 1909
  4. Esoteric Work of the 1 Degree - 3 Degree, According to the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite - Albert Pike
  5. Evil Consequences of Schisms and Disputes for Power in Masonry and of Jealousies and Dissensions Between Masonic Rites - Albert Pike, 1858
  6. Ex Corde Locutiones: Words from the Heart Spoken of His Dead Brethren - Albert Pike
  7. General Albert Pike's Poems, 1900
  8. Historical Inquiry in Regard to the Grand Constitutions of 1786 - 1883 - Albert Pike
  9. Hymns to the Gods and Other Poems - Albert Pike
  10. Indo-Aryan Deities and Worship As Contained in the Rig-Veda - Albert Pike
  11. Irano-Aryan Faith and Doctrine As Contained in the Zend-Avesta - Albert Pike
  12. Lectures of the Arya - Albert Pike
  13. Lectures on Masonic Symbolism and a Second Lecture on Symbolism or the Omkara and Other Ineffable Words - Albert Pike
  14. Legenda and Readings of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry - Albert Pike
  15. Liturgies of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry 4 Degree - 30 Degree - Albert Pike
  16. Liturgy of the Blue Degrees - Albert Pike
  17. Lyrics and Love Songs - Albert Pike, 1899
  18. Magnum Opus or the Great Work: The Complete Ritual Work of Scottish Rite Freemasonry - Albert Pike
  19. Masonic Baptism: Reception of a Louveteau and Adoption - Albert Pike
  20. Masonry of Adoption: Masonic Rituals for Women Complete With the Verbatim Degree Lectures and the "Secret Work" - Albert Pike
  21. Meaning of Masonry - Albert Pike
  22. Narrative of a Journey in the Prairie - Albert Pike, 1835
  23. Old Cashier of the 33d Degree - Albert Pike
  24. The Point Within the Circle: Freemasonry Veiled in Allegory and Illustrated by Symbols - Albert Pike
  25. The Porch and the Middle Chamber: Book of the Lodge - Albert Pike
  26. Prose Sketches & Poems Written in the Western Country - Albert Pike, 1834
  27. Pythagoras and Hermes - Albert Pike
  28. Rituals of Old Degrees - Albert Pike
  29. What Masonry Is & Its Objects; Ancient Ideals in Modern Masonry - Albert Pike, 1919

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