Friday, August 14, 2015

In Search of Black Assassins


10 08 2015
The start of Black August 2015, the historical month of CRITICAL RESISTANCE,[1] has turned into a sad testament for people of color in America. At the beginning of this month, symbolically on a global level, we had to bury two young beautiful sisters that should have been celebrating the happiness and prime of their lives. Instead sadly, we celebrated their homecomings into another dimension, as if there was no room for them on earth.
Lit’ Sis Bobbie Kristina, 22 years old young, should have been protected to grow strong and worthy in the sunshine of one of the most gifted and successful global Black entertainers of all time. She should have been an inspiration of struggle among the global masses. Instead, she was abandoned to the wind, rain, Satan and Drugs like a poor lost orphaned bastard child.
Just before her demise, Bobbie Kristina had been marked with the Sign of the BEAST.
And indeed, a drug trafficking wicked Son of the Confederacy, Maxwell Lomas, cast a dark shadow over her death. He found Bobbie Kristina in the bathtub not Nick Gordon.  Yet, neither the Houston or the Brown family will touch the subject of MAXWELL LOMAS.
Sandy Bland, 28 years old, should also have been protected to welcome a new beginning, sunshine and career after graduating from college. Instead of being buried, she should have been happy and free here among the living to become the nucleus of a successful livelihood, and their own family. At 28 years young, she said that she suffered from depression, post traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD), and most likely stress related psychosomatic disordered brain dysfunction (epilepsy). It was as if she was suffering severe battle fatigue from tours of duty on the other side of midnight in Afghanistan.
I am happy that the Sandra Bland family and Attorney Cannon Lambert announced that a federal lawsuit has been filed against Brian Encinia, Waller County and jail officials. I won’t go into the specifics of that lawsuit, but it involves federal and constitutional violations.
They will face a battery of municipal/state attorneys, denials and delays. However, I don’t understand why these high profile cases against municipalities for crimes against democracy and humanity aren’t pursued by coalitions of lawyers, doctors, investigators, and Criminalist, because far too often these cases aren’t isolated but systemic and persistent problems perpetuated by secret satanic combinations tightly interwoven inside layers of the government and free society.
But, she also had been directed into the hands of the Sons of the DEVIL that also cast a dark masonic shadow over her death.
‘The Secret Teaching Of All Ages’ by Manly Palmer Hall 33° “I hereby promise the Great Spirit Lucifuge [Lucifer], Prince of Demons, that each year I will bring unto him a human soul to do with as as it may please him, and in return Lucifuge promises to bestow upon me the treasures of the earth and fulfil my every desire for the length of my natural life. If I fail to bring him each year the offering specified above, then my own soul shall be forfeit to him. Signed…..  { Invocant signs pact with his own blood } “ page CIV.[2]
The Bobbi Kristina and Sandy Bland’s matters are puzzles wrapped inside enigmas, smoked mirrors, and looking glass that stare back at you. The Sandy Bland Case, in particular, is wrapped tight inside circles and behind curtains of CIA- MK ULTRA/MONARCH, Satanic Masonic and Greek Lettered Divine Nine (9) Negro Combinations.
Unless these secret satanic combinations are UNVEILED, there will more and more Bobbi Kristinas and Sandy Blands. The same problems will persist and prevail over and over again, until an entirely new system of race relations and genocide are instituted across the nation and world. It is called, MODERN SLAVERY.
The historical connections between CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH secret mind control programs and Masonic Negroes & the Divine Nine (9) remains uncharted and unexplored territory. Let’s begin with a look at one of this country’s most dangerous Negroes of the Satanic New World Order Cabal, U.S. Navy Commander Dr. Chester Middlebrook Pierce.
Dr. Pierce is Emeritus Professor of Education and Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. He was the first African-American full professor at Massachusetts General Hospital and is past-president of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology and the American Orthopsychiatric Association. he also worked as a psychiatrist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for 25 years. .He is a fellow in the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. In 1969, he founded the Black Psychiatrists of America.[3]
In the U.S. Navy, Dr. Pierce was a (Naval Intelligence) Commander and has since been a senior consultant to multiple different global health-related organizations. He has been a vital part of the World Association of Social Psychiatry, consultant for the Children’s Television Network, the Surgeon General of the US Air Force, the US Arctic Research Commission, the Peace Corps, and Operation Paperclip (Underground Third Reich) Sturmbannführer SS Wernher von Braun’s National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).[4]
Dr. Pierce & MK ULTRA
n 1962, we found Dr. Pierce working directly with a young and upcoming Dr. Louis Jolyon West, called the Maestro of CIA Mind Control. Dr. West had to be among the CIA’s most dangerous and twisted global mind control doctors and fixers. Dr. West became the director of the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute and proposed (planned) the horrors of the California Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence that I believe became part of the blueprint for the Peoples Temple after his proposed center was exposed and shut down due to public uproar.[5]
Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence,
” … [C]onsidering West himself, whose history includes controversial LSD experiments for the Central Intelligence Agency and even more controversial plans to construct secret installations for the “study” and modification — by electric shock, chemical castration and other means — of the behavior of citizens, particularly minorities.”[6]
For decades, Dr. West lurked behind the scenes of most of America’s major counterintelligence, false flag and strategy of tension operations from the Assassination of JFK (Jack Ruby) to Tim McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing.  U.S. Senate reports and declassified CIA documents identified Dr. Pierce’s Massachusetts General Hospital and MIT as major secret CIA conduits for MK ULTRA mind control funding, research, development and experiments.[7]
Dr. Pierce & Secret Radiation Studies on Americans
New Portrait of Dr. Pierce at Harvard’s Lowell House Standing Under ZEUS?
Dr. Pierce had been involved in all aspects of America’s covert human medical experimentation operations. During the 1950s, he was involved in secret experimental radiation studies on humans. He was involved in the National Research Council Study, Alaska I-131, the Evaluation of Air Force Human Health Testing in Alaska Using Radioisotope Iodine-131.[8]
Dr. Pierce & New Age/New World Order
A Humanist, Dr. Pierce was/is out of wicked freaking mind. He has been described as a fanatical New Age and New World Order (ILLUMINATI) Guru. At a 1973 conference on Educating for the New World Order, he instructed,
Dr. Pierce is not identified as part of the Masons or the Greek Lettered Divine Nine (9) Negroes, but Harvard University has surely identified him as some type of ultra secret Greek imitate.
Dr. Pierce & the Founding of the Black Psychiatrists of America, Inc..
Dr. Pierce played a significant part in bringing Divine Nine (9) psychiatrists under the CIA umbrella through founding the Black Psychiatrists of America that most likely had been financed by the agency. However, In the covert intelligence community, Dr. Chester Middlebrook Pierce would be a black hierarchical KNIGHT that is far too often ignored as an early major CIA/MK ULTRA/MONARCH doctor.
Bill Cosby, Divine Nine (9), BOULE & MK ULTRA
Bill Cosby & the Great BEAST 666
Bill Cosby is a Divine Nine (9) Negro. He is a very dangerous member of the Beta Alpha Alpha and OMEGA PSI PHI.[10] Cosby is also ILLUMINATI Boule.[11]
Since 1953, the CIA, U.S. Navy and the U.S. Army Chemical Corps through Project CHATTER, BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE rolled into MK ULTRA has been in search of such a miracle and magical drug to obliterate individual free will with amnesia blocks. According to the Navy, Bill Cosby served from 1956 to 1960 in naval hospitals, including Bethesda Naval Hospital, where he allegedly helped Marines recover from Korean War injuries.[12]
Cosby’s tenure at Bethesda Naval Hospital coincided with the presence of Operation Paperclip (Underground Third Reich) Luftwaffe Colonel Dr. Theodor Benzinger, head of the Naval Medical Research Institute (NMRI) at Bethesda from 1947 to 1970. Dr. Benzinger was straight out of the Nazi Doctors Tribunal at Nuremberg, Germany.[13] Dr. Benzinger’s NMRI at the Bethesda became a secret major front for the newly formed CIA first exposed in 1977 by the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research investigation into the CIA’s MK ULTRA program.[14] The subject of Korean War injuries was also of particular covert interest to the CIA, Dr. Benzinger and Lt. Charles Savage at Bethesda, former head of Naval Intelligence’s ultra secret mind control program, Project CHATTER.[15]
Bill Cosby, Dr. Mengele & the Dachau Narco-Hypnosis Experiments
The Navy’s ultra secret Project CHATTER duplicated and expanded the SS’ Dachau Concentration Campaviation series” terminal experiments that also involved “mind control” experiments by hypnosis and Narco-hypnosis using experimental chemicals and drugs, particularly mescaline, on victims. Additional mind control/behavior modification research was conducted at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp under Dr. Josef Mengele, using a range of chemicals including various barbiturates, morphine derivatives and electrical shock torture.[16] Expanding on the Dachau Narco-hypnosis Experiments, CIA psychiatrists attempted to induce a trance state after administering drugs. Described in CIA documents as “the twilight zone“, the groggy or “foggy- dizzy” condition induced by drugs were considered optimal for interrogation, suggestions and hypnotism.[17] 
Bill Cosby’s MODUS OPERANDI producing dissociated states, memory loss and amnesia barriers in women that he violated is an advanced and sophisticated form of experimental CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH trauma based Narco-hypnosis straight out of DACHAU.
Bill Cosby, Rape & MK ULTRA Drugs (The Thigh Opener)
As of now, more than forty (40) women have come forward to accuse Cosby of sexually assaulting and raping them while they were under various trance formations. Cosby admitted that he obtained Quaaludes to use on women.[18] Satanist Roman Polanski used Quaaludes to ritually rape, assault and most likely “snuff” underage girls.[19]
To Cosby’s CIA buddy, Hugh Hefner, Quaaludes are “THIGH OPENING” drugs.[20]  However, they won’t touch the DEVIL, Hugh Hefner, with any rape or sexual assault charges. From Laurel Aston Ex CIA Operative Fighting Child & Human Trafficking & Slavery, “I knew Hugh Hefner. He is connected to the CIA. Hefner is a CIA programmer CIA sex slave handler and pimp. Hefner was also a part of running MK ULTRA super assassins and ops. He is Free Masonic Intel.”[21]
Cosby didn’t have to get any medical prescriptions for Quaaludes. At Hefner’s Playboy Mansion, CIA ULTRA/MONARCH supplied them with a lifetime supply to experiment with- on unwitting and witting women victims. I can’t be certain if Cosby is in fact a Freemason, but his late buddy Satanic Sammy was certainly a Scottish Rite York Rite Mason, and a Knight of Malta.[22]
Cosby certainly appears to a special hook up to wear Masonic apparel or he may not need permission because he is an ultra secret Prince Hall Freemason or member of the Scottish Rite. From a partial inventory after the Jonestown’s CIA Medical Experimental Station Mass Human Extermination in Guyana, at least 1,000 doses of the sedative-hypnotic drug, Quaalude, were discovered warehoused at the site.[23]
Quaaludes were/are notorious CIA MK ULTRA experimental mind control drugs linked directly to the OMEGA MAN, Bill Cosby.[24]
Beta Upsilon BOULE is certainly closer to home in the BELLY OF THE BEAST in the Oakland- San Francisco Bay Area. They have proven themselves equally as demonic, secretive and ruthless New World Order CIA- MK ULTRA Negro operatives as Dr. Pierce and Bill Cosby.
Anchron (Demon) Dr. Carlton Goodlett, Jim Jones, Peoples Temple & Jonestown

First, let’s look briefly at the late Anchron (Demon) Dr. Carlton Benjamin Goodlett (1914-1997) of Beta Upsilon BOULE . He had a B.S. in Psychology from Howard University, Master’s Degree in Abnormal Psychology from the University of California at Berkeley, Ph.D. in Psychology at the University of California at Berkeley, M.D. from Meharry Medical College in Tennessee. In 1947, Dr. Goodlett became the first co-publisher of the San Francisco Sun Reporter and then publisher in 1951.[25]
During the late 1960s, I attended an extra credit evening lecture by Dr. Goodlett at Merritt Jr. College in Oakland. He was noted to be a civil rights icon of the bay area. However, he used the platform to viciously verbally attack Brother Huey, Bobby and the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. We got into it very hot and heavy. At the time, I had no idea who he was or how powerful this Negro was.  Some sources have identified him as the biggest of the “Big Negroes” in San Francisco and the State of California.[26]
When the confrontation was over as the evening lecture time ended, I remember Dr. Goodlett  silently glaring at me from across the classroom with venom in his heart as if he could cut my throat. Outside the classroom, a lot of people surrounded me and tried to support, comfort and inform me who he was, and warned me that I needed to be careful and watch my back. I wasn’t trying to hear that. I felt troubled and uneasy because I got into it publicly with was generally accepted as a respected elder of our community. But, if I had any idea of what he was doing to the people, I would have been JUSTIFIED to wipe the floor clean with his ASS.
Dr. Carlton Goodlett, Masons & the Scottish Rite
Dr. Goodlett was a Prince Hall Mason, a member of the Hannibal Lodge #1, Prince Hall Free & Accepted Masons [Grand Lodge of England] of California.[27] He was also a member of the Golden Gate Consistory #295, Valley of San Francisco, Orient of California.[28] Thirty-second Degree, or Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, are called Consistories. The elective officers are, according to the [Satanic] ritual of the Southern Jurisdiction [Luciferian Albert Pike] of the United States.[29] Dr. Goodlett was also a Shriner of the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine of North and South America and Its Jurisdictions, Inc., Prince Hall Affiliation, its Officers, Constituent Temples, and Members.”[30]
Dr. Goodlett, MK ULTRA, Jim Jones & Jonestown
Jim Jones & Dr. Goodlett Share a 1977 Martin Luther King Humanitarian Award
Dr. Goodlett of the Beta Upsilon BOULE was CIA Agent Jim Jones’ personal medical physician. He was the black medical doctor of the People’s Temple that fed many of his poor elderly black patients into the temple’s senior group homes. They were subsequently kidnapped, blindfolded, imprisoned and became human guinea pigs behind the vast rain forest of Guyana. Dr. Goodlett was in constant and continuous contact with Jim Jones and Jonestown through short-wave radio communications. He was code named Mr. Pritchard, Dr. Tinsley, Mr. Snyder.[31]
He had traveled to the People’s Temple (CIA Medical/Mind Control Experiment) in Guyana only a few weeks prior to the great killing of over predominately black 900 men, women and children.[32] If Jim Jones was a CIA agent, and Jonestown was a secret CIA Medical/Mind Control Experiment, then Dr. Carlton Benjamin Goodlett of the Divine Nine (9) Beta Upsilon Boule had certainly been one of the dangerous CIA Negro doctors in the country with the likes of Dr. Chester Pierce.[33], [34], [35]
Before Dr. Goodlett passed in 1997, I was sitting at the microfilm reader going through some archive newspaper articles at the Oakland City Main Public Library when I suddenly spotted an aged Dr. Goodlett swiftly rifle through my research papers then hurriedly scuffle out of the door. He was far too old and fragile to chase down or confront. I must have been very dangerously close to something sensitive. But to this day. I can’t figure out what it was that suddenly drove this man out of his home in a short deep burgundy house coat or smoking jacket and slippers to check on for himself.
Beta Upsilon BOULE Anchron (Demon) Dr. Isaac Slaughter & MK ULTRA/SEARCH
 Rare Photo of CIA Doctor, Dr. Isaac Slaughter
Dr. Isaac Slaughter (1925-1995) born in Atlanta, Georgia graduated from Howard University, and was a 1958 graduate of Meharry Medical College.[36]
Dr. Slaughter & Dr. Pierce’s Black Psychiatrists of America
As President of Black Psychiatrists of America in 1994, he urged that violence in African American communities be treated (drugs, psychosurgery, electro-shock treatment) as a national mental health problem.[37] He was the director of the West Oakland Mental Health Center (WOMHC) since its inception in 1968. The WOMHC is a creature of the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS). The USPHS conducted one of the most racist and longest non-therapeutic experiments on human beings in medical history, the Tuskegee Syphilis Study.[51]
Dr. Slaughter & MK ULTRA/SEARCH
Inside Vacaville Prison, Warehouse of the Poor & Powerless
Similarly to Dr. Pierce and Dr. Goodlett, Dr. Slaughter had a peculiar, scary and extremely veiled counterintelligence background. Since 1960, Dr. Slaughter had been a head staff psychiatrist at the “Little Prison of Horrors,” the California Men’s Medical Facility at Vacaville at the controls of the facility’s electric-shock machine in the Maximum Psychiatric Diagnostic Unit.[38]
At Vacaville, he was also a collaborator of another renowned and notorious CIA’s mind control-binder spook psychiatrist, Dr. James Alexander Hamilton of Sanford University and UC Berkeley. Dr. Hamilton, CIA Technical Services Division (TSD) Station Chief at Vacaville, conducted MK ULTRA and MK SEARCH experiments, “clinical testing of behavioural control materials” on inmates funded by a chain of front organizations,[39]  and the Stanford Research Institute (SRI).[40]
Dr. Slaughter, MK ULTRA & the SLA
At Vacaville, Dr. Slaughter was the leading Black Elder of one of the CIA’s most notorious illegal domestic counterintelligence mind control operations, the Black Cultural Association (BCA). The BCA produced the infamous counterintelligence agent provocateur domestic terrorist zombie, Donald Defreeze, of the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA).[41]
In December 1969, Donald DeFreeze was sent to Chino for “psychiatric testing.” From there, he was sent to Vacaville Medical Facility for a term of 6-14 years, where he was to undergo a drastic personality multiplication under the CIA’s MK ULTRA-SEARCH mind control program under Dr. Hamilton; and Dr. Slaughter.[42] Dr. Slaughter’s BCA was allegedly yet another brainchild of California Governor Ronald Reagan’s fascist/Nazi kitchen cabinet pacification expert, Dr.  William W. Herrmann.[43] Dr. Pierce’s MK ULTRA colleague, DR. LOUIS JOLLY WEST, was Dr. Slaughter’s BCA senior technical consultant.[44]
On numerous occasions, their agents on the street tried to lure me behind the walls of the Little Prison of Horrors at Vacaville on the pretext of tutoring Dr. Hamilton and Dr. Slaughter’s BCA (Donald DeFreeze and the SLA) in Black Nationalism and history. Of course, I didn’t go anywhere near Vacaville, Dr. Hamilton, Dr. Slaughter or Donald DeFreeze.
Dr. Slaughter and My Father
asandyrayford  Yet, a couple of decades after my father died, my older sister moved out of town and left most of my father’s personal papers with me for safekeeping. Among those papers, I discovered to my deep and sudden grief and horror that my father had been a patient of Dr. Slaughter at the West Oakland Mental Health Center (WOMHC).
Reportedly, Dr. Slaughter had used the electric-shock machine on inmates at Vacaville like it was a panacea of black mental illness. My father (Alameda U.S. Naval Air Station Employee) had been among the first victims of the Navy’s ultra secret Project CHATTER. Under the project beginning in 1948, the Navy had secretly continued Dr. Josef Mengele’s SS (Knights of the Black Sun) mind control experiments at Auschwitz Concentration Camp concentrating on the use of the electric-shock machine to fracture the human mind.
My father had been tortured at a secret naval hospital installation at Napa State Hospital with Dr. Mengele’s ritual series of electric-shocks. Among his effects that I discovered, hospital records recorded that he had been subjected up to thirty-five (35) continuous electric-shocks in one series. He had been experimentally and secretly electronically DEPATTERNED.
The bottom line was Dr. Slaughter was a CIA psychiatrist. I can only suspect that he continued the electric-shock series to prevent my father from ever recalling and exposing the details and secrets of Project CHATTER to anyone for the duration of his life. The continuous electric-shocks weakened and subsequently destroyed my father’s mind and heart.  I had been living in Los Angeles when he died. I recall my sister telling me that he had been in some state of “trance formation” when he died. Project CHATTER and MK ULTRA/MONARCH had been in my own house and under my nose for decades, and I just didn’t see it. I had always been in deep denial about my father’s mental illness, and the awful true nature of America.  My family knew nothing about or had any idea what happened to him. My father was and remains ULTRA and TOP SECRET government classified information. They intend to keep it secret by any means necessary.
Most of my life, I blamed my father’s shortcomings and mental illness on him- being a weak example of a father and man. Maybe that was what that CIA, Divine Nine (9), Scottish Rite NegroDr. Goodlett was looking for- to see what I discovered about my father and Project CHATTER. It wasn’t soon after that I got poisoned within inches of my life by a black (angel assassin) female neighbor with direct ties to the Alameda County DA, Sheriff’s department and Homeland Security. County officials told me in an indirect but certain manner that I would be dead before I would be able to see any court records that they stored pertaining to the commitment of my father to the state mental hospital. They sealed all his court records, and placed them in the county court recorder’s  vault. This is no game, and they aren’t playing.  Negroes like Dr. Carlton Benjamin Goodlett and Dr. Isaac Slaughter of the BOULE were ULTRA and TOP SECRET willing and very dangerous collaborators in MK ULTRA/MONARCH.
KTRK-TV in Houston says the July 11 call that Sandra Bland made to a friend bewildered about her current predicament in Waller County jail had been made to LaVaughn Mosley of Hempstead, TX, Bland left a voice mail message on his phone that said that she’s “still just at a loss for words honestly at this whole process” and wonders, “How did switching lanes with no signal turn into all of this?”[45]
During the period of her incarceration in Waller County Jail, her luggage and some moving boxes sat at Mosley’s home. It was reported that she had been planning on staying with the 57-year-old. News sources said that he was a “counselor who is an employee of Waller County working with senior citizens.” Mosley also works as a recruiter for Prairie View A&M that allegedly first met Sandy about a decade ago when she was a student, most likely a freshman, at Prairie View. Mosley gave her a summer job.[46] Under Mosley, Bland worked for three summers as 4-H camp counselor for DISADVANTAGED CHILDREN in Huntsville, TX. She also volunteered with a senior citizens advocacy organization (Waller County Citizens Assistance Coalition) ran by Mosley. He knew Ms. Bland quite well. [47]
Mosley has publicly acknowledged and charged that Waller County has a serious race problem. He told mass media, “I talked to her Friday [July 11, 2015] and she was in good spirits … Although she was incarcerated she was in good spirits.” Yet, admitting that he knew the true nature of the county, he made absolutely no effort to visit or bail Sandy out of jail once he discovered that she was behind bars.[48]
Oddly, Mosley described as Sandy‘s friend and mentor told corporate mass media something very peculiar. The Negro told international mass media as early as July 18 before the public release of the infamous dash cam video of her arrest that he believed that Sandy was just “venting after a bad day.”[49] Mosley’s statement backed up Waller County Sheriff Glenn Smith’s assertion that Sandy had been combative on the side of the road.”[50] Mosley implicated to global mass media that Sandy may have probably instigated the incident that got her beaten, assaulted and arrested. LaVaughn Mosley stabbed the young sister straight in her back.
Mosley, CIA & 4-H Clubs
“I pledge Head, Heart, Hands, Health to my Club, my Country, and the World.” 4-H is the nation’s largest positive youth development and youth mentoring organization, empowering six million young people in the U.S. In partnership with 110 universities, 4-H life changing programs are research-backed & available through 4-H clubs, camps, after school & school enrichment programs in every county & parish in the U.S.[51]
“I swear to devote all my energies and my strength to the savior of our country, Adolf Hitler. I am willing and ready to give up my life for him, so help me God.” During the 1960s, 4-H Camps was part of a coalition of organizations serving youth and young adults in the U.S. funded through the United States Youth Council (USYC).  In 1967, the New York Times revealed that the USYC had received more than 90 percent of its funds from the CIA. USYC continued to receive funding from the United States government before disbanding in 1986.[52]
4-H Camps were originally financed by the Rockefeller foundation’s General Education Fund. The aim of 4-H Camps was to promote vocational agriculture in rural schools in out-of-school “clubs[53] especially among the so-called disadvantaged poor and Black folk of the South.
“The study [Rockefeller funded] maintained that the only education appropriate for the black man was that with a strong vocational/agricultural bias. Academic/literary education was perceived as dysfunctional for the black man because it (1) would open vistas that he could not attain in the rigidly segregated American social structure, (2) would fail to provide the appropriate skills that would make the black man a more productive worker or agriculturalist… (3) would seriously undermine the ability of the white ruling oligarchy to maintain its political hegemony in the face of demands for equality, which it was feared an academic/literary education would engender …” [54]
During the 50s and 60s, the USYC (4-H Camps, etc.) became primarily a CIA conduit to recruit and program children and young adults. Children Summer Camps became the subject of particular interest and covert funding from MK ULTRA,
“Unfortunately the vast majority of the MK Ultra experimental results, including the research guidelines/protocols that were implemented, have never been made known to the public, and a thick veil still covers most of the program. As early as 1972, Richard Helms the CIA director, had destroyed a large part of the records of 150 sub-research projects, particularly those involving children. In fact, the information we have about the actual scope of experiments, the major research axes and their applications, is minimal. At this stage in our investigation, we need to retain only four [MK ULTRA] sub-projects (that of; 102, 103, 112, and 117) whose experimental subjects were children….children provided mainly by the International Children’s Summer Camp,  and that the typical profile of these young subjects included being naturally anxious patients, either suffering from DEPRESSION, or who had experienced sexual abuse during childhood (source: August 3rd 1977, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and Committee on Human Resources ).”[55]
 Sandy’s Mother- Geneva Reed Veal- Veiled 666
These covert government programs involved in programming children and young adults as assets of the agency rarely vanish or eliminated in the interest of justice, but only fall deeper into the rabbit hole shrouded in puzzles warped up inside enigmas. For decades, the isolation of summer camps have traditionally provided CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH perfect deep cover away from public eyes for secret ritual trauma based mind control experiments, drugging, programming and the Satanic (occult) indoctrination of ritually sexually abused, and mentally depressed children and YOUNG ADULTS like Sandy Bland.
Who is LaVaughn Mosley?
 LaVaughn Mosley, right with Omega purple tie, and brothers of the WALLER COUNTY CITIZENS ASSISTANCE COALITION (WCCAC). They have the same hand wrap as Knights of Omega.[56] Mosley rides the Hellenized Ram. He was initiated into the BLOODY Rho Theta Chapter of Omega Psi Phi at Prairie View University.[57]
Ascending Order (theory) of Masonic/Satanic Indoctrination and Mind Control 
At the time while Sandy Bland was an initial “Mentee“, Mosley was a high ranking member of the Omegas.[58]
This is most likely photos of LaVaughn Mosley at the time he began to “mentorSandy Bland.[59]
On his Facebook page, he posted the Prairie View University BLOODY Rho Theta Chapter fraternity shield.[60]
On his Facebook page, he also posted the above symbol of a Knight and the Greek letter Omega meaning “the end.”[61] It seems to indicate that he held some level of KnightKnight of Omega’s Round Table or a special secret higher Knight Templar hieratical power level within the society. The closed helmet of the armor’s mask is for SILENCE.[62] While the armored grove at the bottom of the shield can only mean to the members, the IRON HAND OF THE LETTER OF THE LAW of dark medieval Knights. Some question the presence of the crossed swords that appear on the Omega’s shield indicating a secret relationship with the Brotherhood of DeathSkull & Bones Secret Society.[63]
On his Facebook page, he also posted the above peculiar UNIDENTIFIED photo showing brothers going through some type of “twinningmind control exercise. This is an example of pledging your Head (MIND), Heart (SOUL), Hands (Hand of DEATH), and Health (My LIFE) to the Satanic NEW WORLD ORDER.
The Omegas call themselves, the Sons of Blood and Thunder. Their Gods are “Sitting on their royal purple and gold thrones high in the realms of Mount Olympus, Zeus, supreme ruler of the gods and Apollo …”[64] They say that the Gods of Mount Olympus and Moon Goddess Diana decided to let OMEGA, God of Blood and Thunder create a Man. OMEGA created with the stroke of a lightening bolt and the nourishment of his own immortal Blood, the god-like structure of the OMEGA Man.[65] There is some truth hidden in their Greek fiction about the Omega Man, and these Negroes aren’t playing.
The (MK ULTRA) LEOPARD is a Totemic Symbol of Dionysus
Born of a virgin and God Zeus, Dionysus was the last god to be accepted into Mt. Olympus.[66] Dionysus was identified with the lamb, and called “King of Kings,” “Only Begotten Son,” “Savior,” “Redeemer,” “Sin bearer,” “Anointed One,” the “Alpha and OMEGA.” The Alpha and Omega are included also in the name IAO, a Greco-Roman rendition of the Hebrew tetragrammaton which was also used as a sacred name of Bacchus/Dionysus and as “Iao Sabaoth” represented the Gnostic demiurge.[67]
The most celebrated of the ancient fraternities of artisans was that of the Dionysiac Architects. This organization was composed exclusively of initiates of the Bacchus-Dionysos Cult.[68] The Knight Templars are believed to taken many of their secret symbols and rituals from the ancient Dionysian Cults.[69]
Some ancients saw no difference between Dionysus and the DEVILEuripides echoed this belief in the “Hecuba“;  one of the god’s names was Dionysus Morychosthe dark one”, a rough equivalent of SATAN, who wore goatskins and dwelt in the underworld.[70] Euripides (c. 480 – 406 BC) was a tragedian of classical Athens. In Greek mythology, Hecuba was the second wife of Priam, King of Troy. She was the mother of Hector, Paris, and Prophetess Cassandra.[71]
The ancient Kemetic God adopted among the Hyksos and the Greeks was SET, Seth (Satan). Gods SET and Baal have the function of Gods of Thunder, Storm and CHAOS.[72], [73] The Sons of Blood and Thunder mythical translation says that the OMEGAS (Rho Theta Chapter) call themselves in reality, the BLOODY Sons of SATAN.
LaVaughn Mosley, Omega Psi Phi & Secret Masonic Freemasonry
The Lost Keys Of Freemasonry’ by Manly Palmer Hall 33°When The Mason learns that the Key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the Mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of LUCIFER are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply this energy.” page 48.[74]
The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity was founded in 1911 primarily (3 out of 4) by Prince Hall Lodge Master Masons. Dr. Ernest Everett Just, above, a principal founder of the fraternity was a Prince Hall Master Mason.[75]
Founder Bishop Edgar Amos Love was a Prince Hall Master Mason. He was a founding member of Corinthian Lodge #18 in Washington, D.C., and the Sigma Pi Phi (BOULE). He was a member of the Masonic Elks Club, Frontiers Clubs of America, and the American Legion.[76]
Founder Frank Coleman was a Prince Hall Mason, an American Legionnaire and a Congregationalist.[77] Congregationalist Churches derived out of Scrooby, England in 1606. It was brought to the New World by the pilgrims in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620.[78] The founders may have designed the fraternity to be a secret Masonic Blue Lodge. Omega’s secret rituals are similar if not the same first three degrees of Masonry.[79] Founded by Prince Hall Lodge Masons, it stands to reason that Omega Psi Phi is nothing less than a shrouded Satanic Masonic Secret Society.
Mosley works on a daily basis “hand and hand” through WCCA, and the small towns surrounding the area and Prairie View University with Waller County. Mosley lives right there in Hempstead, Waller County. He was born and raised in Waller County. In fact, Mosley appears to have be a multi-generational professional attachment to Prairie View University that go back to his Waller County forebears. His entire bread, butter, and livelihood comes from being a willing and secret Negro collaborator with them.
Mosley’s highly publicized call for Waller County Sheriff Glenn Smith to resign from office was/is an old fashioned smokescreen or diversion.[80] You shouldn’t believe anything that comes out of the Negro’s mouth. The Omega Man, LaVaughn Mosley, was much more than Sandy Bland’s mentor, the WHORE of SATAN was her secret MK ULTRA/MONARCH Dark Masonic HANDLER.
“What will the social order of the future be like? Comrade, I will tell you. There will be a class of overlords, after them the rank and file of the party members in hierarchical order, and then the great mass of anonymous followers, servants and workers in perpetuity, and beneath them again all the conquered foreign races, the modern slaves. And over and above all these will reign a new and exalted nobility of whom I cannot speak. But of all these plans the militant members will know nothing. The new man is living amongst us now! He is here. Isn’t that enough for you? I will tell you a secret. I have seen the new man. He is intrepid and cruel. I was afraid of him” –Adolf Hitler [81]

[4] Id.
[6] Id.
[28] Cox, Joseph, Great Men of Masonry, iUniverse, Lincoln, Neb (1982-2002) pgs. 158-159
[30] Cox, Joseph, Great Men of Masonry, iUniverse, Lincoln, Neb (1982-2002) pgs. 158-159
[38] Personal interview with former inmate of Vacaville
[44] id.
[53] file:///C:/Users/PrinceRay/Downloads/4-H%20history.pdf
[58] Id.
[59] Id.
[60] Id.
[61] Id.
[62] Smith, Jerrod, The True Alpha and Omega: (Unmasking Spiritual Wickedness in Fraternities and Sororities, Author House, Bloomington, IN (2011) pg. 8
[63] Id.
[65] Id.
[69] Hall, Manly Palmer, Secret Teachings of All Ages, H.P. Crocker, San Francisco, CA (1928), pg. 524


3 08 2015
The video clearly demonstrate that the people know what time it is in Waller County, Texas God Damn. As if it was the Final Chapter in the Sandra Bland Affair, within a couple of days before this post, Waller County released new video footage of Sandy Bland taking a booking photo in an orange jail suit to respond to widespread claims on the internet, social media and corporate mass media that she may have been dead when her booking photo was taken. They are getting ready to pack up the dog and pony show and go home. There is much more to the the Sandra Bland Affair than the Mugshots. The fact is that when journalist, concerned citizens and the public demanded to see Bland’s side booking photo. In their own arrogance, they produced a side photo that was so dark and blurry that the person in the photo could not be identified as Sandy Bland.
In fact with the same lighting conditions, camera and the photos taken just moments apart, the subject in the side photo jail uniform is a different hue or color than Sandy’s front mugshot, and the subject’s shoulders appear too narrow for a tall and broad shouldered woman like Sandy. In fact, the entire Bland Corpse Mugshot Controversy may be a designed psychological warfare false flag tactic and red herring One of the primary components of psychological warfare is a covert plan of DEMORALIZATION that includes causing and instilling distrust of one’s cause, ideas and causes. It also includes the creation of FALSE ALARMS.[1] Waller County officials may have intentionally neglected to produce a clear booking photo of Sandy or take any action to clear up the discrepancies between the front photo and side photo to further inflame public mistrust and confusion by design.
However, as you look at the scene of her alleged suicide, it is a dormitory type cell that has a capacity to house at least 5 (five) women. Why was Sandy Bland kept isolated in that cell for at least 3 (three) days even when as they say, she told them that she was suicidal; suffered from Epilepsy and didn’t have her alleged medication?
Shortly after nine a.m. on July 13, 2015, Red Neck Justice of the Peace Charles Karisch told ABC13 News, he got a call. He was needed at the jail to conduct a death inquisition.  Karisch said, “I looked at the body, asked if EMS had been there and it was a flat-line. I pronounced her dead. I did see a dark mark somewhere around the neck.” He said,I think I saw a plastic bag hanging on something …”[2] So, you tell me why weren’t just plain ordinary crime scene technicians brought to the jail cell like the ones that you see every day on television mass convicting people of color of crimes to document the “dark mark” somewhere around Sandy’s neck, and the “plastic bag” that Judge Karisch THOUGHT that he saw “hanging on something.”

It makes absolutely no sense. From these extremely outrageous circumstances and the severe departure from just ordinary and standard duty of care, and crime scene homicide investigation and documentation, it was like Sandy had been no more than a dead ANIMAL. The people were JUSTIFIED to suspect Waller County officials of criminal FOUL PLAY in her death. Waller County‘s piece mill approach to government transparency is only designed to DEMORALIZE the masses and suppress their legitimate goals and aspirations. It is a game of psychological warfare. Pressure should continue on Waller County officials to answer to the people.
It is a truly sad, haunting and an outrageous tragedy to watch a despondent Sandy sadly lurk across the jail still lost in the dark and disbelieving shock about what really happened to be brutally assaulted, battered and placed behind bars like a PATSY, like a Lee Harvey Oswald or a Sirhan Sirhan. Nevertheless, I believe the majority of people familiar with this case are now convinced and outraged that Sandra Bland had no business being in jail in the first instance and want a full and complete answer, WHY.
As far as the recent Waller County booking room video is concerned, I will remain cautious to see what happens when the experts and public get a fair change to study the video. In the meanwhile, there continues to be something awfully wrong with the Sandy Bland Waller County Incident as the facts and circumstances of her arrest and death continue to spiral out of control.
Sandy Blank, AME Churches & the FINAL CHAPTER
 Sandy was widely lauded as a faithful member of DuPage AME Church in Lisle, IL. It was the same denomination as the Masonic/MK ULTRA Mother Emanuel AME in Charleston, SC involved in the False Flag/Strategy of Tension racial mass murder operation that shocked the conscious of the nation and world.[3] The operation allegedly took the lives of the pastor and eight high ranking parishioners of the black church on June 17, 2015.[4]
Sandy‘s pastor and mentor, Rev. Dr. James F. Miller rides the HELLENIZED Ram for the ILLUMINATI just as the Late Rev. Clementa Pinckney had rode the Ram to become an ILLUMINATI sacrifice. Some may be confused as to what the RAM that they ride looks like.
Rev. Miller is a member of the Divine Nine (9)- Boule– Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity.[5]
While Rev. Pinckney was a member of the Divine Nine (9)- Boule Alpha Phi Alpha.[6] That’s something to be very leery about.
This is Rev. Lavern Witherspoon and the Great BEAST 666. He was the former pastor at Mother Emanuel AME Church before his fraternity brother, Rev. Pinckney, took over the church. Rev. Witherspoon Rides the GOAT as a 33rd Master Mason and chaplain for the Prince Hall Masonic Lodge. He also Rides the RAM for the Divine Nine (9)- Boule Alpha Phi Alpha.[7]
Make no mistake as to what the GOAT that Rev. Witherspoon rides look like. He is a 1995 graduate of the U.S. Army Chaplain School and Center at Fort Jackson, South Carolina,[8] and,
“As early as April 1978, the U.S. Army had circulated A Handbook for Chaplains “to facilitate the provision of religious activities.” Both the Church of Satan and the Temple of Set were listed among the “other” religions to be tolerated inside the U.S. military. A section of the handbook dealing with Satanism stated, “Often confused with witchcraft, Satanism is the worship of Satan (also known as Baphomet or Lucifer). Classical Satanism, often involving ‘black masses,’ human sacrifices, and other sacrilegious or illegal acts, is now rare. Modern Satanism is based on both the knowledge of ritual magick and the ‘anti-establishment’ mood of the 1960s. It is related to classical Satanism more in image than substance, and generally focuses on ‘rational self-interest with ritualistic trappings.’ “[9] Rev. Witherspoon facilitates the Satanic Worship of the Baphomet for Masons and the U.S. Army.
But the most chilling and real scary stuff about Witherspoon is not only is he a chaplain for Masons and the U.S. Army, but he is a U.S. Army chaplain at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey home to the Army’s Communications and Electronics Command linked to Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH) and –“Artificial Telepathy” or “psychotropics” or “mind control.”[10]
BAH employs over a 1000 intelligence officer involved in ultra secret high level Twilight Zone research and development in psychological and space age warfare, and mass population mind control projects. For instance, BAH’s C41SR,
The term C4ISR is a perfect descriptor for Artificial Telepathy — a powerful fusion of signal processing technologies that allows technicians to remotely gather and collect human intelligence (HUMINT) from the brain signals (SIGINT) of other human beings. As with C4ISR, Artificial Telepathy automates “signals collection” (eavesdropping) and “intelligence analysis” (figuring out what people intend to do) by utilizing satellites and computers, and the overall goal is military command and control.
Indeed, one might define Artificial Telepathy as a subset of C4ISR with a special focus on neurology, psychology and mind control. Artificial Telepathy is an exotic form of C4ISR that allows warriors to communicate nonvocally with soldiers in the field, enables spies and intelligence agents to perform reconnaisance and surveillance nonlocally by means of “remote viewing,” and allows military officers to command and control the behavior of human minds at a distance, with the artificial aid of carefully networked satellite and computer technology.
Booz Allen Hamilton certainly has close ties to the contractors who worked on the Pentagon’s “Star Gate” program for psychic spying in the 1990s, and it took a lead role in development of the NSA’s “Total Information Awareness” projects, mentioned in earlier posts. BAH must certainly be on the short list of firms capable of designing and launching a system of space-based, mind-invasive weaponry. It has all the people, pull and know-how needed to put an “electronic concentration camp system” in place”[11]
At this level of U.S. intelligence, it requires a twisted, wicked- depraved mind, and ultra high levels of secrecy and U.S. military/pentagon intelligence clearances to operate in and among Lucifer’s Most Elite, Covert and Wicked Servants. What is the likelihood of AME Churches and Divine Nine (9)/Masonic Negroes being at the basis of two of America’s most racially polarizing incidents within days of each other in the SOUTH– to explode on the GLOBAL stage? Very unlikely to none at all.
It is chilling stuff, but Lucifer’s Most Elite, Covert and Wicked Servants have entered and corrupted the sanctity of the Black Church through their agents, the black Masons, Boule & Divine Nine (9) Negroes to try to usher in a New Age Luciferian Era, and bring about a FINAL CHAPTER to race relations.
Besides the clandestine BROTHERHOOD OF DEATH/ Ladies of Goddess Eulogia (Cybele), Sigma Gamma Rho, which in itself is scary stuff, but when the blood covenant secret Luciferian/ILLUMINATI Boule & Divine Nine (9) Negro combinations enter into the background of Sandy Bland, RED FLAGS AND SIRENS SHOULD HAVE TO GONE OFF AMONG THE MASSES LONG AGO.
Sandy Bland, Activist or Counter Intelligence Patsy
Sandy Bland also had been widely lauded as a BLACK LIVES MATTER activist. However, she appears to have been a sort of “solohashtag social media activist primarily using her Facebook page as a “Sandy Speaks” platform. She is not known to be formally associated with any organized group other than her secret SKULLS & BONES sisterhood. From the loose organizational nature, structure and network of the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement that has no certain program, constitution or formal or semi-formal membership, it can easily be penetrated, infiltrated, compromised and co-opted by secret black intelligence agents, agent provocateurs, and Black Manchurian Candidates.
Sandra Bland launched “Sandy Speaks” on January 14, 2015 as a “Gateway to Children.” She didn’t at one time mention the Black Lives Matter movement. However, she didn’t fail to mention her admiration for her down to business “sorority” sisters, and children interacting with the POLICE. Listen and watch her first “Sandy Speaks“, then answer the question whether or not she was anyway, shape, form or fashion a Black Lives Matter Activist.
The bottom line is that Sandra Bland had been pushed out on a limb on a mission by her clandestine sisterhood to represent a part of the Black Lives Matter movement on a global level. She was a SKULL & BONES sister on a mission. However, with prospects of a new job, future and a chance to improve her mental health, she may have wanted out of the mission, but she was too far deep down the RABBIT HOLE to get out of the game ALIVE.
Homeland Security & the State Suppression of the BLACK LIVES MATTER Movement
 According to documents obtained by The Intercept via a Freedom of Information Act request, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been monitoring the Black Lives Matter movement, by collecting data relating to public protests, vigils, and other events, and information from social media accounts.[12]
According to The Intercept, the DHS has been monitoring the movement since protests in Ferguson, MO erupted last August following the death of Michael Brown. DHS, which is supposed to investigate terrorism, also monitored the National Moment of Silence vigils that took place around the country on August 14th. These were peaceful vigils meant to honor those who have died at the hands of police.[13]
Baher Azmy from the Center for Constitutional Rights says that what DHS calls “providing situational awareness” of America’s Black Lives Matter and Peace movement is really just surveillance. What they call situational awareness is Orwellian Speak for watching and INTIMIDATION,” said Azmy.[14]
“Over time there’s a serious harm to the associational rights of the protesters and it’s an effective way to chill protest movements. The average person would be less likely to go to a Black Lives Matter protest if the government is monitoring social media, Facebook, and their movements.”[15]
President Barrack Obama’s June 26, 2015 Grace Eulogy for Rev. Clementa Pinckney of Mother Emanuel AME was a disguised “southern strategy statement” that abandoned the rights, goals and aspirations of Black people within the confines and boarders of the former Confederate States of America.
Waller County, Rambo & Operation Sandy
Waller County’s Operation Sandy may not have been a joint federal- state task force per se, but it was certainty state action facilitated by DHS situational awareness information and data provided to state and local police authorities to deal on a local level with a social media outside “black agitator” involved in the Black Lives Matter Movement. However, I don’t believe that the federal government told the gun-ho cowboys in Waller County everything it knew about Sandra Bland. The good ole boys may have gotten the go-ahead from DHS, but they certainty didn’t know what the U.S. Psychos department and the CIA Occult Bureau handlers were up to. The country bigots of Waller County really may not fully understand what happened to Sandy, but their ignorance, arrogance and utter blind racism certainty put them in the trick box, riddle and enigma that they find themselves trapped inside.
Sandy & John Rambo
You just don’t turn it off!John Rambo
On July 10, 2015, Sandy Bland was hunted down and attacked by a Texas state trooper that acted as if he had been injected with the Rambo Chip, a human micro chip designed to increase adrenaline flow into the bloodstream when hunting down and LIGHTENING UP Black people- the elderly, men, children and WOMEN.
The family lawyer, Cannon Lambert and Sandy‘s sister, Sharon Cooper, confirmed the fact that Sandy had been singled out and TARGETED by a John Rambo type state trooper.[16] Within under 20 seconds of retuning to his car after his staged cover, the friendly encounter with a speeding Prairie View A&M University sophomore, Officer Encinia sighted Bland’s car. Rambo reportedly looked Sandy straight in her eyes after she made a right turn in the opposite lane.[17]
Rambo immediately made a u-turn and took off after her that forced her over to the right lane to allow an emergency vehicle to pass. He had been laying in wait for Sandy. She undoubtedly had been under some type of surveillance prior to Officer John Rambo Encinia zeroing in on her. When he stopped her, there was absolutely nothing that Sandy could do to save herself from being attacked and arrested by a super adrenaline charged Rambo.
He had been debriefed with situational data that labeled Sandy Bland as an outside “black agitator” before the stop. At his level (need to know) of the special operation, the takedown of Sandy Bland involved discrediting and neutralizing her from making a name for herself, and the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement. Encinia: “I … even de-escalated once we were on the pavement. You know, on the sidewalk… I’m not saying I just threw her [body slammed] to the ground. I mean, I allowed time to de-escalate and so forth. It just kept being… (LAUGH in response to something) Right I just. (sounds like ‘MAKE A NAME FOR HER.’) ….”[18] I am hoping that Encinia’s full and accurate transcript will be produced and released that will show that he had been briefed about Sandy before the notorious traffic stop.
Who is Brian Encinia?
From the Creamery to State Trooper!
Brian Encinia, 30, is a Texas A&M graduate who has been with the state Department of Public Safety for a little over a year. His LinkedIn profile has since been deleted. Encinia indicated in his work history that he was formerly a district chief at the Brenham Fire Department and had also worked at Blue Bell Creamery as an “ingredient processor.” There is not much left from being calculatingly sanitized to show that Encinia ever had any kind of a social media presence, and his LinkedIn profile was deleted not long after his name was made public.[19]
The bottom line is that Encinia’s background has been deliberately wiped squeaky clean and placed under wraps. His background has been intentionally concealed from the public. We are left with the official story line that Encinia’s background history begins and ends at Texas A&M. Encinia is a predominately Hispanic surname. It is a name associated with noble, knightly and ancient bloodline families of Spain. It is a Spanish word, “encina“, derived mostly from the region of Castile meaning “Oak Tree.”[20]
People (Men) of the Oak traditionally means Druids. Druidism is believed to have moved into ancient Spain around 450 BC.[21] Castile, Spain is also associated with the founding of an order of Knight Templars in 1164, the Order of Calatrava.[22] Encinia deliberately led Sandy out of the narrow range of the patrol car dash cam to a sidewalk. He handcuffed her hands behind the back, then his adrenaline took over. He body slammed and drove Sandy into the pavement, and later LAUGHED about it. He fabricated a battery against an officer charge against her, then delivered her to Waller County.
I believe that the most logical conclusion under these circumstances is that Brian Encinia is some type of old world bloodline Spaniard Templar Knight.
Sandy‘s Mother From HELL
When Sandy was first arrested, a local bails bondsman said, “I talked to her when she first went to jail,JOE BOOKER of Hempstead told The Daily Beast. I called her mother for her.” Then BOOKER suddenly hung up the phone, and refused to answer any further calls regarding the Sandra Bland Case.[23] Sandy‘s mother, Geneva Reed-Veal, is interesting and very strange to say the least.
So-Say supposed to be Grieving (Sign of the BEAST: no weeping, mourning or tears) Mother Geneva Reed-Veal with GOAT Rider 33rd Degree Master Mason, [24] and Divine 9 (Nine)- Boule Negro, Al Sharpton.[25]
Brother Luciferian Master Masons, Al Sharpton and Al Pike
Of course, neither Al or Geneva discussed what Hempstead, Texas Bail Bondsman JOE BOOKER said, and why she or her clandestine sisterhood didn’t bail Sandy out of jail on Monday- the evening Sandy was attacked, battered, arrested and jailed. Geneva Reed-Veal turns out to be a prominent Chicago area real estate black entrepreneur.
She studied at Northern Illinois University, and graduated from Columbia College of Chicago with a BA in Journalism. She is currently the managing broker owner of the ADONAI Realty Investment Group. [26]
In Kabbalistic Mysteries, the ascent up the Tree of Life begins with the lowest sefirah, Malkhut. The name of God associated with Malkhut is ADONAI. Adonai is the plural form of Adon (“Lord”), which was used in ordinary speech as a title of respect when addressing a superior. When applied to God, ADONAI is a title of honor that denotes God’s absolute lordship. Although ADONAI literally means “my Lords,” it is translated as “Lord.Gikatilla says that ADONAI is the name of God that is “closest to all created things.” ADONAI  is “the great provider of Creation” who “governs all creatures, gives life and death, bequeaths and enriches, brings low and exalts, makes sick and heals.” He also says that the wise draw their wisdom from ADONAI .[27]
Could be Black Kabbalah Beads. In Kabbalistic Mysteries, Black: is associated with Prosperity and wealth. It is a very powerful color that symbolizes strength and power.
Is Geneva Reed-Veal a Luciferian witch, a Cabbalist? One problem that Sandy said that she had with her mother is that she always wanted pretty babies– mixed race white-black children. It sounds as though, Sandy may have been rejected by her mother because she wasn’t WHITE enough. And that opens up the possibility that at some time in her life, she may have been sacrificed to SCIENCE by her mother.
In the final eulogy to her daughter, Reed-Veal prepared herself for what’s to come saying, “Once I put this baby in the ground, I’m ready…This means war.”[28] That war that she talks about is more likely to take place on the planet MARS than on earth. I am inclined to believe NOTHING THE WITCH SAYS!
The Mystery of Sandy Bland
 In CIA MK ULTRA mind controlled Manchurian Candidates, you always begin by looking for unexplained missing time blocks that would allow entities time to separate, isolate, ritually program, and intensively indoctrinate their victims. In 2009, Sandy graduated from Prairie View A&M University with a BS in Agriculture and Animal Science. From October 2009 – March 2010 (6 months), she worked at Prairie View A&M University as a graduate research assistant.[29] After March 2010, she was convicted of a marijuana possession in Houston, TX. In May 2010, she was sentenced to thirty (30) days in jail, then sort of dropped off the map.[30]
Bland shows back up in Illinois in January 2013 as a n assistant property manager, then works regularly at various jobs in Illinois until April 2015, when she quit her administrative assistant job for Cook’s Direct in Warrenville, IL.[31] Sandy‘s abnormal and erratic driving history for a society sorority girl picks back up in March 2013 with a speeding violation in Crestwood Township, Cook County, IL.[32] But, where was Sandy from about June or July 2010 to January 2013? On her LinkedIn professional internet page, the missing time gap between May 2010 to January 2013 is telling and glaring.
By the time, she picks back up in January 2013. At some time subsequent to January 2013 and immediately thereafter, she has manifested symptomatic Post Partum Psychosis, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Depression, and Epilepsy that nobody seemed to have known anything about, but it didn’t just stop there. It gets even WORSE.
Sandy Bland, Occult Symbolism & MK ULTRA
On April 5, 2015, Sandra Bland was involved in strange automobile and motorcycle collision that deeply affected her. The motorcycle can be seen in her “Sandy Speaks” resting upside down (inverted) on the top of the trunk of her car. She certainty internalized the experience as a “life threatening” incident that God delivered her from. It was one more mysterious traumatic shock to her system and conscience. Sandy said that she had been on the way to a beach most likely along Lake Michigan, but appeared to be ALONE. For a beach trip, she worn usually large black double pyramid (triangle) earrings, and a black/white zebra patterned dress or blouse.
Sandy‘s “double black inverted pyramid earrings” could very well be innocent expressions of artistic preferences. However under these circumstances of “traumatic shock” when she was expressly an INITIATE of a secret Luciferian Sisterhood involved in a racially polarizing incident of global proportions, then a second look at Sandy Bland in a totally different realm is necessary.
The pyramid (triangle) is an ancient and mysterious symbol that has stirred the imagination of man for generations trying to unlock its many secrets. Sandy‘s Skull and Bones sisterhood, Sigma Gamma Rho, is basically an offspring of ancient Freemasonry. In the Masonic realm, the inverted pyramid suggests a hierarchical order from the bottom few elite UP.
It also represents an initiation of the initiate (mentee) to a higher NEW degree of revealed wisdom, knowledge and secrets in the inverted pyramid hierarchical order UP.
The “inverted pyramid hierarchical order up concept” also plays an important part in early Christian doctrine and theology.[33] The inverted pyramid also represents the lunar aspects/powers of the ancient Great Earth Mother Cults.[34] It also symbolize respectively the descent of the life of Spirit into Matter (Satanism).[35]
Whereas, the black/white zebra crossings/stripes is a classic CIA/MK ULTRA/MONARCH theme that represents “Duality“.[36] It also acts as a MK ULTRA- MONARCH CHILDreinforcing” and an “identifier” device.[37]
The Zebra Crossings/Stripes take you round and round. WHERE IT STOPS NOBODY KNOWS.
Satanic Sex Kitten Hip Hop/Pop Star Rihanna
MK ULTRA Satanic Sex Kitten Pop Star Miley Cyrus
Late Satanic Sex Kitten Hip Hop Star Aaliyah
MONARCH Hip Hop Sex Kitten Multiple Personality Disordered Nicki Minaj
MK ULTRA Rihanna Again, and
Identifiers provide a special and important safeguard in secret societies. In Oakland, a concerned brother and I tried to infiltrate a black secret society attached to a Lutheran Church in West Oakland. This group was involved in the assassination and cover-up of a prominent Oakland black businessman. The affair that we tried to infiltrate was their minister’s PUBLIC funeral, a black high ranking hierarchical Lutheran church official. During a homecoming celebration after the funeral, we tried to mix with the brothers to try to gather some inside information. We soon discovered that all the society brothers identified themselves by wearing cowboy boots. We had immediately been identified and out-ed as “outsiders.” We didn’t have the cowboy boots. I recognized some of the brothers, and of course, they knew exactly who I was. For me, it was yet another subset of brothers that I couldn’t turn my back on anyplace or time. I don’t think that I would do that again. But, I had to know. They had to know that I knew. These people will KILL you without conscience, without any weeping, mourning or tears in their fathers name, the BEAST, Lucifer.
From the looks of it with all her Luciferian identifiers, Sandra Bland was on her way to the beach to meet with a secret CIA Occult Bureau GROVE or Coven for sunset or most likely moon rise rituals. Some of the beaches along Lake Michigan have been known to be used by Satanic cults particularly for animal sacrifices and voodoo rituals.[38]
April 5, 2015 had been the night of the Waning Moon. This is the Moon of the Great Earth Mothers, CYBELE, Demeter, Ceres, Korte, Danu (Anu), and Bast. What work has been done is now gathered in and the crop offered as a sacrifice to the Mother who gave it to us in the first place. Time to harvest and time to begin renewal. A time to review endeavors and correct mistakes. Settle disputes and make amends. Nobody seems to know what happened to Sandy Bland after the motorcycle accident, but I am sure from the looks of it that it was yet another TRAUMA that caused her to return to her handlers and another alter was split from her original personality.
The LEOPARD, seemingly is a favorite of MK-ULTRA/MONARCH Mind Control Programmers. The LEOPARD print clothing or dressing as a cat refers to the Sex Kitten Programming or a Cat Alter Personality. This is the MOST SEXUAL programming.
Sandy looks like a different young lady in Cat Alters. The Sex Kitten/Leopard programming eliminates all learned moral convictions and stimulates the primitive sexual instinct, devoid of inhibitions.[39]
MK ULTRA Satanic Pop Star/Sex Kitten Lady Gaga
MK ULTRA Satanic Pop Star/Sex Kittens Britney Spears & Iggy Azalea
ILLUMINATI MONARCH Sex Kitten Kim Kardashian
ILLUMINATI MONARCH Hip Hop Sex Kittens Lil Kim & Nicki Minaj 
Eartha Mae Kitt (January 17, 1927 – December 25, 2008)
HollyWeird Star and Vocalist EARTHA KITT may be the original International Sex Kitten Spy. Her MIND CONTROL programming may be linked to Post-War Nuremburg Tribunal Nazi Doctors and Hauptsturmführer SS Dr. JOSEF MENGELE. I will cover that subject in a later post related to America’s favorite ILLUMINATI/CIA Negro, BILL COSBY.
Don’t get it twisted. I am not blaming the young sister, Sandy Bland, for anything. UNVEILED under normal circumstances, Sigma Gamma Rho is simply a fraternal order of black sisterhood joined together to look one after another. Its stated AIM is to enhance the quality of life within the community. Public service, leadership development and education of youth are the hallmarks of the organization.
Texas Cowboy Waller County D.A. Elton Mathis- Part of the Secret BROTHERHOOD
VEILED, its calling to form came from the Germany’s pagan Chapter of the BROTHERHOOD OF DEATH, Yale’s Secret Society, SKULL & BONES. Sigma Gamma Rho is a secret and VEILED women society of the BROTHERHOOD OF DEATH. That’s not what I say. It is what they say they ARE!
All Symbols of the Secret BROTHERHOOD
It is an inverted pyramid structured society developed by Knight of the Golden Circle/KKK Founder, Master Mason Albert Pike- where the true Luciferian secret agenda of the organization is held by only a few chosen at the apex of the pyramid.
Once you step across that line like the SS (Knights of the Black Sun) Ladies of the BROTHERHOOD OF DEATH, and take the Initiation Ritual Blood Covenant Oath of Allegiance and Secrecy to the BROTHERHOOD , you fall down the RABBIT HOLE. I am certain that the young sister, Sandy Bland, didn’t know what she was getting into by joining Sigma Gamma Rho. Sandy’s Satanic Ritual Traumatic Abuse may have began in childhood, with the sisterhood providing a cover for CIA MK ULTRAsleeper” covert operations. The CIA is basically Knights of the Secret BROTHERHOOD. Sandy Bland certainty didn’t understand what was going on like a Lee Harvey Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan, when she was targeted, beaten, arrested, jailed and subsequently LIQUIDATED to plunge America deeper into a sinkhole of racial divine just before the 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections.
In this case, all it took was one person with $500 that probably have changed the game plan for Sandy Bland, but NOBODY saved her not even her own mother. During the Black Liberation Struggle of the 1960’s, they used to laugh and drop off people straight out of the insane asylum with black berets and leather jackets among our ranks. some still had on hospital gowns underneath their leather coats.  What did we do? We surrounded them and took care of our people.   We just have to do a better job educating and protecting the people, not just the YOUTH.  If she had been my friend, I know that I would have come forward to bail her out, but we all failed her by not LIFTING THE VEIL on these people soon enough, and not addressing her special needs and many more resulting from CIA- MK ULTRA/MONARCH.
Folks, the handwriting is on the wall. The ILLUMINATI and BROTHERHOOD’s plans for the FINAL CHAPTER just like the FINAL SOLUTION is in the works. They are systematically closing down your schools, classrooms and colleges. Your churches are being infiltrated, corrupted and taken over by the agents of the BROTHERHOOD. Most of our young men are under the yolk of the police state, and prison industrial system. Most of your employment opportunities are being closed down, parceled out to others, shipped out of town and over to the other side of the world.  Your classical and traditional GLOBAL industries of power, influence and wealth like the Black Music Entertainment Industry Jazz, Blues and Rhythm & Blues is slowly withering away to nothing. Our premier athletes are unorganized, and being swayed away from the people. They are under constant police state surveillance, attack and lock downs. They are under a State of SEIZE. For me, the answer is rather simple, RESIST! RESIST! RESIST! Don’t let them close the Final Chapter on SANDRA BLAND.

[1] declassified-aims-of-psychological-warfare/
[8] Id.
[13] Id.
[14] Id.
[15] Id.


12 01 2015
I have been openly critical of Bill Cosby as a very dangerous soul-less creature of CIA/MK ULTRA/MONARCH for quite sometime. He had been a CIA tool (I [Bill Cosby] Spy), and mind control facilitator, handler and programmer for decades. However, it has never been my intention to try to single him out from the EVIL institutions and the BIG PICTURE that he plays a very small but significant supporting role and part among the CIA-Military Industrial Complex’s long list of cast of characters.
Corporate Mass Media’s EVIL agenda through a Smoke Mirror is once again to demonize a black face, Bill Cosby, yet veil the role of the CIA and Hugh Hefner in MONARCH Sex Kitten programming. They crucify black and powerless Cosby within the Elite Global Satanic Cabal, while at the same time continue to celebrate his confederate Hefner’s commercialized mass industry of normalizing trauma based ritual sexual abuse and mind control of women. It’s another example of mass population psychological warfare and DOUBLEBINDinsanity without disease.
New Jersey State Governor and likely 2016 U.S. Republican Presidential Candidate Chris Christie celebrate NFL Dallas Cowboys’ 2014 playoff/rip off victory with owner Jerry Jones.
It amounts to insanity to demonize Ray Rice, Adrian Peterson and other high profile black athletes for domestic violence, then celebrate white privilege, wealth and power like a soul-less JERRY JONES of the Dallas Cowboys that exploit, brutalize, sexually abuse, and rape poor, powerless and marginalized women with utter impunity.[1]
They demonize Cosby and yet remain silent to the EVIL/Demonic institutions that as a black man- he can only play by virtue of his race a marginal supporting role in the BIG PICTURE. Don’t get it twisted, Cosby is a problem and a menace to society, but he is only the tip of an iceberg that seek to drown all of us when it surfaces. During the 1960s, dealing with black collaborators of the EVIL empire that sought only to kill us has always been problematic.
I still maintain that unless it is a state of war, and we have express permission of our elders- they are not to be harmed. However, Cosby and the Black Satanic Cabal is still very much alive-well, growing and dangerous. It is our duty to continue to expose them as treacherous cold blood creatures of the shadow government and soul-less puns of the New World Order, and WARN the masses to be forever VIGILANT.
William Henry Cosby, Jr. is a such a black collaborator to warn the masses to watch and stay away from. He is a clandestine/covert BLOOD OATH SECRET high level MASTER MASON, and a BLOOD OATH SECRET hierarchical member of Negro section of the ancient BOULE [2] that serves the underground THIRD REICH, and Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler’s SS Cult of the Dark Messiah, the SHADOW power behind the throne. Cosby is a Master of Deception, ILLUSIONS and DUALITY.
ILLUMINATI“Their whole insane doctrine is based on the supposition that black is white, that good is evil, that two plus two equals five. They are men of insane minds. And they have developed an equally insane ‘scientific‘ system, designed to reprogram and recreate social material and spiritual reality to fit their perverted, upside down theology.”[3]
Their scientific system, actually a form of Witchcraft, is based on alchemy and magic. Its process is one of Universal Motion, designed to purposely foment diabolical chaos so that order may come out of two dynamic competing forces, Ordo Ah Chao. Their objective is the Great Work, the changing of man created in God’s image into the image of a serpent-being void of morality and void of righteous, just values. In other words, the Great Work is designed to create and produce a race of soul-less satanic creatures.
goTo effect their Great Work, to transform and transmute the world and humanity into the “new soul-less creature,” heaven and earth must be destroyed, crushed, and thoroughly converted into a new paradigm. In essence, heaven and earth are to become hell. The will of Satan shall be done on Earth as it is in hell. This is the exalted, “Royal Secret.”[4]
Luciferian Albert Pike of the Knights of the Golden Circle, the former Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite taught that out of the ongoing universal motion of the conflict of OPPOSITES, a potent and magical force could be created or energized, so powerful that,
“a single man, who could possess himself of it, and should know how to direct it, could revolutionize and change the face of the world.” [5]
Cosby has the IMAGE of America’s idea heavenly FATHER.
Bill Cosby, DEVIL and Mr. Devlin
Cosby has the IMAGE of innocent FUN and GOODNESS.
He is Diabolical EVIL.
Cosby has the IMAGE of a MORTAL.
He is the UNDEAD.
Cosby’s 1990 Universal Studio film, Ghost Dad, directed by Sidney Poitier plot centers on SATAN. Lucifer had been the cause of his mortal death. He returned from the dead as a Ghost. In the movie, Cosby declared, “I AM SATAN.”[6]
Cosby’s true motives are hidden behind his SYMBOLS. The Fraternal Order of the Sons and Daughters of Shaka from the 1975 Warner Bros. film, Lets Do it Again, is indeed fictional, but the Satanic theme of the film is the same, and number and symbols below Cosby’s Pineal Gland (THRID EYE) are real.
The Occult Power and Mystic Virtue of NUMBER 11
The NUMBER 11 at the pyramid apex of Cosby’s Fez is the number most important to the Great BEAST 666, Aleister Crowley.  Crowley was a member of the Satanic-Occult group in England, The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. According to its demonic teachings, the NUMBER 11 has Occult Powers and Mystic Virtue:  “Upon the Number Eleven. This seems to have been the type of number with a evil reputation among all peoples… [E]leven is the essence of all that is sinful, harmful and imperfect; with the Ten Sephiroth they contrasted the Eleven Averse Sephiroth, symbols of destruction, violence, defeat, and death.”
The Great BEAST wrote about the NUMBER 11 frequently, and emphasized it’s significance: “Firstly”, 11 is the number of Magick in itself. It is therefore suitable to all types of operation.  “Secondly”, it is the sacred number par excellence of the new Aeon.  As it is written in the Book of the Law: …11, as all their numbers who are of us.” Crowley‘s infamous phase “Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law” (which he considered the dictum of the New Age), has eleven (11) words and eleven (11) syllables. [7]
The Occult Power and Mystic Virtue of the MASONIC PYRAMID
The PYRAMID and the “Eye of Horus” on the back of the dollar bill are ILLUMANTI symbology. The pyramid is an ancient form based on the holiness of the NUMBER 3 to the ancient mystery religions (it, not 6, is considered the most spiritual number), and Freemasonry has perverted the pyramid to represent a structure used specifically to call up the demonic, or occult, a point of psychic activity.
The Occult Power and Mystic Virtue of the MASONIC ALL SEEING EYE
Cosby is usually extremely very careful and coy about displaying ILLUMINATI ALL SEEING EYE Symbolism publicly, but this is Cosby early in his career. Lets Do it Again central theme involves the clandestine use of HYPNOTISM. In the film, lodge brother, Sidney Poitier is a MASONIC MASTER HYPNOTIST that creates a Manchurian Candidate boxer to rig a boxing match to win a substantial amount of prize money to save their lodge from foreclosure. [8]
The All-Seeing Eye on Poitier and Cosby’s Masonic fez is used to represent the planet Sirius. Sirius is important to the Hermetic magicians, and some mind control programmers are deeply into hermetic magic. SATAN is said to come from Draco or Sirius, esp. the Dog Star Canis Major. Masonic Programming may well have the “blazing star” portrayed in the programming as a pentagram, with the name Sirius. Sirius may represent the Master, the creator of the system in some systems where the programmer is steeped in MASONIC PHILOSOPHY.[9] Cosby’s Lets Do it Again also shows without a shadow of a doubt that he was aware before 1975 of the use of HYPNOTISM to destroy individual free will within the framework of Satanic and Masonic Mysticism.
It would be interesting to know who the HYPNOTISM film set technical advisor had been, William Joseph Bryan (Manchurian Candidate, Sirhan Sirhan) or William Henry Cosby, Jr.? Bryan wasn’t suicided until 1977 two years after Lets Do it Again had been released.[10]
SATAN SWINGS: Bill Cosby and Sammy Davis, Jr.
Of all the people of HollyWeird in Bill Cosby’s young television- film career-
he developed an unholy bond and decided to SWING with a notorious SATANIST- Sammy Davis, Jr.
1954- Sammy Davis, Jr. and Marilyn Monroe (How to Marry a Millionaire)
In the public eyes, Davis was a little harmless carefree driving force of individual artistic freedom while on the hidden side- he was a high level ILLUMINATI Negro whore also connected hand in hand to the Black Hand- the MAFIA. Davis was also a covert master of deceptions, duality and ILLUSIONS.  It remains forbidden knowledge which Masonic lodge Davis or Cosby belonged to, and when they were first initiated into freemasonry. However, we are certain beyond a shadow of a doubt that Davis was a Freemason.
He was an ultra secret and well established Luciferian 33 degree York Rite Master Mason. At sometime for extraordinary services to the craft, he was promoted to the highest degree of the clandestine York Rite Freemasonry, KNIGHTS OF MALTA. As a clandestine crusading European KNIGHT, he moved among an ultra secret elite global cabal of Olympians, Nazis, and the IMPERIUM.[11] The founding fathers and architects of Project PAPERCLIP and the CIA, William “Wild Bill” Donovan, Allen Dulles and Himmler’s SS Puppet GENERAL REINHARD GEHLEN, were among Davis’ covert order of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.[12]
These Negroes aren’t hardly two fun filled loving buffoons. This picture represents an ancient Initiation Rite. Cosby with right foot slightly forward is presenting Davis for entry into another realm of a blood oath fraternal order or cult of ultra secrecy.
This is Queen Khamerernebty- Daughter of the God, Priestess of Djehuty [Thoth], Priestess of Tjazepef, One who sits with Horus, she has her right foot slightly forward initiating her husband, Pharaoh Men-Kau-Re, “Eternal is the Spirit (Ka) of Ra” fifth king of the Fourth Dynasty of Kemet, to the next level to delve into the realm of Gods.[13]
What ILLUMINATI lodge, sect, or cell Cosby initiated Davis into also remains secret and forbidden knowledge. Undoubtedly, they were two of the HollyWeird’s most powerful and diabolical EVIL figures that led the BLACK SATANIC CABAL. This cabal turns out to be much older and more established than you would suspect.
It’s more likely than not that both Bill Cosby and Sammy Davis, Jr. initiated a young Michael Jackson into the Occult and the BLACK SATANIC CABAL.
Sammy Davis, Jr. & Michael Jackson- Baphomet- So Above- So Below
Sammy Davis, Jr. & The Lookout Mountain Satanic Cult
In HollyWeird, anywhere there were hot blondes like actresses,  Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Mansfield, SHARON TATE, naked white women, drugs, booze, orgies, mind control and SATAN-
you can be assured that Cosby and his ultra covert little DEMONIC weasel sidekick, Sammy Davis, Jr. were in on or around the action. And, the body count begins to stack up.
Marilyn Monroe linked to Satanist Anton LaVey’s initial sex kitten programming during the early 1950s was among the first celebrities generally believed to have been subjected to CIA MONARCH/MK ULTRA mind control experiments. Through trauma and psychological programming, Monroe became a high level puppet of the shadow elite, even became JFK’s Presidential Model. When Monroe’s programming lost its effect and she started to break down, some argue that she was “thrown off the freedom train” on August 5, 1962, an MK ULTRA term for designating slaves that are killed when they are not useful (and potentially dangerous) to their handlers.[14]
Also during same early 1950s, Sammy Davis, Jr. (Freemasons) and Frank Sinatra (Mafia) had been some of the secret handlers entrusted with the codes, keys and triggers to Sex Slave Marilyn Monroe. In many instances, she had been in company with Davis or Sinatra, when she had been used and abused in numerous high level CIA, presidential, diplomatic and mob “sex parties” and orgies.[15]
Sammy Davis, Jr. & Satanist Jayne Mansfield
Satanist Jayne Mansfield was also associated with Sammy Davis, Jr. through underground Satanic Circles and the CHURCH OF SATAN. On June 29, 1967, her fate was grisly sealed on a dark narrow stretch of road near New Orleans. Her head was fatally severed in a head on collision that the CHUCH OF SATAN believes was the result by one of Anton LaVey’s curses.[16]
On August 8, 1969, HollyWeird’s infamous Hair Stylist of the Stars, JAY SEBRING and SHARON TATE’s fate were sealed among five victims of that infamous grisly Demonic Torture/Slaughter at Satanic (Rosemary’s Baby) film director Roman Polanski’s estate in Laurel Canyon.
The panorama below was taken from Lookout Mountain at the top of Laurel Canyon in 1906.[17]
SHARON TATE was 8 months pregnant when she was slaughtered. Some reports said that she had been hung from the rafters in the living room. She had a noose around her neck, attached to her friend JAY SEBRING. There were four deep stab wounds in her chest and a deep knife wound to her belly killing her unborn.[18] The Satanic blood slaughter at 10050 Cielo Drive, Benedict Canyon just a couple miles to the west of Laurel Canyon was like something out of the 19th century horrors of Jack the Ripper.
Nested in the hills overlooking HollyWeird, Lookout Mountain Laboratory was originally envisioned as a U.S. Air Defense Department center. Built in 1941 and nestled in two-and-a-half secluded acres off what is now Wonderland Park Avenue, the installation was hidden from view and surrounded by an electrified fence.
Marilyn Monroe’s February 8, 1953 Secret Pentagon ID to Lookout Mountain Lab
By 1947 on the eve of Operation PAPERCLIP and formation of the CIA, the facility became a TOP SECRET and clandestine military intelligence fully operational movie studio. HollyWeird’s leading technicians, directors, producers, actors and actresses such as John Ford, Jimmy Stewart, Howard Hawks, Ronald Reagan, Bing Crosby, Walt Disney and Marilyn Monroe had special U.S. Defense Department secret clearances to work at the facility on undisclosed highly classified projects like something out of the pages of Reich Minister Josef Goebbels’ Department of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda.[19]
With 100,000 square feet of floor space, the covert studio included sound stages, screening rooms, film processing labs, editing facilities, an animation department, and seventeen climate-controlled film vaults. It also had underground parking, a helicopter pad and a bomb shelter.[20] The existence of the facility remained unknown to the general public until the early 1990s when Svali, an ILLUMINATI Defector, stated that the HollyWeird Satanic Cult had a location in California which made all of the training films for “Trauma-based mind control”. No other place has been identified besides this one, Lockout Mountain Laboratory. These training films were undoubtedly also a part of the CIA/MK-ULTRA program.[21]
During the 1960s, international stuff film and pedophile ring fugitive, HollyWierd’s ROMAN POLANSKI had been a leading figure in an extremely dangerous and chilling Hollywood star studded Satanic Coven in Laurel Canyon below and linked to the Lookout Mountain Lab.
Lockout Mountain’s clandestine Satanic (Dark Messiah) HollyWeird Cult was directly involved with the the 1968 CIA assassination of U.S. Senator and presidential hopeful, Robert F. Kennedy; and Manchurian Candidate MK ULTRA/Satanic murderer, Nazi and pasty Charles Manson.
“Allegedly, on the night before Senator Robert Kennedy’s assassination (June 5, 1968), RFK had dinner with director John Frankenheimer and Roman Polanski and his wife Sharon Tate. Frankenheimer was of course the director of the original The Manchurian Candidate and Seven Days In May. John F Kennedy apparently spoke with Frankenheimer about both projects. Technical adviser on The Manchurian Candidate was MK-ULTRA programmer, William Jennings Bryan, who has links to Candy Jones and Sirhan Sirhan (amongst many other notables).”[22]
POLANSKI and SHARON TATE’s Laurel Canyon Coven of Lookout Mountain had also been linked to drug trafficking, mind control child sex slaves, pornography, snuff films, murder, and the Occult and Sex Magik of the BEAST 666, Aleister Crowley.
Panther Signature: PIG written in Victim’s Blood at the Polanski Mansion
At the beginning, the gristly, senseless and horrific massacre of human beings in Laurel Canyon was laid by law enforcement agencies at the feet of Black Nationalists and Black Panther Party for Self Defense. It was later, they took down the Lookout Mountain – Nazified Mind Controlled Manson Family for the gruesome crimes.[23]
At the absolutely horrendous murder scene, Sammy Davis, Jr.’s Satanic coven leader, SEBRING had been savagely beaten about the face- left eye and nose then repeatedly stabbed in the chest and the back then he was shot in the left lung. However, the fatal stab wound was to the chest that severed the aorta, the main artery in the human body.[24] Sebring’s assassins were no crazed strung out drug addicts. These were professional counterintelligence killers that created the murder scene to appear as if the crimes were committed by demonic dope fiends.
Davis with Marilyn Monroe in “Trance Formation” in front of Strange Symbol Wallpaper
Sammy Davis, Jr. was directly part of the ultra secret Lookout Mountain Satanic Murder Cult of Charles Mansion, Roman Polanski, SHARON TATE, and JAY SEBRING.[25], [26] He was definitely linked to MARILYN MONROE and U.S. Department of Defense (Pentagon) as a “handler” when she was MK-Sex Kitten programmed on Lookout Mountain.
The little weasel Sammy Davis, Jr. didn’t abandon his Satanic Coven because the thrill and the fun with Dick and Jane were gone. He left the “Coven” because its leader, JAY SEBRING and some of its key grove like SHARON TATE, WOJTEK FRKOWSKI, and ABIGAIL FOLGER had been viciously slaughtered below Lookout Mountain. Whatever his mission had been with the “Coven,” it had been completed.
The CHURCH OF SATAN, Bill Cosby and Sammy Davis, Jr.
For Sammy Davis, Jr., the CHURCH OF SATAN was far from being a groovy 1960s-70s thrill ride or tip toe through the tulips as many would lead you to believe. Satanist Anton LaVey could arguable have been part of a three-ring circus of the church, but U.S. Army Lt. Col. Anthony Aquino, left, was absolutely no sideshow. Lt. Col. Aquino, U.S. Army and Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon authored a significant portion of LaVey’s Satanic Bible. Lt. Col. Aquino is a CIA/MK ULTRA trauma based multiple personality disorder programmer and a “Dark Disciple” of Reichsfuhrer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler directly connected to the infamous FRANKLIN SCANDAL.
There seems no evidence that Bill Cosby was a members of the church. However, in an odd note, Audrey Quimby author of the book, Sodom, Satan and Sinatra, identified Bill Cosby as a leading member of the CHURCH OF SATAN during the 1960s. In regards to Sammy Davis, Jr., he said that Davis had been introduced to Satanism and the Occult in 1956 by Rex Ingram. There may be some grains of truth in Quimby’s story to be flushed out. However to begin with, there were two HollyWeird Rex Ingrams.[27]
One Rex Ingram (January 15, 1892 – July 21, 1950) was an Irish film director, producer, writer and actor connected to HollyWeird’s silent film industry that had been connected to the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley. In 1956, he had been dead for six years.[28] Whereas, the extraordinary black actor, Rex Ingram, was directly professionally linked to Sammy Davis, Jr. In 1959, Ingram and Davis starred in the United Artists film, Anna Lucasta.[29]
Rex Ingram and HollyWeird’s Early Black Satanic Cult
Ingram was born near Cairo, Illinois, on the Mississippi; his father was a steamer fireman on the riverboat Robert E Lee. Ingram graduated from the Northwestern University Medical School in 1919.[30]
In 1943, Rex Ingram starred in all Black cast film, Cabin in the Sky. In a segregated heaven and hell, he presided over colored HELL as “LUCIFER JR.” and also starred as the stereotypical De Lawd in the 1936 Green Pastures,[31] was thus perhaps the only actor besides George Burns to play both God and Satan in HollyWeird film and television industry as if they in themselves are among the “DIVINE” and the “FALLEN ONES” that transcend GOOD and EVIL.[32]
Rex Ingram “De Lawd”
Ingram was the first African American man to be brought into the sphere of influence of the Greek-Hellenized fraternity of scholars by accepting a Phi Beta Kappa Key from Northwestern University.[33] In 1776, the Phi Beta Kappa was founded at the ancient William and Mary College in Williamsburg, Virginia.[34]
Hellenization or Hellenisation is the historical spread of ancient Greek culture and, to a lesser extent, language, over foreign peoples conquered by Greece or brought into its sphere of influence, particularly during the Hellenistic period following the campaigns of Alexander the Great of Macedon.[35]
Apollyon is the BEAST from The Book of Revelation (9:11 & 13:11) Apollyon was also known as Alexander The Great. Historical Records show that Alexander the Great has two different colored eyes – one as dark as the night and one as blue as the sky, a harsh voice and that he was deformed – he had two horns on his head, above. Revelation 13:11 confirms that Alexander The Great is therefore the same person as Apollyon/Halios- the BEAST.
In 1831, a member of the fraternity, Avery Allyn, published a volume, “Ritual of Freemasonry to which is added a Key to Phi Beta Kappa, the Orange and Odd Fellows Societies with Notes.” Allyn attacked the fraternity as foreign- Order of the ILLUMINATI binding its members to an order of Blood Oath Secrecy.[36]
In 1919, Phi Beta Kappa was not a dance class or a dress rehearsal. It was deadly serious. Ingram accepted his key to share in the secrets of the ILLUMINATI, and entered the Gate of the BEAST.
A fully licensed physician with a Key to the Gates of Hell and the ILLUMINATI, Ingram entered HollyWeird where he said that he had been literally discovered on a street corner by the casting (couch) director for the silent film- Tarzan of the Apes (1918).[37]
Ingram was by all accounts a great and well respected HollyWeird actor, but behind the veil, doctor was a very strange man with other strange passions. He had been arrested twice in Harlem on assault charges and had served a brief jail sentence in New Jersey for multiple driving violations.
In 1948, Ingram, 53 years old, pleaded guilty to charges under the Mann Act that he transported a 15-year-old girl from Kansas to New York for “immoral purposes.” He served over nine months in prison before being released on parole from an 18-month sentence. In his Ebony essay, Ingram set out his side of the story, he said that his trouble with the law was the result of a “casual, genuinely warm friendship” with a minor 15 year old white girl. The Negro was a true lover or an unrelenting “soul less” Satanic ILLUMINATI pedophile. I think the latter.[38]
Ingram also shared a quiet but unholy bond with Bill Cosby. Ingram played a prominent role (Dr. Bingham) in Season 1 Episode 11 (Dec. 1, 1965)- I Spy, Weight of World.[39] Cosby also made sure that sure Ingram was part of the popular Bill Cosby Show. Ingram’s last performance before he died in September 1969 was on the Cosby Show.[40]
In the real and cold blood oath secret “soul less” Satanic Circles that only play for keeps, Ingram, Davis and Bill Cosby would have been subservient to an initiated black High Priestess of the Ancient Sethian Order of the Royal Houses of Europe. Both Ingram and Sammy Davis, Jr. would pay homage to her in Anna Lucasta (1958). And Bill Cosby would pay homage to the woman (black SATANIC QUEEN) that “HE WAS INTERESTED IN”– Season 1, Episode 6 (Oct. 20, 1965), I [Bill Cosby] Spy.[41]

[4] Id.
[5] Id.


7 01 2015
This picture is so arrogant and blatantly Satanic that it doesn’t really need an explanation and the mouthy Donald Trump doesn’t seem to have attempted to create a Smoked Mirror or ILLUSION to explain it away. I accept it for what it is worth- A SATANIC STATEMENT by an elite Diabolical EVIL Cabal. The man pictured with Donald Trump is Jesse James, the husband of popular HollyWeird screen actress Sandra Bullock. He is a distant ILLUMINATI BLOODLINE of the infamous 19th century racialist and vile criminal, Jesse James.[1]
Outlaws Jesse and Frank James with the CLAW Hand Sign of the Knights of the Golden Circle (Dawn)
The outlaw Jesse James was a 33rd Freemason and a clandestine high ranking Satanic Knight of the Golden Circle linked to the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln and the re-institution of African Human Bondage- Slavery in America.[2]
Bloodline Jesse James- Hail HITLER
Not only is Jesse James, above, a blatant Bloodline Satanic High Priest in HollyWeird’s secret Satanic Cult Underground that undoubtedly Sandra Bullock also belong to, he is a NAZI. The Nazi female shown with Jesse is his Satanic lover, Michele McGee. In child custody documents filed January 2010, her ex-husband says she “makes the Nazi salute“, and has a swastika tattooed on her stomach.[3] A photographer who reportedly worked with McGee on a raunchy photo shoot accused the model of having a split (Classic Dual Satanic Principle) personality that “flips instantly” from angel to DEVIL.[4]
This image of Donald Trump and the drawing of a hooded member of Ancient Germanic Brotherhood of Death displacing the hand gesture of the Satanic “inverted pyramid also doesn’t require a great deal of explanation.
Donald Trump & the ILLUMINATI National Humiliation of Rudy Huxtable

Most recently on primetime Sunday night, Celebrity Apprentice show host, Donald Trump, used his national television show to deliberately humiliate a MK ULTRA traumatized Keshia Knight Pulliam. As an impressionable child actress, Keshia starred as Rudy Huxtable on the Bill Cosby Show.[5]
 Trump asked Keshia if she had contacted Bill Cosby to ask him for a donation in a Celebrity Apprentice team challenge. Notice that she immediate went into an instance temporary POST HYPNOTIC  Trance Formation” when confronted with his name.
Trump: “Did you call Bill?
Keshia Crying in Tears: “I did not. I have not talked to Bill Cosby on the phone in I don’t know how long. So for me to pick up the phone, having not talked to you for five years, except for when we run into each other for a Cosby event- I feel that’s not my place to do.”[6]
Trump immediately fired her from show. He says that he had advised Keshia to contact Cosby before the recent Cosby Sex Scandal exploded. Trump said the show was taped before the recent scandal.[7] Later Keshia Knight Pulliam tried to defend Bill Cosby on a national televised morning program, “What I can say is this: I wasn’t there. No one was there except for the two people who know exactly what happened. All I can speak to is the man that I know and I love.”[8]
Does the very mention of the name of the man that she know and love immediately draw SHOCK and TEARS? No. It doesn’t.
For Keisha, the very mention of his name exploded into some subconscious HORROR that she experienced in the past and couldn’t explain. Donald Trump of the ILLUMINATI was well aware that she had allegedly been drugged and sexually abused by Cosby.  Trump demanding that Keisha contact Cosby was  like some kind of sick and demented inside MK ULTRA joke, an act of absolute Diabolical EVIL.
Destroy the images and ILLUSIONS, look beyond the trick and smoked mirrors, in the rear of the LOOKING GLASS; just behind the shadows lurk the absolute diabolical EVIL of the Bloodlines of WOTAN.
Anna Nicole Smith in POST HYPNOTIC dissociated “Trance Formation
Just a rare peek behind Bill Cosby, Hugh Hefner, the Playboy Mansion and the tragic picture of former Playboy Bunny Anna Nicole Smith (November 28, 1967- February 8, 2007), you will discover that same diabolical EVIL exist.
Anna Nicole Smith, Mexia & the Satanic Cult of the Dark Messiah

Mexia, Limestone County is a small town that sits approximately 164 miles outside of Houston, Texas. During WWII, the town held a prisoner of war camp for members of General Field Marshal Erwin Rommel’s Afrika Korps.[9] Rommel had been Hitler’s favorite general.[10]
It is generally believed that the Afrika Korps were part of the Wehrmacht– regular German soldiers. Some may have been. However, their identified insignias also show them to have been primarily the dreaded blood oath Waffen- SS forces led by Generalfieldmarshal Rommel of the elite Allgemeine SS- Knights of the Black Sun.

At the Nuremberg Tribunal, the Waffen-SS was condemned as a criminal organization due to its connection to the Nazi Party and involvement in numerous war crimes and Crimes against Humanity.[11]
The Waffen-SS is a circle of blood oath covenant crusading BLACK KNIGHTS of the VRIL and the DARK MESSIAH. Their covenant is to do the will of their master and father, they are LUCIFER’S SERVANTS.  After WW II, they should have been taken to Nuremberg Prison and prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity instead of vacationing in Texas. Naturally or unholy, the people of Mexia and Limestone County developed a lot of love, affection, trans-generational links and Hidden Bloodlines with their Luciferian Nazi cousins.[12]
Heil to the Same Lord- LUCIFER
These grand lords, Knights of the Black Sun, masters of deception, were expected by their EVIL CREED to develop and setup clandestine networks with local chapters of their hierarchical subservient blood oath secret freemasons and Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. They developed covert Lebensborn liaisons with local Aryan women to carry their demonic seeds in America. That’s the way they roll under the veil of Inner Circle of the VRIL and the DARK MESSIAH. Why could it be any different in America that they intended from the very beginning to win by CONQUEST.
After the Fall of Nazi Germany in May 1945, members of Himmler’s elite Allgemeine SS rocket team including Sturmbannführer (Major) SS Werhner von Braun moved into Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas. Dr. Hubertus Strughold of Reichsminister Hermann Wilhelm Göring’s Luftwaffe Air Force and his Inner Circle of the VRIL and the DARK MESSIAH” setup station at the U.S. Air Force’s School of Aviation Medicine (SAM) at Brooks Air Force Base in San Antonio- just miles outside of Mexia.
From the ninth grade, Anna Nichole Smith was raised by an aunt in Mexia whose primary industry from 1943 had been looking after 3000 to 4000 foot soldiers and officers of Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler’s elite blood covenant Schutzstaffel (SS). From 1943 to the early 1950s, Mexia to El Paso running down to Houston and San Antonio became a SS Nazi corridor in Texas. It stand reason to assume that Anna Nichole Smith’s family bloodline roots; and her sudden mysterious rise to international fame and fortune within a Satanic Circle of the Dark Messiah and the BLOODLINES OF WOTAN lies within the  SS Nazi Texas corridor.
Prince von Anhalt, SECOND & THIRD REICH  cosbyprinceanhalt
Prince von Anhalt & Hungarian Wife, HollyWeird Actress Zsa Zsa Gabor
Enter Prince Frédéric Prinz von Anhalt born Hans Robert Lichtenberg on June 18, 1943 in Bad Kreuznach, Germany to the Chief of Police of Frankfurt, Nazi Germany.[13] On June 17, 1936, Hitler decreed the unification of all police forces in the Reich and named Himmler as Chief of German Police. This action effectively merged the police into the SS.[14] If Prince von Anhalt’s father wasn’t SS or Gestapo, he was certainly under Himmler and a high collaborating Nazi Party official.[15]

Herman Goering, Hitler and Kaiser Wilhelm II
Whatever the case, Prince von Anhalts family ties had enough wealth, influence and power after WW II to buy his royal title from inside the House of the last German Emperor of the SECOND REICH (Kaiser) and King of Prussia, Kaiser Wilhelm II or William II, the foundation of the 1000 Year THIRD REICH.[16]
Wilhelm’s mother was Victoria, Princess Royal, the eldest daughter of Britain’s Queen Victoria.[17] Prince von Anhalt’s royal title attached to Kaiser and King of Prussia, Wilhelm II and the Queen of England, was extremely important in that it arguable immediately put him within the hierarchy of hidden power and influence of the ultra clandestine, influential and powerful German and English Freemason Lodges.[18]Anna Nicole Smith & HughHefner’s MK ULTRA Factory
In 1992, Anna Nicole Smith, stripper of that absurd place in Texas called Mexia, started her so-called modeling career at Hugh Hefner’s Playboy Mansion. Out of all the beautiful women of HollyWeird and the World, Hugh Hefner sent Anna Nicole Smith a plane ticket out of town to join his stable of blood oath covenant guest playmates at the mansion. The Playboy Mansion is a state of the art CIA MK ULTRA Factory.
“The “White Rabbit”in Disney’s primary MK Prog’mg film “Alice In Wonderland” reinforces MK Prog’mg (ALTERS) or mind files as does Playboy bunny logo for Hugh Hefner’s MK factory, Playboy Enterprises …”[19] 
Anna Nicole Smith in Classic Sex Kitten- Leopard Pattern Background
Hefner’s Sex Kittens are raised in communal type environments to centralize programmers/handlers’ supervision of individuals, group sessions and rituals. It also provides a centralized location for sex trade– twinning- among the women, and a place for clients of Hefner’s inner circle orgies that reinforce Sex Kitten/Slave programming and training.
Within a year, out of Hefner’s stable of women, it was Anna Nicole Smith of Mexia that rose to a high level ultra secret multiple personality disorder (MPD) mind controlled Presidential Model. In 1993, Hefner anointed her as the PLAYMATE OF THE YEAR.[20]
J. Howard Marshall, the Cult of the Dark Messiah
 In August 1994, Smith’s Playboy Mansion handlers married her off to wheelchair bound 89 year old Texas oil tycoon, J. Howard Marshall, believed to worth $500 million.[21] Marshall was described as a fascist oil tycoon and a Hitler devotee.[22]
Germany has been transformed into a great house of the Lord where the Fuhrer as our mediator stands before the throne of God.” Josef Goebbels, 1936[23]
“His [Adolf Hitler] quality is Messianic; his spiritual trend is ascetic; his reaction is medieval …” Phillips: Germany Today and Tomorrow[24]
Hitler envisioned that, once he had cleansed the earth, he would institute a Reich that would last for 1,000 years. He called this kingdom his “1,000 Year Reich”. This period was a Satanic duality of Jesus’ Millennial Reign, which Christ will set up after he has cleansed the earth of sinners. (Revelation 20:7)[25]
In other words, as a devotee, Marshall looked at Hitler as the Nazis viewed him as the Satanic “Messiah of the 1,000 Year Reich.” More importantly, Prince von Anhalt was part of Marshall‘s Nazi inner circle where he said that he met Anna Nicole Smith. Prince von Anhalt considered adopting Smith to place her within the German House of the King of Prussia, Wilhelm II, the Second Reich. Then, he decided to impregnate her with an heir to something hidden within the NAZI Underground inner circle.
Anna Nicole Smith, Prince von Anhalt & the Dr. Clauberg Factor
On September 7, 2006, Smith gave birth to Dannielynn Hope Marshall Stern in Nassau, Bahamas. J. Howard Marshall died August 4, 1995. Smith died February 8, 2007.[26] After the birth of Dannielynn and the death of Smith, Prince von Anhalt stepped forward to claim her as his natural child. He claimed to have had a secret ten-year sexual relationship with Smith.
The Little Diabolical EVIL Genius SS Gruppenführer Clauberg
In Freeman’s Perspective, his theory is that Prince von Anhalt is a secret Nazi genetic clone product of SS Gruppenführer (colonel general) Dr. Carl Clauberg.[27] In other words, he was one of those “Boys From Brazil.” Where or how Freeman developed this particularly theory linking Prince von Anhalt with Dr. Clauberg is unknown, but it is an extremely interesting hypothesis to say the least.
From my background and education, some of these subjects are like spinning free in the Twilight Zone. However, let’s get one thing straight, Dr. Clauberg was extremely legit and is a important factor in the secret future racialist plans of the THIRD REICH that is often overlooked. Professor Dr. Clauberg was the SS doctor most germane to the Nazi’s revolutionary pioneering breakthrough experiments in artificial insemination.
Dr. Clauberg was widely accepted as an accomplished scientific medical genius and specialist on his merits. He was an internationally renowned university professor. He had published numerous peer review papers and books on the subjects of gynecology under his name. However, his medical research and development in artificial insemination for the SS was Blood Oath Secrecy. In this regard, Himmler played no games. Himmler maintained in most instances a triple layer or more of state security. Violate Himmler’s SS secrecy code, you’re a dead man!1
In 1941, two years before the birth of Prince von Anhalt, Dr. Clauberg desperately sought and subsequently received Himmler’s permission to gain access to human material at Auschwitz to conduct human experiments in the Satanic duality principled science of artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization (positive eugenics); and its opposite- sterilization (negative eugenics).

At Auschwitz with Himmler’s special clearance, he worked with SS Dr. Josef Mengele in positive and negative eugenic live human experiments, but it was really Mengele working along beside Dr. Clauberg to keep a keen eye on him and his experiments for Himmler and the SS. Dr. Clauberg also opened an university in vitro fertilization (positive eugenics) research clinic focused on female infertility just outside of Auschwitz.
At the Fall of Nazi Germany, Russian intelligence were well aware of reports of Dr. Clauberg’s secret work for the SS in positive eugenics- artificial insemination. A special Russian classified security and investigate team was sent out to get him, and they brought him in on June 8, 1945.
For 10 years, Dr. Clauberg had disappeared behind the Soviet Union. In October 1955, Dr. Clauberg suddenly re-appeared in Germany among a massive German- Russian prisoner of war exchange. On November 21, 1955, a little more than a month after Dr. Clauberg was mysteriously released possibly as a double agent by Russians, German officials (SS Gehlen Org) picked him up. Dr. Clauberg tried to open an institute to continue his artificial insemination practice in Germany for a profit.
On August 9, 1957, almost two years later, Dr. Clauberg was dead. Dr. Mengele was now the exclusive CIA/SS top secret artificial insemination expert. The Boys From Brazil, it all came from the secret foundational work of Dr. Clauberg of the SS.
Dr. Clauberg fits within the timeline to have covertly cloned a Prince von Anhalt.  It also appears apparent that his family had the resources and power to hire Dr. Clauberg’s special services. Also lets be perfectly clear. Dr. Clauberg expertise and work in pioneering research and development in female infertility is still widely referenced even today in the medical field. Whether or not, Dr. Clauberg was successfully able to clone the human species is a tightly guarded secret of Germany intelligence, CIA and the Russians.
However, one thing is clear in that whatever success that Dr. Mengele developed in cloning the human species lies at the feet of that mad little SATANIC genius, Gruppenführer (colonel general) SS Dr. Carl Clauberg .
Himmler’s Wewelsberg Castle, Empire House of the Gruppenführer- Carl Clauberg
Reichsführer Himmler conducted numerous black magick rituals at Wewelsburg Castle. These rituals were conducted in the utmost secrecy. They included necromancy [communication with the dead]. Wewelsburg had many powerful Satanic symbols, most of these were white-washed and removed from walls and pillars in early 1945.[28] In 1945, under orders from Himmler, Wewelsburg was blown up to keep it from the invading armies. True Paganism which is synonymous with Satanism is known for its emphasis on the Sun -666– the number of the BEAST.[29]
Himmler stayed quite often – alone or with guests – in the castle. He wanted to hold annual meetings with the highest SS officers in Wewelsburg, along with initiation ceremonies. Even towards the end of the war, Himmler was trying to make Wewelsburg the ‘Empire House of the SS-Gruppenführer’.[30]
Black Sun Symbol on the floor of the “Obergruppenführersaal” (SS Generals’ Hall) This one of the last photos of Anna Nichole Smith  collapsed but still alive inside a swirl at the Seminole Hard knock Hotel and Casino in Hollywood, FL. The spiral is occult symbolism for the Black Sun 666. Anna Nicole Smith either suffered a fatal flashback to a Nazi Satanic Ritual or someone triggered a “termination alter” locked inside the Black Sun. What is so special about Anna Nicole Smith and her offspring, Dannielynn, to the Underground THIRD REICH? – Hidden SS Bloodlines of WOTAN implanted in America. One thing is certain is that Anna Nicole Smith and her oldest son, David Wayne Smith (1/22/1986- 9/10/2006) had been sacrificed to pave the way for Dannielynn to ascend as a heir apparent to some Diabolical Horror and EVIL of the Cult of the Dark Messiah.
cosbyanna October 30, 2004, Hugh Hefner (the DEVIL) and Anna Nicole Smith– Halloween Party at the Playboy Mansion. I suspect that a very select group of Hefner’s Guest Playmates (Presidential Models)- ultra secret MK ULTRA/MONARCH “Sex Toys” like Anna Nicole Smith come packaged with preset codes, keys and triggers programmed special to served a very select elite and powerful Satanic circle.
Anna Nicole Smith & the Secret Dark Messiah MONARCH  Code
On August 12, 2006, Attorney Howard K. Stern, Smith’s domestic partner and business manager along with a character named Ford Shelley, a Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Real Estate Developer, deliberately triggered and keyed Smith’s 4 year old MK ULTRA/MONARCH alter and videotaped her because the DEMO was worth a lot of money among the ILLUMINATI.[31]
Within six (6) months of Smith’s MONARCH DEMO tape, she would be found dead in February 2007. After her death, Stern’s secret DEMO video tape of Smith in a multiple personality disorder (MPD) alter was thereafter covertly removed from her home in the Bahamas by Shelley, who allegedly held title to the home.
It was Shelley that exposed MK ULTRA/MONARCH Anna Nicole Smith in mind controlled “trance formation” to the worldwide internet as a possible insurance policy to keep he and his family alive.[32] Smith’s DEMO video tape was reportedly recorded in his home. His wife, Gina Shelley, painted Smith’s face with lipstick. After Smith’s death, Shelley also removed computers, hard drives and other video tape evidence. Shelley claims to have broke Smith’s secret MK ULTRA/MONARCH codes and triggers.[33]
It stands to reason that Smith’s Satanic ritual abuse began around the age of 4 years old, and Shelley by evidence of the DEMO video tape was able to open Smith’sprotective” original personality. It is unknown whether he broke through to any of her other alters protected by the original personality. It also stands to reason that Smith had a wide variety of alters that included ultra secret presidential and executive mission alters. That’s the way they roll.
In November 2011, Stancil Ford Shelley, Jr., age 47, was disposed of by feds. He pled guilty in federal court in Florence, South Carolina to mail fraud in regards to shady real estate transactions. He is serving time at Bennettsville Federal Correctional Institution.[34]
Anna Nicole Smith & MK ULTRA Hypnotic Chemicals
Smith’s autopsy established that her body contained large amounts of MK ULTRA experimental hypnotic drug- Chloral Hydrate.[35] Presidential MONARCH Sex Slave Marilyn Monroe’s body was also found to contain large amounts of Chloral Hydrate.[36] During the 1950s, SATANIST Anton LaVey found and promoted Monroe career out of a strip club. LaVey was an early MK ULTRA Occult Bureau programmer and handler.[37],[38]

Marilyn Monroe opened Hefner’s first issue of Playboy Magazine in December 1953, the year MK ULTRA began.[39]

Large supplies of Chloral Hydrate was also discovered at Jonestown, a secret CIA Medical Mind Control Experiment and Concentration Camp at an isolated offshore site in Guyana, South America.[40]
Hugh Hefner and Bill Cosby– is it at all possible that one would be more absolutely diabolical EVIL than the other?
“MK-Ultra Monarch Programmer/Handler … Hugh Hefner has enriched himself as America’s # 1 MK Pimp for over 50yrs, supplying Global Mgt. Team and whoever else has codes “triggers” and enough money to afford “state of the art”  Oz-Dorothy, Jewel prog’md  DID (MPD) lovelies. This NSA-CIA asset w/his degree in psychology (read Mind Control Prog’mr) controls an army of BETA-trained Sex Slaves available for blackmail, espionage (honeypots), underground porn and whatever else their ”ALTERS” (mind files) are Prog’md for. Hefner works closely w/MK Prog’mr/handler Heinz (Henry) Kissinger, and operates under full protection of NSA/CIA military-apparatus.”[41]
 Hefner and a very close ultra secret inner circle held the overriding backdoor keys to Anna Nicole Smith and the women coming out of the Playboy MK ULTRA Factory. In my opinion, Bill Cosby, attached to Hefner, would be one of few people cleared since the 1950s to be in this type of highly classified Korean War MANCHURICAN CANDIDATE- trauma based mind control business straight from the SS- Knights of the Dark Messiah right out of Dachau and Auschwitz.
Smooth Criminal & the Magical Drug
In 1969, Bill Cosby joked and bragged about poisoning women with Spanish Fly. Spanish Fly acts as an enhancer of the female libido and is taken by females to help them achieve better arousal levels and better orgasms. It also may be used as medicine in some occasions.[42]
At a 2008 Hugh Hefner Playboy Mansion Party, Cosby allegedly fixed 18 year old aspiring model and dancer, Cloe Goins, a drink on the side, then she said, “everything kind of went a little foggy … dizzy.” Cosby escorted her to a bedroom; she doesn’t remember entering the bedroom. Goins said her next memory was waking up “butt naked.”
Goins: “I came to remember seeing this big man crouched over me, and he was at my feet, kind of licking and kissing them and I think he bit my toe that’s what woke me up.”[43]
Most of Cosby’s victims associate chemicals with rape and sexual abuse that produce clear definitive dissociated states, decades long memory loss and amnesia barriers. Many of these incidents of narco rape and sexual abuse involving Cosby go back to the late 1960s.[44],[45]
Spanish Fly is not a natural chemical associated with dissociated states, memory loss and amnesia barriers. Yet, what he said above definitely represents his man’s state of mind from a very early period to callously use chemicals clandestinely to overcome and violate individual free will. Nevertheless, it is not evidence that Cosby in fact used Spanish Fly to violate anyone’s rights or the laws of society.
However, no matter how compelling Goins’ story is, she like the other women have absolutely no corroborating physical evidence other than their controversial repressed memories that any wrongdoing between them and Cosby ever took place. Repressed memories are hypothesized memories having been unconsciously blocked, due to the memory being associated with a high level of stress or trauma. The theory postulates that even though the individual cannot recall the memory, it may still be affecting them consciously.[46]
According to the American Psychological Association, it is not possible to distinguish repressed memories from false ones without corroborating evidence. The term repressed memory is derived from the term dissociative amnesia, which is defined in the DSM-IV as “an inability to recall important personal information, usually of a traumatic or stressful nature, that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness.”[47]
It is almost unbelievable that in over six (6) decades of allegations of rape and sexual abuse that not one of Cosby’s victims can come forward with corroborating physical evidence that he committed any offenses against them. There are no witnesses that saw Cosby spike anyone’s drinks. There is no chemical evidence of any drugs that Cosby could have used to commit any crimes. There are no rape kits- DNA. There is no evidence of any blood, bruises, scarred or torn tissues to tie him to criminal activity.

For these women’s stories of rape and sexual abuse against Cosby to be true, he would have to be a revolutionary new, powerful, smooth and magical criminal that has access to an equally new and magical miracle drug that causes in itself prolonged memory and amnesia blocks- long enough to allow physical evidence of any wrongdoing to naturally lapse.
In fact, I believe that there isn’t a chemical drug alone that can cause dissociated states; memory loss and amnesia barriers without some forms of subliminal suggestions and hypnotism. However, the quest for such a magical chemical/drug and science to destroy individual free will points only in one direction. It’s called Narco-hypnosis.
The CIA & the Magical TRUTH Drug
Since 1953, the CIA, U.S. Navy and the U.S. Army Chemical Corps through Project CHATTER, BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE rolled into MK ULTRA have been in search of such a miracle and magical drug to obliterate individual free will with amnesia blocks.
Again going back to the Navy’s ultra secret Project CHATTER, it duplicated and expanded the SS’ Dachau Concentration Campaviation series” terminal experiments that also involved “mind control” experiments by hypnosis and narco-hypnosis using experimental chemicals and drugs, particularly mescaline, on victims.
Additional mind control/behavior modification research was conducted at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp under Dr. Josef Mengele, using a range of chemicals including various barbiturates, morphine derivatives and electrical shock torture.[48]
Expanding on the Dachau Narco-hypnosis Experiments, CIA psychiatrists attempted to induce a trance state after administering a mild sedative. A second technique involved a combination of two different drugs with contradictory effects. A heavy dose of barbiturates was given to knock the subject out, and then the subject got an injection of a stimulant, usually some type of amphetamine. As the subject started to come out of a somnambulant state, the subject would reach a certain ineffable point prior to becoming fully conscious. Described in CIA documents as “the twilight zone“, this groggy or “foggy- dizzy” condition as described by Goins above was considered optimal for interrogation, suggestions and hypnotism.[49]
Bill Cosby’s MODUS OPERANDI producing dissociated states, memory loss and amnesia barriers in women that he violates is an advanced and sophisticated form of experimental CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH trauma based Narco-hypnosis straight out of DACHAU and Auschwitz.
The DEVIL’s Playmate Body Count
Highly unusual automobile accidents, drug overdoses, homicides, a plane crash all have claimed the lives of at least 17 of Hefner’s young Playmates including the infamous Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Mansfield and Anna Nicole Smith.[50]
The 1974 death of 1968 Playmate of the Month, Paige Young, is linked to Hugh Hefner and Bill Cosby who used her as a personal “Sex Toy.” When Paige took her life on a Palm Sunday, she wanted to make a STATEMENT and stir an investigation into Hefner’s Satanic Playboy Circle, she left pictures of Hefner labeled the DEVIL, and a large PENTAGRAM that had nothing to do with the five wounds of Christ on the floor of her Hollywood apartment. Undoubtedly, she was trying to tell us about repressed memories of a PENTAGRAM being a central part of a Ritual to indoctrinate her into the Cult of the DARK MESSIAH.
Paige wasn’t far off. Look at Madonna’s odd PENTAGRAM showing a HollyWeird mind control Satanic Cult Ritual with Diabolical EVIL and DEMONIC anchors at each of the five points.
Paige Young and the Satanic PENTAGRAM
In HollyWeird, Paige’s STATEMENT was as it is today a forbidden subject. Palm Sunday was originally to commemorate Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Later on it was combined with pagan activities; today the palm and willow are blessed and carried in the procession. It is ascribed to a pagan holiday where olive and willow are blessed. Powers attributed to the palm are exorcising evil spirits, and warding off DEVILS.[51]
Hugh Hefner and Bill Cosby’s Narco-hypnosis Sex Kitten Programming- trauma based MK ULTRA/MONARCH multiple alters are undoubtedly anchored in the occult- SATANISM. That is one of the messages that the tragic Paige Young was trying to tell us.

[15] Id.
[29] Id.


26 09 2013
If you have any misconceptions of what the Black Entertainment Industry really was and is, “this is the way that they get down in HollyWeird” SERVING the ILLUMINATI. Keep the name SHELDON LEONARD in mind. Some black people will do anything for HollyWeird fame and fortune even be turned over to SATAN. 
For example, HollyWeird Amber Rose says that St. Peter’s Cross is not satanic- fat meat ain’t greasy. For decades, St. Peter’s Cross had been popularly adopted by Luciferians and Satanist as a satanic symbol. Even if it is St. Peter’s Cross as she says, it would still represent a statement of unworthiness of Christ or Christ-like– evil-satanic. It would also indicate a dual personality (Good and EvilMultiple Personality Disorder. It isn’t just the fact that most of Black HollyWeird are turning to Satan, they are systematically secretly trained, indoctrinated, and iatrogenically (scientific) implanted with satanic alternative personalities with triggers and keys that they can’t control.  
It is significant that Amber Rose placed St. Peter’s Cross on her forehead consistent with Luciferian New World Order/New Jerusalem agenda, propaganda and deceptions.   “And he caused all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” BOOK OF REVELATION 13:16-17 (KJV)
Insanity &Fat Meat Ain’t Greasy
“Boy, you must believe that fat meat ain’t greasy.”
“Fat Meat Ain’t Greasy” is a folk expression that I often heard among my elders out of the Deep South. For generations, it was often said among them when you clearly ignored their words of instruction, caution, wisdom or fundamental rules and norms in un-constructive repetitive behaviors. For me, my elders were saying, stop- think, apply the proper rule, and stop repeating the same mistakes over and over again. It is a folk expression of the common phrase: Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. –Albert Einstein[1]
Controlled Psychological Warfare Through the Media
We keep going through this over and over again. We repetitively flock to the theater expecting a different result from the contemporary so-called HollyWeird Black Cinema. Black People and the masses will not get a free “FEEL GOOD” pass from the elite Luciferian ILLUSIONISTS-MASTERS OF DECEPTIONS and now the Luciferian/ILLUMINATI Bloodline English cousins that control HollyWeird;  and the current Black Entertainment Industry. 

For whatever reasons, I just learned about the film production of a Brad Pitt’s British film “12 Years a Slave” released on October 18, 2013. The film is directed by black British subject Steve McQueen. McQueen is a “Commander of the Order of the British Empire” (Motto: For God and the Empire) just like British Secret Agent, James Bond -007. The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire is an order of chivalry established on June 4, 1917 by King George V. 
“12 Years a Slave,” is produced by the Brad Pitt’s Plan B production company. Brad Pitt of the ILLUMINATI says, “I grew up in a very Christian environment — a very healthy environment and a loving a family — but there were parameters that I didn’t understand, that I questioned it, and it took me until my adult years until I could really try new things… That was SATANISM, it works really well, I made a PACT [with the DEVIL-British Empire] and the movie came out…”  butlercaliban Brad Pitt’s stated admission of being Satan-Like is the opposite of Christ- Christ-Like within the frame-work of Christian Theology as much as Set is the opposite of Osiris/Horus within the framework of the Kemetic Osirian Mysteries and Belief System. I intend to follow up on a study immediately on this British satanic mass media propaganda- psychological (Caliban Conspiracy) warfare American Slavery film straight out of the pit of Lucifer’s Workshop. If Brad Pitt isn’t as he admitted a true “Initiate of Satan” doing his work deceptions and illusions- Fat Meat Ain’t Greasy!  
The DEVIL (Baphomet) HORNS, HollyWeird Luciferian Danny Strong (creator of Buffy the Vampire) and Britney Spears, above, Strong allegedly wrote the script for The Butler.
The Butler is yet another psychological warfare vehicle out of the HollyWeird’s powerful ILLUMINTI cabal. Their sole agenda seems to be penetrating the sub consciousness via mass media scientific “entrainment” of our brains inducing lunacy, and senses of overwhelming powerlessness to resist a New World Order. Like Django Unchained, they didn’t consult with Black scholars or historians to create a meaningful script or plot. It wasn’t created out of any dialogue or genuine concern for the aspirations of Black People that would validate and provide fuel and empowerment to Black Identity and BEING. butlerstrongquentin Django UnchainedBlack Cinema Deception creator Quentin Tarantino  and Danny Strong, DEVIL HORNS HAND SYMBOL, above, were boyhood friends from Manhattan Beach, CA just outside of Los Angeles. It appears that they were raised in the same Satanic-ILLUMINATI Coven. butlerstrong1 - Copy
Danny Strong with strange Masonic Checkerboard Head Piece with Jedi Knight Light Laser
Even HollyWeird’s Satanic Cult Negroes like Lee Daniels, Oprah Winfrey, Forest Whitaker, Lenny Kravitz, Cuba Gooding, Jr. and Terrence Howard and didn’t add to the script either.
Fat Meat Ain’t Greasy, Double Bind and Lunacy
If you don’t believe that fat meat ain’t greasy, you may be delusional. A delusion is a belief held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary.[2] It is also a form of avoidance behavior. Avoidance behaviors, in the context of social anxiety disorder (SAD), are things that people do, or don’t do, to reduce anxiety about being in social situations. Avoidance behaviors can take the form of “true avoidance.” True avoidance behaviors involve the complete avoidance of the feared social situation.[3] Like Django Unchained, The Butler” has absolutely nothing to do with the African spirit and experience in America. It is an ILLUSION, a smoked mirror masked to gingerly catch you in a DOUBLE-BIND- INSANITY WITHOUT DISEASE.
Norma Jeane- Marilyn Monroe’s DoD Top Secret Clearance to Lookout Mountain
Since at least 1947, the CIA’s propaganda, psychological warfare specialists and social scientists have ruled over Hollywood from up high at the top secret Lookout Mountain Laboratory in Laurel Canyon.[4] British Godfather of MK ULTRA and the CIA, Dr. Gregory Bateson,[5] developed the DOUBLE-BIND THEORY.[6] Dr. Bateson was the CIA’s Clandestine New Age Psychological Warfare and Mass Population Control Theorist-Specialist. [7] Dr. Bateson’s DOUBLE-BIND THEORY is surreptitiously layered throughout the movie, “The Butler.” Dr. Bateson is also a world renowned Anthropologist. [8]
Anthropology is the study of humankind, past and present that draws and builds upon knowledge from social and biological sciences as well as the humanities and the natural sciences.[9] An Anthropologist is a social scientist with an extensive knowledge of anthropology who uses this knowledge in their work, typically to solve anthropological problems.[10] A CIA New Age Anthropologist isn’t interested in solving the anthropological problems of the masses, but using knowledge from social and biological sciences as well as the humanities and the natural sciences to disrupt and turn the cultures of people against itself for the military intelligence, political and social agendas of the Imperium- ILLUMINATI and the New World Order. The Butler movie is a vehicle designed to snag you in a DOUBLE-BINDa situation in which no matter what a person does, he can’t win inducting schizophrenic symptoms. In the DOUBLE-BIND, there are two conflicting levels of communications and an injunction against commenting on the conflict. [11]
According to Bateson, “The ability to communicate about communication, to comment upon the meaningful actions of oneself to others, is essential for successful intercourse.” In normal relationships we continually comment about the actions and communications of others, saying such things, as, I feel uncomfortable when you look at me that way.””Are you kidding me? Or “What do you mean by that? In order for us to accurately discriminate the meaning of our own or another’s communication we must be able to comment on the expression- but the schizophrenic is effectively enjoined from such commentary.”[12]
The movie is based on the late black White House Butter, Eugene Allen. Cecil Gaines (Forrest Whitaker) is an ILLUSIONARY NEGRO and STRAWMAN character that like the real Eugene Allen, is a classic DOUBLE-BIND SCHIZOID and UNCLE TOM LUNATIC. The butler is a senior servant. They officiate in service rather than actually serving.[13] Both Django Unchained and The Butler involve the use of advanced and sophisticated levels of Supraliminal versus Subliminal Implantation. Supraliminal, literally “above”threshold”, meaning you can consciously perceive it. Think of the difference between supraliminal and subliminal: the lyrics in the song, or the undetectable nuances when played backwards.[14] 
In Django Unchained, the “N Word” was supraliminally dropped and implanted no less than 110 times in the movie. I have not seen either Django Unchained or The Butler. From The Butler’s official trailer, I noticed that the two key words repeatedly supraliminal dropped and implanted were BUTLER (function of serving)[15] and SERVE (to act as a servant).[16] “Everything you are and everything you have is because of that butler!”[17]
“You hear nothing. You see nothing. You only SERVE.”[18] Just these words along demonstrates Dr. Bateson’s DOUBLE BINDinjunction against commenting on conflicts. Eugene Allen, living under those humiliating conditions alone, for 32 years, would turn any human being into a Bateson SCHIZOID.
The Butler, Forrest Gump & Order of Knights of the Golden Circle
Stupid is as stupid does –Forrest Gump (1994)
The infamous Monster BallPrecious HollyWeird black-gay movie director, Lee Daniels, has said he sees The Butler as his black Forrest Gump.[19] What is a Forrest Gump? Forrest Gump is a 1994 HollyWeird film starring Tom Hanks, above, is about a mentally challenged man’s epic journey through life, meeting historical figures, influencing popular culture, and experiencing first-hand historical incidents while largely unaware of their significance.[20]
Forrest Gump’s infamous phrase, above, basically means that an intelligent person who does stupid things is still stupid. You are what you do. It is a catch-all term that basically means that stupid people are going to keep on doing stupid things because that’s what they are, period. [21] The Butler and Forrest Gump do share some political and thematic similarities. For example, they both mock and caricature the Black Power Movement. The Butler through news sound bites, Nixon’s meeting about Cointelpro, and Cecil’s son’s involvement with the Black Panthers, depicts them as a violent group of clowns who are the bastard children of the “good” Civil Rights Movement led by Dr. King.”[22] butlerhanksbedford HollyWeird’s Forrest Gump plays stupid to, and exercise utterly gross rejection, evasion and a shameless dissociation from some of the America’s most significant historical human events. Yet, like the White House Butler, he only strike out violently against the Black Panther Party for Self Defense.  To begin with, Gump claims proudly that his mother named him after Confederate General Nathan Belford Forrest. [23] “It is in [General Bedford] connection with one of the most atrocious and cold-blooded massacres that ever disgraced civilized warfare that his name will forever be inseparably associated. ”Fort Pillow Forrest” was the title which the deed conferred upon him, and by this he will be remembered by the present generation, and by it he will pass into history. The massacre occurred on the 12th of April, 1864. Fort Pillow is 65 miles above Memphis, and its capture was effected during Forrest’s celebrated raid through Tennessee, a State which was at the time practically in possession of the Union forces. …”[24]
General Bedford and 2,500 rebel troops carried out against human beings an unparalleled fury, and unlashed upon Black People a vindictive savageness unseen since the days of the barbarians, Attila and Huns. The Massacre at Fort Pillow, a Union garrison, occurred on April 12, 1864. The fort was occupied by approximately 295 white Tennessee troops and 262 U.S. colored troops, and hundreds of Black men, women and children escaping slavery behind the protection of Union lines.[25] After surrender of Fort Pillow, General Bedford and the rebels began the deliberate slaughter of Black People. Black sergeants were singled out, nailed to logs and set on fire. The tents of the Black wounded were set on fire. Blacks escaping into the Mississippi River were caught in crossfire. Black women and children were shot on sight,[26] and then consciously fired upon innocent men, women, and children who were rushing down to a ravine to escape.[27]
They ripped open bowels with bowie knives, trussed bayonets through eyes, shot Black People at point blank range in the head. Colored troops threw down their arms and begged for their lives. They were massacred. Forrest ordered no quarter. In the morning, Bedford’s rebels shot the wounded in the hospital. They burnt bodies and butchered them. The Negroes that could stand were forced to stand up and then were shot. Many of them were hung. Black men were buried alive with the dead. Black men were nailed to walls of houses and burnt alive on the structures. Killing and slaughter of Black people went on throughout the night.[28] In 1866, Masonic (Skull and Bones- Brotherhood of Death) members and former Confederate Soldiers (the highest ranking was General Nathan Bedford Forrest) founded the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. They formed the name from the Greek word “Kyklos” (pronounced “koo-close”) which means “Circle” and Clan (Ku Klux Klan) basically “Knights of the Clan of the Circle” aka “The Knights of the Golden Circle”. Their goal was clandestine domestic warfare; to assassinate President Abraham Lincoln, destroy the union and restore the American Institution of Slavery. [29]
The realization that the movies’ producers, directors and script writers intentionally supraliminally slipped the image of a Klansman, General Nathan Forrest Bedford, one of America’s most clandestine figures and vicious, savage racial mass murders in American History into the movie and the public psyche through the perceived innocence of Forrest Gump is a deliberate betrayal of public trust. The supraliminal implant of Klansman General Forrest Bedford in the movie was designed deliberately to subliminally terrorize-traumatize People of Color, and snag the masses in a DOUBLE BIND that they are caught virtually powerless to defend against.
The Butler, Blood Oaths of Secrecy & Lunacy
“They swore him [Eugene Allen] to some kind of secret code.” –Gloria Gaines-Oprah Winfrey, The Butler Official Trailer (2013)
The movie is an absolutely and complete ILLUSIONARY fictional historical drama loosely based on the real-life White House butler, Eugene Allen.[30] The Butler is purely fictional because Eugene Allen lived under constant fear and distress of a Blood Covenant of Secrecy and Code of Silence. Just take a good hard look at the above Eugene Allen’s bizarre psychotic fixed stare of a thousand years. Allen’s blood covenant and code of silence was further layered by a far deadlier Masonic Blood Oath of Secrecy; and a secret allegiance to Queen Elizabeth and the Grand Lodge of EnglandEugene Allen was a member of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia until his untimely demit [To relinquish (an office or function)-DEATH] to the Celestial Lodge above in 2010.[31]
During the institution and under the condition of African Slavery in America and England, Prince Hall petitioned the Grand Lodge of England (Moderns) for a warrant to be enslaved again which was granted on September 20, 1784 during the Reign of King George III aka George William Frederick Hanover; and delivered in Boston on April 29, 1787. African Lodge No. 459 was organized on May 6, 1787. Out of this lodge, the Prince Hall Grand Lodge was formed in 1792.[32]
In 1784, the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of England (Moderns) was above HRH Henry Frederick, Duke of Cumberland. Prince Henry was born in London to Frederick, Prince of Wales, son of George II (German House of Hanover- George I) and Caroline of Brandenburg-Ansbach (German House of Hohenzollern), Princess of Wales.[33]
The British Empire’s extension of a Masonic charter to Prince Hall was no benevolent act of brotherhood while African Human Bondage raged in England and its colonies. The German Houses of Hanover and Hohenzollem stand at the pinnacle of the False Kings of the Hyksos and the Ba’al-Moloch New World Order Conspiracy established in antiquity at Solomon’s Temple in Ancient Palestine. Frederick the Great, King of Prussia (House of Hohenzollem)[34] was the beginning of the Second Reich that committed itself to establishing an Aryan World Order that led to the THIRD REICH 1000 Year of Aryan Supremacy and the annihilation of millions of people of color. [35]
The Nazi’s shut down the “Modern” Grand Lodges, but allowed the national “Old Prussian Grand Lodges” to continue under oaths of allegiance to “Mein Fuhrer.” They became “The Frederick the Great Association.” Frederick the Great (712 – 1786) was credited with establishing “Freemasonry” in Germany, and founding Confederate Generals Albert Pike and Forrest Bedford’s Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry- clandestine Order of t he Knights of the Golden Circle.[36]
The German House of HanoverKing George I led to the current Elizabethan House of Windsor[37] that led to Cecil Rhodes and the vicious Luciferian-Racist Global Imperial British Empire. [38] Prince Hall Grand Lodge is a clandestine Fifth Column of the Racialist Imperial British Empire and the Luciferian New World Order.
The Horror and Madness of Lucifer’s Workshop- The U.S. White House 

“You Hear Nothing. You See Nothing. You Only SERVE!” The Butler Official Trailer (2013)

1960-November 22, 1963- The White House
butlerjfk President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, They blew his brains out in a Coup d’Etat in America- the Nazi –SS Connection.[39]
1963-1969 White House
Vietnam War Criminal President Lyndon B. Johnson, “It was Johnson,”[40] a racist conspirator out of Texas in the assassination of President Kennedy took over the White House, and escalated the war of aggression in Southeast Asia based on a hoax and false flag operation, Gulf of Tonkin Incident, wasting the lives of millions. [41]Johnson, 36th President of the United States was initiated on October 30, 1937, in Johnson City Lodge 561, Johnson City, TX. On the surface, they say that President Johnson never completed the degrees however, and therefore obtained only the Degree of an Entered Apprentice Mason.[42] Regardless, he was a Luciferian “Freemason.”
1969-1974 White House 
Vietnam War Criminal President Richard (Tricky Dick) Milhous Nixon was another JFK conspirator that took over the White House.[43] Nixon was a notorious Nazi collaborator [44] and a vicious racist that plotted and supported a clandestine shadow government policy and plan of GENOCIDE, “I have the greatest affection for them [Black People] but I know they’re not going to make it for 500 years. They aren’t. You know it, too… Mexicans… They don’t live like a bunch of dogs, which the Negroes do live like.[45] butlerknighttemplar President Nixon was a Gnostic/Baphomet Knight Templar. In 1957, he dedicated the Knights Templar Royal Arch Room to the  First Masonic U.S. President George Washington in 1957. This room is one of several on the upper levels of the Washington Masonic Memorial in Alexandria, VA.[46] butlernixonmoluch President Richard Nixon was a secret Samarian Ba’al- Moloch worshiper of the Bohemian Grove.[47]  butlerblackchild Above, a murdered black child is offered to the pagan rite of fire to Ba’al Moloch at the Bohemian Grove. This is the way the elite Luciferians really roll in secret at the grove.
1974-1977 White House
butlerford President Gerald Ford’s Luciferian Fellow Craft and Master Mason Degrees were Conferred by Columbia Lodge No. 3, Washington, D.C., on April 20 and May 18, 1951, as a courtesy to Malta Lodge. He was made a Sovereign Grand Inspector General, 33°. President Ford was unanimously elected an Active Member of the International Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay (Baphomet) and its Honorary Grand Master.[48]
 1977 – 1981 White House
butlerjimcarter Human Rights Criminal President Jimmy Carter was a snake in the grasspuppet of the racialist Rhodes Round Table (New World Order) and another secret high level member of the Cult of Earth Goddess Mithra (Vulva Hand Symbol, above) explained further below. He supported Rev. Jim Jones and covered up the Jonestown Nazi- CIA MK ULTRA Medical-Mind Control Experiment at Jonestown, Guyana; and the vicious slaughter of over 900 predominately Black innocent men, women, elders and children.[49]
1981-1988 White House
butlerreagan666 Granada War Criminal 666 President Ronald Reagan was a blood oath member of an ancient secret Catholic military order, The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta also known as the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM), Order of Malta or Knights of Malta,[50] and a Luciferian Honorary 33rd degree Freemason.[51] butlerreaganbohemia President Reagan was also a secret Bohemian Grove Samarian Ba’al- Moloch worshiper. butlerreaganring - Copy He had been deeply involved in shadow government pedophilia-satanic rings and secret Bohemian Grove pagan sex rites.[52]  butlerboyprostitutes President Reagan and VP George H. W. Bush were also running a ring of satanic ritual abused and MK-ULTRA mind controlled Midnight Boy Prostitutes through Eugene Allen’s White House under his nose.  
President Reagan was a puppet of the Hitler’s spy master and chief, General Reinhard Gehlen. Sturmhauptfuhrer SS Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschwing’s (Beast of Bucharest) , Head of the Gehlen Org and the former Nazi General Staff Secretary, Helena von Damm, ran the Secret State White House.[53]
1989-1993 White House
War Criminal- pedophile President George H.W. Bush was a SMOM Knight of Malta, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Order of Skull and Bones (German Brotherhood of Death, Shriner (Scottish Rite) Luciferian Freemason.[54]
President George H.W. Bush was also a secret Bohemian Grove  Samaritan Ba’al- Moloch worshiper that had also been deeply involved in Moloch-Molech human sacrifices; and its pedophilia and secret pagan sex rites.[55] Also during Bush’s administration, call boys 15 years old (and younger) were still taking midnight tours of White House.[56] butlerbaphomet This picture shows President George H.W. Bush wearing his #77 Knight Templar hat with a golden Baphomet.  This picture was secretly taken by German intelligence many years ago at a party.[57] 1993-2001 butlerbillclinton War Criminal 666 President Bill Clinton was initiated into Hot Springs Chapter of the Order of Molay in Hot Springs, Arkansas, in 1961, where he served as Master Councilor. He received the Chevalier in 1964 and the Legion of Honor in 1979. Clinton was inducted into the DeMolay Hall of Fame on May 1, 1988.[58] The Order of DeMolay formulated its principles on the life and death of the Grand Master of the Knights Templar, Jacques de Molay. Baphomet was worshiped by de Molay and the Templars, as the denial of Christ. This was their most serious accusation when the order was arrested by degree of Pope Clement V. The Knights Templar 22nd Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, was burnt at the stake by order of King Philip IV of France in 1314.[59]
2001-2009 White House 
butlergwbush War Criminal 666 President George W. Bush, the 9-11 Deception- Iraq War Criminal and Mass Murderer, is also a SMOM Knight of Malta,[60] and a Knight of Columbus.[61] For decades, SMOM and the Knights of Columbus, controlled by the Jesuits, have provided a safe haven in the U.S. and a veil for Reichsfuhrer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler’s Knights of the Black Sun, the SS. [62] President George W. Bush is closely related to every European monarch on and off the throne — including the King of Albania — and has kinship with every member of Britain’s royal family, the House of Windsor. He is a 13th cousin of Britain’s Queen Mother and of her daughter Queen Elizabeth and is a 13th cousin once removed of the heir to the throne, Prince Charles. Bush’s family tree can be documented as far back as the early 15th century. He has a direct descent from Henry III and from Henry VIII’s sister Mary Tudor, who was also the wife of Louis XI of France. He is also descended from Charles II of England.[63] 
It is absolutely bizarre that anyone would try to sell the popular idea among the masses that Eugene Allen would come out of Lucifer’s Workshop less than a raving LUNATIC after witnessing 32 years of war crimes, assassinations, deceptions, racism, mass murder in the millions, satanism, corruption and pedophilia with his EYES WIDE SHUT under the threat of death to everyone he loved.   Let’s take a break for a moment. The ILLUMINATI never forgave Marvin Gaye for releasing “What’s Going On” among the masses. It was something that Eugene Allen could never dare to ask even in this dreams.

Lee Daniels, Lucifer’s Director
Lee Daniels & Michelle Obama, the secret hand symbols of the elite black satanic occultist are not random. The ILLUMINATI appears always to have a veil over Lee Daniel’s voice. Every word of the script and scene in The Butler had been carefully studied and developed by a high level ghost writing team of social scientists, psychiatrists and psychologists. That’s why the movie script was fully developed as a finished product by the time it reached Danny Strong. As I stated before, the HollyWeird Satanic Negroes had nothing to do with developing or contributing to the script. The black characters of the The Butler were carefully profiled with detailed psychological profiles. They were selected from among HollyWeird’s black satanic covens; and secret ILLUMINATI cells. butlerdanielsilluminati
Lee Daniels, the Ninth Gate of Hell, “Silence is Golden.”
The ILLUMINATI can always seem to depend on Lee Daniels to front for the works coming out of Lucifer’s Workshop with his mouth covered by a veil of secrecy. Lee Daniels is an extremely peculiar brother with a lot of strange ideas. Daniels is a former nurse that has oddly arisen rather quickly among the elite of black HollyWeird. Most of Daniel’s film projects seem to dwell at the Gates of Hell. He produced Monster’s Ball and directed the film Precious.[64]
Like the other so-called black movie mogul Tyler Perry, he has a MK- ULTRA type background of ritual traumatic sexual abuse as a child, both beginning at 5 years old. Daniel’s father was a police officer, William Daniels, “killed in the line of duty” in 1972 when Lee was a teenager.[65] Daniel’s father was violent and physically abusive towards him, and even tried “to beat it [being gay] out of him.”[66] I have no intention to intentionally and personally demean the sexual and physical abuse of Perry or Daniels, but there is something extremely odd about both of them appearing abused by their Black fathers, both experiencing homosexual episodes at 5 years old; and both promote black MK ULTRA disassociated and alter personalities for mass media consumption.
Lee Daniels says, “I just started reading reviews about “Woodsman,” a couple months ago, ’cause I’m that disconnected. It helps you, you’re able to disassociate. I don’t know how well I’d be able to disassociate from something I directed, but I think I would probably start laughing.

In his Oprah interview, Tyler Perry had a “Fat Meat Ain’t Greasy” slip of the tongue. He admitted briefly that after the age of 5, some of his ritual sexual abuse took place at a hospital, “…nurse in the hospital. I had been rushed to the emergency room from school for something and a male nurse comes in and he was doing the same thing this man was doing [Birdcage & the man with his hands in his pants].”
Tyler Perry’s ritual sexual abuse taking place in a hospital setting certainly suggests and supports an argument of CIA- MK ULTRA involvement. Perry was sexually abused by numerous pedophiles remotely distanced from his black father. Additionally, the “birdcage and the pedophile” embedded in Perry’s memories suggests that in some episodes of programming he had been caged while being abused. “Many survivors remember the thousands of cages housing little children from ceiling to floor. The cages were hot wired (electrified on the ceiling, bottom and sides) so that the children who are locked inside can receive horrific electric shocks to their bodies to groom their minds to split into multiple personalities. These cages are called Woodpecker Grids.”[68] butlercages In 2005, Michael (convicted child molester) and Sharen Gravelle, above, were discovered raising 11 Black foster children (age 1 to 14) in locked and alarmed cages without pillows or blankets. Their defense was that a psychiatrist advised them to make the children sleep in sensory deprivation cages at night to control and traumatize them into modifying their behavior.[69] In other words, caging Black Children and behavior modification has been somebody’s state of the art. CIA Agent Rev. Jim Jones was a behavior modification specialist that not only caged Black Children in sensory deprivation boxes for days in the hot rain-forest of Guyana, but also confined children in deep dark holes and caves, sometimes upside down, surrounding them with snakes and made-up monsters for days and weeks. [70]
The abusing black fathers in Perry and Daniels cases may be screen memory scrambles or implants to cover far deeper and horrific experiences. A screen memory is a memory that hides, or screens, another memory. Screen memories are often used in alien abduction cases.  “Memory scrambles aren’t the same as screen memories. Scrambles are created by handlers to confuse or disorient the victim, either at the time or when the victim remembers the experience later on. If just one detail of the experience doesn’t make sense, the handlers hope that their victim will then discount the entire memory. Or better yet, the victim will talk about the still-scrambled memory to others and will discredit his or herself…”[71]
The Laughing Man & the Woodsman- the Pedophile For whatever reasons, Daniels and Damon Dash of Jay-Z’s Satanic Coven produced a strange and controversial pedophilia movie, “The Woodsman.” The Woodsman centers on the redemption of a serial child molester and convicted pedophile. It’s called the Woodsman because once out of prison, the compulsive molester (Kevin Bacon) got a job at a lumberyard. The Woodsman also profanely appears as the “Tin Man” in the Masonic Children’s Fairy-tale “Wizard of OZ.” “pg. 79 Book 3 Ozma of Oz, “I am only a ma-chine, and can-not feel sor-row or joy, no mat-ter what hap-pens.” This is teaching mechanical dissociation, and coincides with Tin Man programming.”[72] The programming that is related to the Tin Man produces a monarch slave which is described as “A WELL OILED MACHINE” by the handlers. Tin Woodsman Monarch slave: “THESE ARE BUT EMPTY SHELLS OF THE LIFE THEY WERE ONCE POSSESSED. LIKE YOU ARE–EMPTY AND VOID OF LIFE.”[73]
The Tin Woodman seems to lack a heart, but he is so full of sentiment that he is always weeping. Certain alters are not given courage and most have their hearts taken from them.[74] “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.” –Aleister Crowley, 666, the BEAST Lee Daniel’s Woodsman doesn’t ask you to condone pedophilia or the pedophile that commit ritual sexual abuse of children, but it does invite you to accept him and to root for a man’s good instincts (Heart) to prevail over his bad ones. Lee Daniel’s Woodsman is a machine-like-pedophile (demon) that he encourages the audience to join them down the yellow brick road to find feelings, sorrow and a HEART for the Demon that lurked inside of him.
With the help of psycho therapy, Daniels has been found to harbor deeply embedded repressed memories of traumatic childhood ritual sexual abuse. During therapy, he recalled a sexual abuse incident from a pedophile (Woodsman) when 12 years old. 12 years is also the amount of time that the Woodsman spent in prison for molesting little girls. Daniels, who recently had to face a repressed childhood memory that forever connects him to Precious, “My therapist said, ‘Lee, your stories are so provocative, were you sexually abused?’ I go, ‘no.’ Then I go, ‘Well, you know I was 12 and this guy who was in his twenties tried something with me.’”[75]
After his confession, Daniels says his therapist hit him with the news. “She said to me, ‘Lee, you were sexually abused.’ I was like ‘ whoa .’ That was abuse. “That was last year and I’m almost 50 years old. I was like, ‘OK, put that on my checklist of things to do,’” he adds, breaking into a hearty laughter. [76] “The area of spiritual warfare for the person with ritual abuse and DID is often highly misunderstood. What the woman involved in deliverance didn’t realize is that the part talking to her was an ALTERNATE PERSONALITY named “laughter” who was created in times of great emotional stress (I wasn’t allowed to cry when I felt pain at others’ suffering, but mocking laughter was highly accepted as an emotional release). And the “thousands” referred to were personalities, not demons. Laughter found the evening highly entertaining, but others inside found it highly traumatic.”[77] butlerdash
Luciferian Aaliyah Silenced by her ILLUMINATI Coven handler
Strangely, Hip Hop Damon Dash was the executive producer of Daniels’ pedophilia project, The Woodsman. Many sources claim that Damon Dash sacrificed Aaliyah in a Satanic-ILLUMINATI Blood Oath Covenant for Fame and Fortune. Aaliyah’s ritual sexual abuse childhood background suggests that she became an expendable victim, a Black female MK ULTRA sex slave.[78] butlerdamonilluminati If you happen to believe that Fat Meat Ain’t Greasy and Damon Dash isn’t overwhelming under the influence and power of the Satanic ILLUMINATI, think again. Tyler Perry and Lee Daniels were victims of systematic ritual sexual abuse by faceless Woodmen-Wizard of OZ without names. As child victims-call boy prostitutes, they were pimped alright, but it wasn’t by their Black Fathers. Maybe one day, their psychoanalysts will suggest that they stop telling themselves that Fat Meat Ain’t Greasy. They are still being PIMPED by Luciferian ILLUMINATI NWO.
Forest Whitaker, Lucifer’s Vessel
In The Butler, Forest Whitaker portray the leading character, Cecil Gaines.
For most Christians, the Bible is like a software license. Nobody actually reads it; they just scroll to the bottom and click “I agree.” –Forest Whitaker[79]
Whitaker’s statement, above, has to be one of the most condescending and cutting remarks that an individual could make to mock and insult Christians, Civil Rights Movement, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The odd thing about his statement is that Christianity is most likely the religion of his parents and forefathers in America that fought and died to free him from slavery. butlerforscientoloist Even if Whitaker is not a Christian (Follower of Christ or Christ-Like), it isn’t necessary to attack Christianity. Whitaker is uncommonly personally close to John Travolta and Scientology. Whitaker starred as the hairy alien, Ker, ruling Earth with Travolta in L. Ron Hubbard’s movie version of Battlefield Earth. Scientologists do believe that an alien named XENU is their god-creator. It appears certain that Forest Whitaker will fall down and honor any entity or lord other than Christ even Satan.
Forest Whitaker featured in Satanic Rite Ritual Hip Hop Video
In the first instance, I thought that “Fat Meat Ain’t Greasy,” because in my mind- Forest Whitaker wasn’t supposed to be in a Hip Hop False Satanic Rite video; and an outright supraliminal implant hit piece encouraging teens and Hip Hop generation to consume alcohol in excess, and change their “pleasure centers” as endorsed by some of HollyWeird’s most celebrated and powerful directors, producers, actors, comedians and Hip Hop artists. If Forest Whitaker was a Satanist, you would think that he would have been covered by veil of secrecy.
I assumed that Forest Whitaker was a member of Jamie Foxx’s Panda Hip Hop Satanic Coven. However, Foxx’s egotistical, unstable and wild character and freaky low life exhibitionist behavior would undoubtedly bring undue exposure to more secret senior elite Luciferians.
butlerfox - Copy
Nevertheless, I think that Ron Howard, Quincy Jones, Samuel L. Jackson, Cedric the Entertainer, and Forest Whitaker made brazen cameo appearances on Foxx’s “Blame it on the Alcohol [Lucifer]” music video to initiate Foxx’s Hip Hop Coven from a far more clandestine mother ILLUMINATI coven. On the surface, Academy Award Actor Forest Whitaker’s resume s is extremely impressive to say the least. He is like a major “Who’s Who” of the World.
To the masses, Forest Whitaker is an internationally recognized distinguished artist and humanist of the planet. He is the co-founder and chair of the International Institute for Peace and is the UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for Peace and Reconciliation.[80] It isn’t clear why he would expose himself in such an open, active and patent association with ILLUMINATI Satanic rites. Are our lying eyes betraying us again? Is it a Forest Whitaker “Fat Meat Ain’t Greasy” moment? Do we just deny it (DOUBLE BIND) and “Blame it on the Alcohol?”
My eyes weren’t lying, Forest Whitaker was there, and I am going to talk about him. Make no mistake about it, Forest Whitaker is clearly among the ranks of elite Luciferian- ILLUMINATI, and may prove to be far more satanic and dangerous to the masses than you might want to believe.
Forest Whitaker, Jesuits and the ILLUMINATI 
Lurking in the shadows behind Whitaker is an Italian professor named, Aldo Civico of Vatican Radio.[81] Since its inception in 1931, Vatican Radio has been controlled by the Jesuit Order.[82] Aldo is Whitaker’s Vatican puppet-master; co-founder and the Director of Whitaker’s International Institute for Peace at Rutgers University.[83] Civico markets himself as a Columbia University (NY) educated anthropologist specializing in international conflict resolution and facilitation. [84]
Civico, CIA & the Cocaine Connection
In 2003, Civico entered the “Cocaine Capital” Medellin, Columbia for field studies under President Alvaro Uribe, a CIA asset.[85] When Colombian President Uribe, who took office in 2002, he was boosted by large inflows of U.S. funding to deal with two predominant rebel groups–the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (known by its Spanish acronym, FARC) and the National Liberation Army (ELN). Civico went in to field study and identify the “leadership of the ELN”,[86] that clandestinely aided Uribe’s military and government supported right-wing paramilitary groups (Death Squads) in targeted assassinations of guerilla leaders, left wing activists, and sympathizers.[87]
Columbia’s military and paramilitary death squads have a well established “…history of assassinating left-wing civilians in guerilla areas, cooperating with narcotics-related paramilitary in attacks against suspected guerilla sympathizers, and killing captured combatants.”[88] Civico’s anthropologic field studies cover appeared to have been principally funded by Rothschild Zionist [89] George Soro’s [New World Order] Open Society Institute; CIA front- U.S. AID; and Zbigniew Brzezinski’s Columbia University international schools.[90]
Civico, Bill Clinton & The Vatican Con Scandal
In 2005, Civico’s name surfaced in the Vat-Con Scandal [Vatican Con]. [91] Italian Raffaello Follieri (Follieri Group) of Manhattan with HollyWeird Actress Ann Hathaway. He has ties to “senior members of the Vatican hierarchy.” He claimed that he was helping the church liquidate, renovate, and revitalize excess real property in the United States that represented billions. According to Follieri, The [sex abuse] scandal in America [where] dioceses were paying a lot of money to pay [off] the lawsuits” would necessitate the sale of church property. Next, he said, the changing demographics of the church — from North and East to West and South and from city to suburb — mean that “a lot of the schools and churches that were full of people in the beginning” are now largely unused.[92]
The Follieri Group not only had powerful inside credentials to the Vatican. It also had close ties to the powerful and secret SMOM- Sovereign Military Order of Malta.[93] In the Italian-Vatican Connection, Aldo Civico, Director of the Center for International Conflict Resolution at Columbia University, had an unknown inside special relationship to Bill and Hillary Clinton and introduced Raffaello Follieri inside the Bill Clinton’s personal inner circle.[94] In 2005, “…the Follieri Group partnered with the Yucaipa Companies, a Los Angeles private equity fund headed by Forbes magazine-ranked billionaire Ron Burkle. Yucaipa, whose advisory board includes former president Bill Clinton (who counts Burkle among his closest friends) and the Rev. Jesse Jackson, has extensive investments in profitable inner-city commercial enterprises, particularly grocery stores.”[95] Most of the money from investors into the Follieri Group Vatican get rich land schemes began to disappear behind a curtain.
Some of the money that disappeared was attributed to maintaining Raffaello’s luxurious lifestyle with Manhattan and HollyWeird’s rich and famous. In October 2008, Raffaello Follieri pled guilty to 14 federal counts of wire fraud, money laundering and conspiracy to avoid a wider, deeper and sweeping look inside the Vat-Con Scandal. In 2012, Raffaello walked out of prison and returned to Italy behind the curtain of the Vatican. [96]
Civico, Barack Obama & the SECRET OLD ILLUMINATED ONES
During Barack Obama’s presidential campaign, rumors circulated on the internet that in a speech Obama referred to Medieval Catholic Mystic Prophet Gioacchino da Fiore as a ”Master of Contemporary Civilization” and someone who wanted to create a fairer world.[97] In regards to Gioacchino da Fiore, they had to react fast to that rumor. Immediately and for whatever reasons, people immediately suspected that the Jesuit Aldo Civico had been the source of Obama’s sudden misguided interest in Gioacchino da Fiore. Confronted, Civico quickly publicly answered and denied the allegations.[98] 
Gioacchino da Fiore- The False ILLUMINATED ONE   butlertribute Joachim [Gioacchino] Fiore of Fiore, (above with the stolen Kemetic Sacred Tribute Hand Symbol to Book of Revelation- falsified version of the Osiris Mysteries), was a Grand Master of the Medieval New Order ILLUMINATED Ones, and Amaury of Bene, a fellow Illuminated ONE were the principal architects of idea that the world is divided into three ages- that of God, the Father (Jehovah/Judaism), God the Son (Jesus Christ/Christianity), and God the Holy Spirit which for Joachim and Amaury meant Abraxas (Gnostics- Magic).[99]
Gnosticism was a second century heresy claiming that salvation could be gained through secret knowledge possessed by a few chosen. Gnosticism is derived from the Greek word gnosis, meaning “to know.”[100] The Duchinites, under the leadership of ILLUMINATED One Fra Dolcino (Disciple of Joachim de Flore), were a Joachimite Movement with close connections to Catharism (Dualistic Theology, Good- Evil). [101] According to the late Masonic Grand Mason author, Manly Hall, Dolcino and his wife (Margaret) were pursued and captured by the Inquisition, then castrated and torn to pieces, limb by limb, the pieces afterward burned by the public executioner.
Fifteen years later (in 1322), approximately thirty of Dolcino’s disciples were burned alive in the marketplace at Padua.[102] The Joachimites advocated egalitarianism (human equality) and soon attracted the hostility of the Catholic Church and nobility. The Catholic Church tried to exterminate them and murdered and burnt the remains of Dolcino and his wife in 1307, the same year that Knight Templars (Baphomet- Gnosticism) were arrested, executed and suppressed for heresy.[103]
Please excuse my expression, but Joachim de Fiore of Fiore leads to some deep and heavy shit. As Masonic Manly notes, the Joachimite Movement is a secret link to the fundamental belief system and roots of the Knight Templars (Baphomet-Lucifer), Freemasonry (Gnosticism), the ILLUMINATI, and ZIONISM (Palestine, Center of the New World Order).
The British Empire & the Origin of False-Stolen Kingship- the Book of REVELATION
Richard I (September 8, 1157 – April 6, 1199) was King of England (German House of Hohenstaufen) from 1189 to 1199 and one of the leaders of the Third Crusade in the battle for Palestine. He was often referred to as Richard the Lionheart. He is the subject of many myths and legends. Many sources claimed that Richard I sought a meeting but didn’t necessarily meet with esoteric mystic Joachim de Flore on interpretations of the Book of Revelation before the great battle with Saladin, the First Sultan of Egypt and Syria, for the Holy Land.[104] 
However, there are sources that support the fact that Richard I, his bishops, archbishops and spiritual advisers did counsel with the esoteric mystic in Sicily before the battle.[105] It was Joachim de Flore that framed Richard I and the German House of Hohenstaufen (House of Elizabethan- Windsor) in secret false kingship of the man child caught up unto God and his throne by a woman that faced the seven headed dragon[Satan] in the Chapter 12 of the Book of Revelation that would come “to rule all nations with a rod of iron…”[106] , [107] 
Generally, the biblical Book of Revelation is believed to be the works of John of Patmos. John was a Christian banished to the Island of Patmos, a small Greek Island in the Aegean Sea by Roman authorities during the reign of Emperor Domitian. Domitian (Titus Flavius Caesar Domitianus Augustus) was the third and last emperor (81-96 AD) of the Flavian Dynasty. He was the first Roman Emperor who had demanded to be addressed as dominus et deus (Master and God). Banishment was a common punishment for the practices of magic, astrology, and prophecy.
John of Patmos is claimed to have been a Jewish biblical scribe  rather than a scholar or rabbi related to the House of David. It would certainty place him in Jerusalem in the shadow of Alexandria. Other than that not much is known about him. It is said that Jesus appeared before him at Patmos and he became a Scribe of Jesus for the Book of Revelation.
In the first and the last place, the subject of Revelation was not and is not derived from Christian canonical gospels. It is supposed to be absolute Christian divine inspiration- prophesy. However, I believe that more and more people are beginning to come to the conclusion that even that isn’t true. 
Early Christians and the Royal Library of Alexandria 
The Royal Library of Alexandria or Ancient Library of Alexandria had been one of the largest and most significant libraries of the ancient world. It flourished under the patronage of Greek Ptolemaic Dynasty and function as a major center of Great scholarship from its construction in the 3rd century BC until the Roman conquest of Egypt in 30 BC. No index of the great library survives, but the Library of Alexandria had hundreds of thousands of Kemetic scared scrolls and perhaps tens of thousands of individual manuscripts and works. Most of the staff (Greek and foreign scholars) of the library was fully occupied with the task of translating Kemetic works onto papyrus paper.
Hundreds lived at the library translating sacred Kemetic documents. During the time of John of Patmos from at least 81-96 AD, the Royal Library of Alexandria would certainty have been open to Jewish scribes and a perfect place to access and translate sacred Kemetic works.  During the 4th Century AD, the Roman Emperor Theodosius established Christianity as a state religion. He closed all Kemetic temples of Alexandria and what remained of the royal library and its sacred scrolls were deliberately destroyed.
Undoubtedly, hundreds if not thousands of sacred scrolls useful to their newly established state religion were secreted away. Whatever may have remained of Kemet’s secret scrolls after the Christian spoils were put an end to by the Muslim invasion of Egypt in the 7th Century. It wouldn’t out of their character that what they knew of Kemetic Cosmology, Science and Mythology, the oldest and most complete belief system known to human civilization, from sacred works such as the Book of the Dead would be copied then cloaked in forming early Christian dogma, theology and prophesy. However, their interpretations, translations and deciphers were seriously flawed. It took Kemetic priests up to at least 40 years to master just narrow and specialized truths and fields of the thousands of years of Kemetic knowledge and wisdom.
Nevertheless their lack of knowledge of the truth and works of thousands of years, it didn’t bother them. They were only interested in developing a religious system that could act as “Opium for the Masses” in creating a New Jerusalem and World Order.  The fundamental matter of the veiled Christian Revelation prophecies existed thousands of years earlier in Kemetic Cosmology and Astrology. Christianity and “Jesus” are deliberate perversions, the fabrication and bastardization of the thousandths of years Kemetic myths of Ausar, Auset and Heru (Osiris, Isis and Horus).
Jesus, the Stolen Mythology of HORUS
Compare the historical, religious and philosophical data between JESUS CHRIST and HORUS of Thousands of Years. The Book of Revelation is basically the bastardization of the complex ancient mythology of Osiris, Isis, Horus, and the Funeral Ritual of the Kemetic Book of the Dead. “That- Aan, who was the Kemetic scribe of the Funeral Ritual. “The Apocalypse of John might be described as “scenes and characters from the mysteries of ‘Taht-Aan, who was literally Aan= John, the divine penman. This was the sacred scribe to whom 36,000 or papyrus-rolls were attributed by tradition. In short, Taht- Aan was the pre-Christian John the divine.”
The stars and constellations of the Book of the Dead became John’s monsters in Revelation like Joachim de Flore‘s seven headed dragon is based on no more than the deliberate continual fabrication and invasion of Kemetic thousands of years scientific astrology and mysteries of the universe. 
The above represents da Fiore’s odd seven headed serpent of Revelation Chapter 12 that may be explained as an astrological interpretation taken from an ancient sacred document. In sacred Kemetic Cosmology,  the Pleiades or Seven Sisters is an an open star cluster containing middle-aged hot stars located in the constellation of Taurus.  In The Book of Going Forth by Days commonly referred to as above The Egyptian Book of the Dead, the Pleiades 7- Star Cluster is sacred to God Osiris.  
Above from the the Book of Coming Forth by Day is the “seven cows and bull” sacred to God Osiris representing the Pleiades Star Cluster in the Taurus Constellation.  butlerthubanpryamidfiore Above, da Fiore’s seven headed dragon and Khufu’s Great Pyramid Star Alignment. The Orion Constellation is also associated with God Osiris butlertaurus Notice just how close Taurus and the Pleiades 7-Star Cluster are to Orion Constellation. The coiled tail of the da Fiore’s seven headed dragon bears the inscription “Gog”.  butlerthubandraco The Star Thuban is the brightest in the Draco Constellation. Generally, Draco translates to “Dragon.”  butlerpryamids John of Patmos in Revelation sees Satan (Set) rallying Gog and Magog to a final battle with Christ (Horus) and his saints: “When the thousand years are over. Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the Earth- Gog and Magog- and to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand of the seashore” (Revelation 20: 7-10) You can virtually see the classic struggle of balance between Good (God Osiris) and Evil (God Set-Seth) being played among the universe in the creation of Khufu’s Pyramid.  
Plutarch, the Greek Historian (46 – 120 AD), equates Seth [God Set] with “Anubis, Apap, Apepi, Bes, Tebba, Temha, and Typhoeus“, pointing to a relation to the Dragon (lizard, snake), which in Egypt first was represented as a crocodile or serpent. Plutarch also notes that the Phoenicians called Seth Doube or Döbher.This would coincide with the star Thuban [Draco Constellation] in then Ursa Minor. 
The Kemetic God Set is associated with the Draco- Dragon Constellation. Gog (maybe Star Thuban) is in a league with Set-Satan, the Dragon. It is an old mythological-astrological story of the hero slaying the dragon played out in the stars. It is as universally complex as it is ancient. “And his tail drew the third part of the STARS OF HEAVEN, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon it was born. And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron; and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne. And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred ant threescore days.” REVELATION 12:4-6 (KJV)
Behind the veil, John of Patmos’ 12th Chapter of REVELATION narrates some of the complex and ancient details stolen from the story of the Goddess Isis and her son Horus, particularly, when she fled from Apep (serpent) by hiding with Horus in the marshland of the Nile Delta.     
butlerlionLion of Zion & Royal Coat of Arms Lion
“Dieu et mon droit “(God and my Right) – Motto of the British Monarch[108]
The motto refers to the “imperial-divine right of the Monarch to rule the world” and is said to have first been used by King Richard the Lionheart, above, as a battle cry and official motto of battle, then adopted as the royal motto of England by King Henry V in the 15th Century.[109] As you can observe, the British “God and my Right” is part and parcel of New Jerusalem/New World Order False-Stolen Prophesy of Antiquity, or “Fat Meat Ain’t Greasy”.    
Civico, Cyborg Barack Obama & the Deep Shadow Government butlerobama In 2008, it was exposed that Civico had a secret hand in influencing, molding and shaping Obama as a presidential candidate. It came to light that he served as an informal adviser to presidential candidate Obama on his Western Hemisphere Foreign Policy team[110] along with New World Order globalist and war criminals Zbigniew Brzezinski, [111]and Henry Kissinger, the secret puppet-masters of America’s First Cyborg President. [112]  
Civico also presented the Jesuits and the Vatican as a so-called informal member on the Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Campaign- Latin America Working Group. [113]  Civico, Brzezinski, Obama & Columbia University Barak Obama had been a registered student at Columbia University from 1981 to 1983, when Zbigniew Brzezinski was running the Institute on Communist [Anti-Russia] Affairs from 1960 to 1989. [114], [115]  There was one problem in regards to Obama’s student body days at Columbia with Brzezinski, not many recall ever seeing him on campus; and his student transcripts are sealed.[116]. It appears that a number of ILLUMINATI cells and covens including the Jesuits had the opportunity to secretly input key information and store data into Obama’s cyborg computer system and network.
Forest Whitaker, Humanism & Satanism
lluminism or ‘humanism’ is a secular religion and a transition to Satanism.” (Henry Makow PhD, Illuminati: The Cult that Hijacked the World, p. 82, 2011) Whitaker is also described as a humanist.” [117] Now, it should very clear why this man would mock Christianity. He is also an actor that engages in dissociation and spirit possession as an acting art form. He casts himself under the veil and alter ego of the Jesuit Order; and Aldo Civico- masquerading as an expert in international conflict resolution and whatever other clandestine and Satanic-ILLUMINATI things; and that is really frightening stuff for the masses of the people.[118] 
HollyWeird’s Forest Whitaker is one of their faithful “see nothing, hear nothing, do and know nothing” Uncle Tom Negroes; and his blood fortune and fame keeps rolling in. If you don’t believe that Forest Whitaker is a Son of Satan- Fat Meat Ain’t Greasy.
The Secret Masonic- ILLUMINATI Good Hands People, Jesuit General Ignacio Loyola, Whitaker & Queen Elizabeth I
Now, I understand why Whitaker had to appear in Jamie Foxx’s demonstrative and ugly Satanic Rite musical video injuring his internationally renowned peacemaking stature. Like a true Uncle Tom, the ILLUMINATI have NO RESPECT FOR THE SECRET- FALSE SATANIC RITE NEGRO!
Let’s take a break for a moment with some hidden melodies and rhythms from the Rock of Gibraltar- the Pillars of Hercules (Shu).

High Priestess Oprah Winfrey & the Ancient Secret Cult of Mithra
In The Butler, Oprah Winfrey of the ILLUMINATI and the Brotherhood of Death portray Cecil Gaines’ wife, Gloria Gaines. Like Tyler Perry, Oprah Winfrey’s background fit the profile of a CIA- MK ULTRA child victim- ritual traumatic sexual abuse and child prostitution, etc.
On her group-think (Cult of Oprah) show, she actively promotes Dr. William Thetford’s book A Course in Miracles” that came out of Lucifer’s Workshop. Dr. Thetford was CIA and “A Course in Miracles” is the works of CIA-MK ULTRA Subproject 130, A Course in Miracles has an interesting history and it all started when Dr. Helen Schucman, a non-religious Jew began working with Dr. William Thetford in 1958. It seems Dr. Thetford had ties with the CIA and was working on Project BLUEBIRD, which was later rolled over into the MK ULTRA Project. MK ULTRA was a program focused on mind control; it was created in the 1950s by the CIA with the goal to learn ways to manipulate people’s mental states alter brain function and create Manchurian Candidates often through the use of drugs and hypnosis. Under the MK ULTRA umbrella there were over a hundred sub projects from the 1950s well into the 1970s and Thetford worked on Personality Theory, subproject 130.[119]
The CIA was training children of all ages, teenagers and also young adults for future operational assets. One of the CIA’s main children mind control programs was a 1958 Top Secret MK ULTRA subproject 74 called “Imaginative Research.” Subproject 74 was headed by renowned imminent Psychologist Carl Rogers (January 8, 1902 – February 4, 1987). He taught psychology at the University of Wisconsin, Madison (1957–63).  One of Rogers’ CIA contact agents and understudies was Dr. William Thetford (April 25, 1923–July 4, 1988). Under Rogers, Thetford’s studies centered on personality development in childhood. [120] From 1950-1952, Dr. Thetford completed research and published eleven professional papers, of which seven involved children. He submitted an additional five more papers for publications, of which two was on fantasy projections in children.[121]
Psychologist Dr. Henry Murray (May 13, 1893 – June 23, 1988) of Harvard was the CIA’s imminent elder statesman. Former OSS officer during WWII, he joined with the Schools and Training Branch of the OSS to write a book about the recruitment of special agents called Assessment of Men. The title was later changed to Selection of Personnel for Clandestine Operations: Assessment of Men.[122] Along with Dr. Thetford, Dr. Murray also began to concentrate research in personality development in childhood [123] probably and most likely consistent with his agent recruitment manual and objectives.
Dr. Murray is linked to the MK ULTRA mind control experiments on Ted Kaczynski, the infamous Unabomber.[124] In 1951, Dr. Thetford had become a senior assessment psychologist on Dr. John Gittinger’s CIA Assessment and Evaluation Staff in the Office of Training. [125] In 1960, Dr. Thetford along with a David Saunders headed CIA MK-ULTRA Subproject 130: Personality Theory at Columbia University. 
Dr. Thetford conducted among other things TOP SECRET Personality Theory of Conversion Hysterics experiments.[126] Conversion Hysterics is often referred to as “disorder of imagination.” It is a mental disorder characterized by the conversion of mental conflict into somatic forms (into paralysis or anesthesia having no apparent cause). Conversion Hysterics usually occur in people subject to traumatic stresses such as battle fatigue. Patients develop mysterious subjective maladies and disabling illness (Torture).[127]
Anyway you look at it. If you deal with Dr. Thetford and entrusted with his works; you would undoubtedly have to be a powerful high level clandestine CIA asset. Dr. Thetford was no run of the mill CIA agent. Deal with Dr. Thetford; you are literally dancing with the DEVIL. The Color Purple, Oprah & The Secret Cult of MITHRA
“We will of course not let them know about Wotan [Odin].” –Reichsminister Paul Josef Goebbels- [128]
Author of Color Purple, Alice Walker, defines herself as a pagan or “earth worshiper” She says that she is following the religion that her African and Native American ancestors before her practiced when they honored the Earth Mother. Alice bows down daily in the mornings in worship to the Earth Mother (mother earth).[129] However, other than any concern about African and Native American ancestors it appears that Ms. Walker with her garland of flowers headdress is far more preoccupied and spiritually linked with Goebbels and Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler’s Germanic Nazi-Wiccan Mayday Paganism.  butlerophra - Copy
Alice Walker, Oprah Winfrey & The Secret Cult of Mother Earth Goddess- Mithra
Above, entertainment television icon Jay Leno, Former U.S. President William Clinton, Alice Walker and Oprah Winfrey display the “Mother Goddess Symbolic Womb” secret hand symbol. According to Barbara Walker, in her book, The Woman Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets (198), the downward pointing triangle is a common symbol of the womb.[130] The womb has been symbolized and worshiped in a variety of forms from ancient times to today. Caves, burial chambers, and temples were seen as wombs of the Mother Earth.[131] 
British Film Director “12 Years a Slave”- Steve McQueen, Commander of the Order of the British Empire, Cult of Mithra
A cave (entrance to the underworld) symbolizes the womb of the earth and has been used as sites of worship since before churches were constructed. The cave was universally identified with the womb of MOTHER EARTH, the logical place for symbolic birth and regeneration.[132] 
Both the Sanskrit and Roman words for a place of worship (the cave) meant womb. Some of the earliest evidence of religion that is known today comes from sophisticated cave paintings in France that appear deep within caves.[133] Many goddesses of early cultures claimed the cave as their domain and/or entrance through which they created life, including the Hindu goddess Kurukulla, pagan goddesses Cybele and Mithra, Latin goddess Sybil, Cretan goddess Rheapagan, as well as others.[134]  
By 376 C.E., the Vatican began seizing caves dedicated to the worship of the Goddess Mithra in an attempt to promote Christianity. In the 15th century, Pope Calixtus II (died December 13, 1124) attempted to outlaw religious ceremonies in sacred caves.[135]   The Satanic Blood Sacrifice traditionally is an important practice in Magick-Aleister Crowley, the BEAST 666. The legend of Mithra is connected with the blood sacrifice of antiquity [136] Crowley proposed that Baphomet was derived from “Father Mithras“. In his Confessions he describes the circumstances that led to this etymology: I had taken the name Baphomet as my motto in the O.T.O. For six years and more I had tried to discover the proper way to spell this name. I knew that it must have eight letters, and also that the numerical and literal correspondences must be such as to express the meaning of the name in such a ways as to confirm what scholarship had found out about it, and also to clear up those problems which archaeologists had so far failed to solve … One theory of the name is that it represents the words βαφὴ μήτεος, the baptism of wisdom; another, that it is a corruption of a title meaning “Father Mithras”. Needless to say, the suffix R supported the latter theory. I added up the word as spelt by the Wizard. It totaled 729. This number had never appeared in my Cabbalistic working and therefore meant nothing to me. It however justified itself as being the cube of nine. The word κηφας, the mystic title given by Christ to Peter as the cornerstone of the Church, has this same value. So far, the Wizard had shown great qualities! He had cleared up the etymological problem and shown why the Templars should have given the name Baphomet to their so-called idol. Baphomet was Father Mithras, the cubical stone which was the corner of the Temple.[137]
MITHRAS (Persian God of Light and Wisdom) is later patrilineal form of MITHRA[138] The New Age (Age of Aquarius) models it dogma on the Magi’s’ Cult of Mithra as Friedrich Nietzsche did for Nazis dogma. Crowley had announced himself publicly a devotee of Nietzsche’s New Age Cult in Vienna Theosophy magazine, near the beginning of the 20th century, and indicated as his preferred choice of the name for SATAN.[139] The “head” of the “Antichrist” that Joachim de Flore had prophesized is SATAN- the Devil.[140]
butlermithrath - Copy
Above, Actor Terrence Howard pulls rank displaying the higher “Mother Goddess Symbolic Womb” secret coven hand symbol while Rapper 50 Cent displays the ILLUMINATI traditional lower pyramid hand symbol.
butlerjimcarter Former Jonestown U.S. President Jimmy Carter with the Hand Symbol of the Cult of Mithra 
The elite ILLUMINATI is multi-layered and made up of many mansions. Their secret cults speak by language, symbols, images and through ILLUSIONS that few understand.   Alice Walker’s EARTH MOTHER is the ancient secret CULT OF MITHRA- MITHRAS that is observed by a “chosen few” and hierarchy of the ILLUMINATI. butlerpalin - Copy That is why powerful males and females such as Leno, Clinton, Walker, Winfrey and high ranking Republican-Imperium Sarah Palin can be found exhibiting the “the downward pointing triangle, the common symbol of the womb.”It the supraliminal symbolic language and symbolism of the secret CULT OF MITHRA in HollyWeird, Oprah Winfrey was called Sofia in Alice Walker’s movie, The Color Purple.[141]
Sofia is honored as a Goddess of Wisdom by GnosticsJoachimites, Knigths Templar, as well as by some Neo-pagan, New Age, and feminist-inspired Goddess spirituality groups.[142]  Sofia is a pagan goddess of Wisdom (MITHRA) and wife of God.[143] She is the creator of all. She gave breath to Adam.[144] Most of Sofia’s ancient attributes were profoundly broken down in Christianity. Christianized and patriarchalized, she was demoted to a Fallen Angel.[145] Sofia was cast down and made to suffer (whoredom and imprisonment) and repent until a superior male god deigns to “correct her deficiency.[146]
That is what literally happened to Sofia in Color Purple, the character Sofia was attacked, beaten by white men and held in virtual slavery to SERVE a white family to correct her ”Lunacy” for not being blindly subservient to the fable of white supremacyAlice Walker and Oprah’s character, Sofia, in Color Purple has absolutely nothing to do with Black History, or the goals, struggles and aspirations of the Black masses of the South.
It’s about Lucifer-Satan, and their false “divine” prophecies, kings, rulers, prophets and gods. Sofia is a false myth designed by the ILLUMINATI to subliminally implant a “divine” base justification for slavery and oppression of the masses of color. Oprah Winfrey is like Tyler Perry, Lee Daniels, and most likely Forest Whitaker. Through MK- ULTRA traumatic sexual abuse and torture as a child, she has many alter personalities controlled by keys and triggers. She practice dissociation and become possessed by spirits and Demons (Film- Beloved 1998[147]).[148] Oprah wasn’t playing the character Sofia. She was possessed of the spirit of Goddess Sofia. That the way satanic Negroes- roll in HollyWeird.
“Take careful notice of the way God and Adam’s hands are positioned. The middle and ring fingers are held together while the pointer and pinky fingers are separated. This makes an “M” and as you will see represents Masonry – the oldest, most wide spread secret society in existence, operating in almost every country in the world with 5+ million members. For centuries, the Vatican and world Royalty have conspired using the vehicle of Freemasonry to place initiates into key power positions of politics, business, banking,and media in an effort to control populations.”
Furthermore, Alice Walker’s Satanic- ILLUMINATI coven bi-crossed arms is a bastardization of Kemetic symbolism. The bi-crossed arms is ancient symbol of homage to the God Osiris displayed by the pharaohs since the early dynastic period.   butleralicebastard Above, the Great God Osiris (Asur) and King Nebhepetre II Mentuhotep ((reigned ca. 2046 BC – 1995 BC) display the bi-crossed arms symbol. Mentuhotep II was a Pharaoh of the 11th dynasty who reigned for 51 years.    butleralicecrow Alice Walker and Oprah Winfrey are both High Priestesses of the CrowleyNietzsche and Joachim de Flore New Age,[149] and the secret CULT OF MITHRA. They are laterally possessed of the Great BEAST’s Father Mithras. Even HollyWeird’s annual highest performance ceremonial awards are also a secret bastardization of the Kemetic bi-crossed symbol and pharaohic homage to the Great God Osiris, the Oscar.
butleralicepaw Pharaoh Djoser, second king of the 3rd Dynasty of Kemet (2650- 2575 BC), and the LION’S PAW secret symbol. King Djoser undertook the construction of Kemet’s earliest world monument, the pyramid; and Alice Walker and the Satanic ILLUMINATI continued bastardization of Africa’s sacred symbolism, cosmology and mythology. Among the secret Satanic- ILLUMINATI covens, it is called, the DEVIL’S PAW. The Kemetic LION’S PAW and Osiris’s secret bi-crossed arm symbol has also been bastardized by Masonic Degrees.  butlermasonsigns If High Priestess Oprah Winfrey and Alice Walker aren’t the Initiates of LuciferFat Meat Ain’t Greasy. They would be the ILLUMINATI’S perfect high ranking maidens to keep all of their scary and PSYCHOTIC Uncle Tom Negroes in line for a top secret psychology warfare Project like The Butler.
The Butler, Cuba Gooding, Jr.- Satan’s “MAD HATTER”
In The Butler, Cuba Gooding, Jr. pictured with wife, portrays White House Butler, Carter Wilson. At the first glance, Cuba Gooding, Jr. should be a feel good story in anyone’s book. His father, the former lead singer of 70s R&B group, The Main Ingredient, Cuba Gooding, Sr., got hooked on alcohol, crack cocaine, drugs and abandoned his family to poverty, the wind and rain. Cuba, Jr. survived the mean streets to become a respected family man, an Academy Award winning artist, and one of the highest paid actors in HollyWeird.[150]butlercubamason - Copy Yet, Cuba, Jr. has another secret HollyWeird Creepy PSYCHO“Fat Meat Ain’t Greasy” side that paints another picture of the man. Above, Cuba and extremely strange HollyWeird actor Christopher Walken form a secret elite ancient Luciferian- Masonic Hand Symbol.  butlerfingers - Copy Luciferian ILLUMINATI Christopher Columbus and Vatican Jesuit Founder-General Ignacio Loyola exhibiting the Secret Mason Hand Sign. In spite of public relations’ ILLUSIONS, there is something inherently wrong with Cuba, Jr. He is a strange man that abuses alcohol most likely drugs in excess,[151] and presents himself as man of little respect and self restraint with women.[152]
butlercubadrunk - Copy
Above, Cuba is caught on camera high stripped to his waist ready to get his groove on at the club. butlercubafight Above, a male companion of two women Cuba harassed, groped and molested at the bar struggle to physically restraints him. butlerthcuba This may be comic and playful behavior between Cuba, Jr. and Terrence Howard. But, it looks like strange and suspect behavior between two middle-aged men. Like Little Richard, in HollyWeird fashion, it is reported that Cuba Gooding, Jr.’s door also swings both ways.[153] butleremasulate There is a lot of talk about HollyWeird forcing Black men to wear dresses on television and films to humiliate, degrade, devalue Black Womanhood, and further demean and emasculate Black men before the masses of people. butlercubagooding Cuba’s odd moment in a dress on film was layered in Paganism and Satanism. In a little known movie, Boat Trip (2002), Cuba– Jerry and his friend, Nick, are booked on a gay singles boat cruise by a vengeful travel agent. Jerry falls in love with the cruise’s dance instructor and in order to win her over, he pretends to be gay so he can get closer to her. [154] butlerceo1 - Copy Here, Cuba, Jr. impersonates some type of pagan goddess with a crown similar to Madonna’s 2012 Super Bowl crown which has been identified as a form of Hathor’s Crown of Ancient Kemet that was created for Elizabeth Taylor in HollyWeird’s film, Cleopatra. butlerillinatcubamadonna - Copy Cuba’s crowns also seem to incorporate the ancient “Winged Disk (Globe)” seen on Elizabeth Taylor’s crown above.  The Winged Globe is pre-eminently a Rosicrucian symbol, although the ILLUMINATI may lay claim to it, and it may be admitted that is of Egyptian origin. The Winged Globe is the symbol of the perfected soul making its flight back to the source of its creation in the Elysian Fields beyond.” –Swinburne, Clymer, “The Rosicrucians, Their Teachings”[155] butlerbaptometdance Here, it should be quite clear that Cuba’s hands form the Baphomet’s sign of Hermetism” – which is a visual representation of the Hermetic axiom “As Above, So Below.”[156] butlercubasatan Luciferian Cuba Gooding, Jr. displaying the DEVIL’S HORNS also has dissociated alter personalities like “Dick McWilly.” “I [Dick McWilly] just got out of jail…I had sex with a leprechaun, who had sex with an alligator [Reptilian] and got him pregnant. No, I’m lying the alligator wasn’t pregnant.”[157] HollyWeird, he’s another one of their faithful “see nothing, hear nothing, do and know nothing” Uncle Tom PSYCHO Negroes; and the blood money keeps rolling in. If you don’t believe that Cuba Gooding, Jr. isn’t a Mad Hatter Son of Satan- Fat Meat Ain’t Greasy.
As for Lenny Kravitz,  he displays another secret Masonic form of the Osirisian Sacred Bi-Crossed Symbol.  Lenny portray James Holloway.[158] High Priestess of Kabbalah-ILLUMINATI [159](Witch), Madonna. [160] Lenny Kravitz is a half Jewish pro-Israelite Zionist,[161] and part of the “Mad Madonna” notorious New Age Satanic-Kabbalist Circle.[162] 
Kabbalah is as complex as it is old. Throughout the centuries, it has come to mean many things to many people. However, whatever Kabbalah that Madonna subscribes to is undoubtedly overwhelmingly Satanic. Eliphas Levi, Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, was a prolific writer on Magical Freemasonry, he has been called, “the Last of the Magi.”[163] Levi created the infamous image of Baphomet. Levy said that high magic [was] hidden under the name of Kabbalah, and reported in the hieroglyphics of ancient sacred temples.[164] “Monsignor Jouin notes that the brothers G. and N.L. Butmir in their works, Freemasonry and the Betrayal of the State and Jews in Masonry, pointed out that, ‘despite advances in science, the rabbis and Kabbalists Jews wishing to maintain their power over minds, devoted themselves to the “Kabbalah of the Left” to magic, demonology, the evocation of spirits, sorcery, spiritualism, all sorts of sordid excitement, to order to enslave the weak minds that have lost, for one reason or another, the benevolent support of the True Faith. We understand that such studies, far from serving the true God, lead directly to the worship of the occult and devil worship.’”[165]
“The Super bowl is kind of like the Holy of Holies in America. I’ll come at halfway of the “church experience” and I’m gonna have to deliver a sermon. It’ll have to very impactful. “-Madonna Vigilent Citizen: “It is rather appropriate that this Kaballah-initiate [Madonna] referred to the Super bowl as the “Holy of Holies” as it was the name of the most sacred place in Solomon’s Temple. No one was ever permitted to enter the Holy of Holies but the High Priest. This privilege was only granted on the Day of Atonement, to offer the blood of sacrifice and incense before the mercy seat. Madonna’s analogy was therefore telling of the mindset behind her performance.”[166] Priestess Mad Madonna & Lenny Kravitz, “I Love Satan” Justify My Love” is a song by Madonna from her first compilation, The Immaculate Collection (1990).
The song was written by Lenny Kravitz and Ingrid Chavez with additional lyrics by Madonna.[167] The song is clandestinely layered with subliminal satanic messages back masked in the song, “I Love Satan”.[168] Lenny’s lyrics also has a ‘”The Beast Within” mix which quotes passages from the Book of Revelation (The Beast Within = sexual penetration by the Devil or the Antichrist [Book of Revelation]).[169]
This Satanic Negro has also downloaded his own series of naked pictures and homemade porn on the internet.[170] Lenny & Madonna, this isn’t guilt by association. Lenny Kravitz is actively involved in a clandestine New Age ILLUMINATI-Kabbalist Circle led by High Priestess Mad Madonna that is slowing overloading the music industry with messages, ILLUSIONS and the idolatry of Lucifer. butlerlennycross Kravtiz’s Cross & Star of David are Genuine U.S. Military Issue and are supplied to the Defense Logistics Agency under Contract. [171] Israeli Mossad Agent? If you don’t believe that Lenny Kravtiz isn’t another Son of SATAN- Fat Meat Ain’t Greasy.
Terrence Howard- Satan’s Psycho, “THE ANTICHRIST IS HERE!”
Former First Lady Luciferian Barbara Bush & Terrence HowardScience is Golden at the Ninth Gate of Hell
Finally, we have Mr. Howard. The real story of Terrence Howard reads like a true African-American PSYCHO. In The Butler, Terrence Howard is just what he is, HOWARD. butlerthoccult Howard has a secret strange occult alter personality that have been nurtured over decades. Above, Howard sports a head scarf with pyramids, sun symbol with eight rays with a symbol inside and a shirt with some type of yellow occult vase or urn. The symbol inside the sun circle and surrounded by pyramids appears to be an owl, Moloch, the Ba’al-Moloch of the elite Bohemian Club associated with child sacrifice.  butlerthbohemianowl He also wear two occult charms or medallions. One necklace appears to be a double serpent charm, Double Serpent Power. 
The Double Serpent is an ancient complex and mysterious symbol from the serpent of caduceus to the Old Serpent of Genesis to the Baphomet of the Knight Templars. However in regards to Dark Tantra Sex, “it represents sexual energy or Kundalini of the male and female in synergistic exchange. The serpent or sexual energy can either be raised to reconnect us with the Divine to pursue sexual gratification.” Sex, The Secret Gate to Eden, Alchemy, Tantra and Kabbalah, Glorian Publishing (formerly Thelema Press) 2006. butlerthmonarch Here is Terrence Howard and a MONARCH- Butterfly Mind Control Head Scarf. He has a classic background of childhood traumatic experiences that would have made him an idea candidate for MK ULTRA. At 2 1/2 years, he witnessed his father, Tyrone Howard, kill a man in an incident at a Cleveland department store called, the Santa Line Staying.-+ He also suffered the traumatic experience of childhood abandonment. Tyrone was sent to prison for manslaughter.
Dr. Ralph Allison, a protege of Dr. Gregory Bateson’s Stanford University CIA circle, said that if the first dissociation (sufficient trauma to dissociate) was before the age of seven, a condition called Multiple Personality Disorder” (MPD) will result. Children at that age feel too immature or untrained to defend themselves with physical means, so they resort to making defenders of their bodies within their minds. Dr. Allison also found that dissociates created by “stress-trauma” were usually “highly hypnotizable.” Terrence Howard is sad, troubled and a bizarre deeply involved Satanic- ILLUMINATI multi-layered individual to say the least.
butlerthdevilhorns  The Butler Scriptwriter Danny Strong & Terrence HowardDevil Horns
butlersataniic “HEIL SATAN” HollyWeird’s Robert Deniro portrays Lucifer and Terrence Howard’s mimic secret “M” Satanic Hand Symbol- another bastardization of a sacred Kemetic Tribute Hand Gesture. butlermsign
butlerbaphometalice ILLUMINATI Wiccan High Priestess Alice Walker displays a similar “Heil Satan” bastardization of a sacred Kemetic Tribute Gesture.   butlerpharoahsal
The Great Pharaoh Seti I honor God Osiris with the secret Kemetic sacred open hand tribute symbol.
Terrence Howard, The Making of Dark Side  butlerminniegentry Terrence’s successful acting career was not developed out of a vacuum. Terrence’s backstage career centered around his great-grandmother forming the stolen ILLUMINATI sacred Kemetic Cross, Minnie GentryHe acknowledges that he closely followed her career. Minnie had been his inspiration and first acting coach.  Minnie Gentry (1915-1993) was an American Black stage and film actress. During her early career, she played alongside Sidney Pointier in his acting debut in Lysistrata. 
It was stage play by Aristophanes of Ancient Greece first performed by Athenians in 411 BC.  She also showed up in another ancient Greek play by Euripides, Medea. It is based on the mythical hero of ancient Greece, Jason, and the Witch Medea. This play was also first performed in Ancient Greece in 431 BC.   Minnie’s stage career was also undoubtedly influenced by the circles, darkness and the Greek mysteries of the controversial French novelist, playwright, poet, essayist, gay political activist and Luciferian occultist Jean Genet.  Jean Genet was part of a secret society that loved the Hidden Dark Side of Ancient Greece.  
“Oh go through the walls; if you must walk on the ledges of roofs, of oceans; cover yourself with light; use menace, use pray…My sleepers will flee toward another America.” -Jean Genet In France, Jean Genet had been a compulsive criminal and boy prostitute. He was a high level Old World ILLUMINATI and one of the secret Masters of the Priory of Sion associated with the Luciferian homosexual circle of Grand Master Jean Cocteau. The Priory of Sion is an ancient secret society associated with Leonardo Da Vinci. They along with the Knight Templars claim to Lords of the New World Order through the House of King David (Jesus) and Mary Magdalene. butlerrimraud Cocteau was a celebrated, influential and elitist French poet, novelist, dramatist, designer, playwright, filmmaker and Nazi Collaborator during WWII. He told prison officials, “You don’t lockup Rimbaud” in prison. Who was Arthur Rimbaud? Rimbaud was a youthful Old World ILLUMINATI French poet that sough the secret knowledge in other ways. He was great reader of mysticism and the occult. To become a visionary, a voyant, he threw himself into a “long, immense and systematic derangement of the senses,” an initiation into altered states of consciousness that he hoped would open for him the hidden doors of perception. 
The independence of the African Nation of Ghana in 1957 inspired Genet to write and produce an all black cast play, The Blacks. Among the Negroes he assembled for the play was Minnie Gentry cast as a queen. Genet had very little regard and respect for the Black aspirations of human freedom, dignity, peace and justice, Genet called his play, The Blacks, A Clown Show. butlersheldon Behind the stage, Minnie introduced Terrence into another circle of darkness, and into the den of another Luciferian secret manipulator of men, CIA MK ULTRA master and handler, Bill Cosby. It was Paul Mooney and Richard Pryor’s HollyWeird freak and homosexual handler, Sheldon Leonard, above, that launched the television and film career of Bill Cosby in the CIA’s romanced propagandized version of itself,  I, Spy. Cosby called Leonard, “My Last Father.”  butlercumberlandgeorgeiii
Hand Symbol of Grand Masons,Terrence Howard and Henry Frederick, Duke of Cumberland, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of England 
At age 15, Terrence landed a spot on the Cosby Show, but his scene didn’t survive the cutting board. Minnie was the Cosby show’s Great Aunt Gram TeeOut of this complex circle of darkness and at the feet of the ILLUMINATI, Terrence Howard, the Mad “Son on of Satan” and high ranking secret Freemason, emerged.  Terrence Howard, the Occult, Dark Sex & Antiquated Black Women  butlerthbaal
Secret Hand Symbol of Babylonian God of Wisdom Nabu & Terrence Howard
(Madness Out of Terrence Howard’s Mouth)    “Black women are antiquated. White women represent progress. My non black ex-wife called me nigger and wants nothing to do with my children because they’re black or at least half black and this Asian chick hit me.”[172]
On May 6, 2012, police arrived at Terrence Howard’s suburban Philadelphia home due to an altercation that occurred between Howard and his ex-girlfriend, May Seng Yang, “one of at least six violent altercations that Howard is alleged to have had with women since 2000.[173] As far as the Asian chick that allegedly assaulted him, according to Ms. Yang, it was Howard who attacked her – adding the actor clearly has issues with women, is into “Dark Sex” and when need be pays for his fantasies.[174]  butlerhowardporn This is an example of who Terrence Howard might get down with in his Demonic Dark Sex Fantasies in HollyWeird. Terrence’s girlfriend is porn star Erica Taylor aka Juliet Cariago. In Terrence’s twisted minded Luciferianism, Black Women would indeed be “antiquated” in a sense. With the exception of the Black Women of HollyWierd that have been made into mind controlled MONARCH Sex Kittens or sold their souls to the Devil for fortune and fame, Black Women in general do not and will not play with the Occult or the DEVIL.   Terrence Howard, Jimi Hendrix & “O Lucifer” butlerburningmidnight On Terrence’s Jimi Hendrix’s t-shirt writing in the hair is the opening lyrics of Hendrix’s 1968 “Burning of the Midnight Lamp.” The Morning is dead and the day is too There is nothing left here to lead me, but the velvet moon All of my loneliness I have felt today It’s a litle more enough to make a man throw himself away And I continue to burn the Midnight Lamp, alone. Book of Genesis 1: 16-18 (KJV) “And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.” 
Moon Worship is as ancient as it is complex. The Sun (light) rules the day and the Moon (darkness) rules the night. The name Lucifer occurs once in the Scriptures and only in some versions of the Bible. For example, the King James Version renders Isaiah 14:12: “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!” The Hebrew word translated Lucifer means “shining one”. The Septuagint uses the Greek word “bringer of dawn. Hence, some translations render the original Hebrew morning star or Daystar. But Jerome’s Latin Vulgate uses “Lucifer” (light bearer). Luciferianism is a belief system that venerates the essential characteristics that are affixed to Lucifer. The tradition, influenced by Gnosticism, usually reveres Lucifer not as the Devil, but as a liberator of “guiding spirit” or even the true god as opposed to Jehovah. Among Satanist, Lucifer is seen as the “Torch of Baphomet.”  Midnight is the “Witching Hour.”  With a modern literal meaning of “midnight,” the term witching hour refers to the time of day when creatures such as witches, demons, and ghosts are though to appear and to be at their most powerful black magic to be effective.
Hendrix’s former girlfriend, Fayne Pridgo, has said: “He used to always talk about some devil or something was in him, you know, and he didn’t have any control over it, he didn’t know what made him act the way he acted and what made him say the things he said, and songs… just came out of him.” (Dave Hunt, America: The Sorcerers New Apprentice, Eugene, OR: Harvest House, 1988,  pp. 239-40)
It is not surprising that an apprentice in Luciferianism like Terrence Howard would conjure up or “twin” a dead sorcerer and the guiding spirit of Jimi Hendrix to lead him through a league of demons and ghosts in the darkness at midnight to the enlightenment of the “light bearer” and the “Torch of Baphomet”, O Lucifer.   
Terrence Howard & Luciferian- Enochian Sex Magkic 
Dark Sex is a form of Aleister Crowley’s Satanic Ritual Sex Magick. It is a secret Enochian “Angelic” Ritual Ceremony.[175] The Enochian system of magic as practiced today is primarily the product of researches and workings by four men: John Dee, Edward Kelley, Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers and the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley.[176]
John Dee is important. Dee (July 13, 1527–1608 or 1609) was a Welch mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, occultist, navigator, imperialist, and consultant to Queen Elizabeth I (House of Tudor- started England’s African Slave Trade). He devoted much of his life to the study of alchemy, divination and Hermetic philosophy.[177] “Enochian” is described as “Angelical”, the “Celestial Speech”, the “Language of Angels”, the “First Language of God-Christ”, the “Holy Language”, or “Adamical” because, according to Dee’s Angels, it was used by Adam in Paradise to name all things. The term “Enochian” comes from Dee’s assertion that the Biblical Patriarch Enoch had been the last human (before Dee and Kelley) to know the language.[178]
Enochian Sex Magick involves invoking erotic-occulted paranormal experiences from Fallen Angels. “Sex Magkic can be done with a Demon/ess.” “Sexual fluids, both semen and vaginal secretions and also menstrual blood have the power of Life Forces.” Joy of Satan Ministries, U.S. Library of Congress[179]
“Crowley’s sex rituals involving the consumption of blood, semen, or feces were allegedly intended to achieve a higher consciousness to empower a talisman, or to simply empower ones self. Intense focuses on the intended result during the ritual, especially during orgasm, were paramount to achieving the desired goal in Sex Magick. Crowley saw in orgasm (as in drug experience) a means to create ‘breakage of consciousness’ by pushing the mind to a point of extreme exhaustion and so opening it the “supersensual.’ The technique… was that of excess; through pain or pleasure, sex or intoxication, it was necessary to attain a condition of exhaustion taken to the extreme limit.”[180]
According to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a talisman is “a magical figure charged with the force which it is intended to represent. In the construction of a talisman, care should be taken to make it, as far as possible, so to represent the universal forces that it should be in exact harmony with those you wish to attract, and the more exact the symbolism, the easier it is to attract the force”.[181] Ms. Yang allegedly met Terrence in a chance encounter at a pizzeria at the Plymouth Meeting Mall in Philadelphia. So, I assumed she isn’t necessarily a satanic hermetic sex practitioner, but was attempting to “drop the dime” on Howard when she said that he is so obsessed with satanic eroticism that he pays for Satanists to invoke the occulted experiences through Enochian Sex Magick Rituals.
Terrence Howard & Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde butlermrhdye - Copy The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is the original title of a novella written by the Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson first published in 1886. Stevenson seems to have worked primarily from Knights Templar mysteries and themes out of Scotland and Ireland. Stevenson’s works seem to be based on Knight Templars’ legends, myths, tales, and belief systems. The work is commonly associated with the rare mental condition called split personality“, referred to in psychiatry as dissociative identity disorder” (DID) where within the same body there exists more than one distinct personality.[182] In this case, there are two personalities within Dr Jekyll, one apparently good and the other evil- Mr. Hyde; completely opposite levels of morality;[183] the dualism of God and Satan.[184] butlerpsychoth - Copy There is certainly something awfully strange about Howard. If this is Terrence Howard on the left, then who is this guy on the right? Notice his right eye. butlerthviolent
The Strange Couple, Terrence Howard, Wife Michele Ghent and his Dark Side Dr. Jekyll Right Eye
Terrence married his third wife, Michele Ghent, 33 years old, in a secret ceremony in January 2010. She filed for divorce in February 2011.[185] Ghent previously said that Terrence began beating her a week into their marriage. She said he “slugged” her across the face and neck and threatened to throw her off a balcony. Ghent said the abuse continued throughout the marriage, and that he chipped her tooth with his wedding ring. She also claimed Terrence threatened to kill her if she told anyone his personal business. [186]
Terrence married Ghent secretly. Almost nothing has been revealed about her background and family. One source identified her as a “commercial production worker” which is extremely strange that there has been no background check of Ms. Ghent.[187] Ghent is a medieval surname. The first recorded spelling of the family is shown to be that of Robert le Gent, which was dated 1195, in the “Pipe Rolls of Hampshire”, during the reign of of our old favorite British King Richard 1, recall “The Lionheart“.[188] Terrence became secretly engaged with Ghent in 2009. He claims that she may be connected with the Russian Mafia specializing in HollyWeird extortion- white-mail shams.[189] butlercosby Bill Cosby’s son, Ennis, was a murder victim of a sophisticated and highly secret Russian Mafia[190]. Mikail Markhasez that killed Ennis was a racist North Hollywood Russian born assassin.[191] Terrence claimed that soon after they became engaged, she began to secretly download his secret personal records and record his private conversations. She gained access to his banking information and pillaged at least $260,000 from one of his 25 bank accounts.[192] 
Terrence Howard: “Satan is Taunting Me!”
Tellingly, Howard’s December 2 Email to Ghent, If you wanted, you could crush me with the push of a button. I have no recourse, I have pleaded with Jehovah to fortify my heart that I do not fall into angry and revengeful retaliation against my forsaken love… I am newly reconciled to being a servant of Jehovah. SATAN is taunting me and there is no rest for my mind. So I beg you not to exercise the right that you have, divorce me and do what you wish but do not crush my families [sic] already threatened livelihood. I can’t promise how I will respond. In Jesus’ name I am praying.”[193] It seems as if Michele Ghent, agent of a criminal extortion syndicate, moved in and took advantage of Howard’s complex dissociative identity disorder” that included highly CIA/MK ULTRAMONARCH sensitive occult- satanic alter personalities that he had no power to control. They are pushing him to the edge. Like The Butler, Terrence Howard is caught in a classic DOUBLE BIND.
He, as a human being, is prohibited by blood oaths from revealing anything that he has heard, seen or even feel. Terrence is in a great dilemma as the elders say caught, “Between a Rock and a Hard Place.”[194] Terrence Howard is obsessed by the highs of satanic-erotic euphoria. He is caught on the edge of madness. His dilemma is so great, the fear so real that he has been driven on the path of suicide, “He grabbed an X-Acto blade and put it to his wrist as if to cut himself,” her filing states. He then reached for the “belt on his robe and displayed attempts to hang himself.”[195] butlerheathtyler During the late 1950s and 1960s, CIA doctors discovered and began experimenting with “pleasure centers “of the brain. One CIA- MK ULTRA doctor in New Orleans that was obsessively involved in stimulating the brain’s “pleasure centers” in the septum area was Dr. Robert Galbraith Heath, above, of Tulane University.[196]
I believe Dr. Heath’s experiments on children are related to Tyler Perry’s New Orleans hospital ritual sexual abuse episodes that altered his childhood pleasure center becoming a child prostitute. Above, Tyler Perry displays the stolen sacred Kemetic Lion’s Paw, the familiar DEVIL’S PAW of the ILLUMINATI.  Dr. Heath implanted and attached electrodes to the brain’s “pleasure center” to self stimulate organism- euphoria and elation. One of Dr. Heath’s patients felt driven to stimulate his implant so often — 1,500 times — that he “was experiencing an almost overwhelming euphoria and elation, and had to be disconnected, despite his vigorous protests,” Heath wrote. [197] 
Enochian Sex Magick is physiologically and psychotically addictive and a CIA- MK ULTRA “River of Reward” behavior modification method.[198] Terrence Howard: FROM THE BOOK OF REVELATION,  “THE ANTICHRIST IS HERE” The DOUBLE BIND triggered one of Howard’s Satanic Alter Personalities to emerge. People, I am not making this stuff up! butlerthcrowley Terrence Howard’s Email to Ghent, “If this is goodbye, then I hate everything and will now use my gifts to destroy mankind,” an April 27, 2013 text attributed to Howard reads. “I will become Satan Himself! You were my last chance to love. I will now Hate in all things and seek my vengeance upon Humanity for all the wrongs ever done to me!! … The Antichrist is Here!”[199] The Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley’s last words as he passed into a coma on December 1, 1947, were, “I am perplexed…” [200] butlerthdistress
Terrence Howard & Masonic Sign of Distress
Likewise, Terrence Howard is perplexed- bewildered, puzzled and entangled caught up presenting a classic Dr. Gregory Bateson DOUBLE BIND- PSYCHO! If Terrence Howard is not a True Son of Satan, “Fat Meat Ain’t Greasy.” Howard is so far inside the ILLUMINATI, LUCIFERIANISM and the OCCULT spiritually, mentally and physical that he has an extremely difficult and dangerous path ahead. He must “COME HOME.” Ask God, the elders and his most ancient thousandths of years pillar of foundational spiritual strenght, Black Women and the people for love and forgiveness

Symbolically, Cecil Gaines represents HollyWeird’s black straw man – classic Uncle Tom. Of the all the things going on in the White House and in the world, he had been enjoined from communicating anything that he saw, heard or feared. He exists only to be kicked around and SERVE blindly and faithfully the Imperium-ILLUMINATI. In the movie, Gaines (Forest Whitaker) and Gloria Gaines (Oprah Winfrey) are only empowered to communicate, to comment and react (violently) upon the meaningful actions of oneself against the images of Huey P. Newton and the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. Huey would be the absolute dialectical opposite of HollyWeird’s Satanic Uncle Tom PSYCHOS and Lunatics in The Butler. To the Luciferian-ILLUMINATI; Huey P. NewtonFat Meat is Always Greasy butlerhueybobby In this situation, there is no Forrest Gump and Cecil Gaines, play dumb, stupid and stay dumb and stupid. The Luciferian-ILLUMINATI of the New World Order very well know the significance of Huey P. Newton, Bobby Seale and the Black Panther Party for Self Defense (BPP) to the masses. Brother Huey has been dead since 1989; and Huey and the original BPP (Images) still scares them. In The Butler, they are even afraid to show brothers and sisters portraying panthers in proper BBP uniforms.
Chairman Bobby Seale was a brilliant visionary and strategist that understood the power of IMAGES. Bobby setup our official uniforms as black berets, black leather jacket, blue shirt with black tie, black slacks and polished dark shoes. Even the panther logo above them is deliberately visually distorted.
The BBP’s uniform was recognized all over the planet as a powerful “IMAGE” and example of fearless disciplined and organized resistance among the masses.The BPP uniform also meant a death sentence- shoot on sight. There were many nights that we received alerts that orders on the streets were shoot panthers on sight, but we resisted fear and suited up regardless of the constant threats of death. The fear of Huey and the BPP is far more deeply rooted in ancient prophecy than you want to believe. butlerhoover FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover was a Master Mason in the Federal Lodge No. 1, Washington, DC. In 1955, he was coroneted a Thirty-Third Degree Inspector General Honorary in the Southern Scottish Rite Jurisdiction (Frederick the Great- House of House of Hohenzollem- Windsor). He was also awarded the Scottish Rite’s highest recognition, the Grand Cross of Honour, in 1965.[201] The House of Hohenzollem was the False Kings that Joachim de Flore prophesied would rule the world with a “rod of iron” before the dragon (Satan-Devil) with seven heads in Chapter 12 of the biblical Book of Revelation.
It was this Scottish Rite Freemason Luciferian disciple of the Ancient House of Hohenzollem, J. Edgar Hoover, that declared Huey P. Newton and the BPP the greatest threat to America’s national security. Lucifer, Satan, the DEVIL is his god and master. Luciferian Hoover also made the outcry, fear, and obsession of the Rise of Black Messiah among the masses official policy of the U.S. Government. What is it that we don’t seem to understand about their very real obsession and fears about the Rise of Black Messiah? It’s the Ancient Kemetic Vanquisher- HORUS butlerfalconhueyP “The ancient Kemet God Horus was a deity with many roles. His image and symbols can be found all throughout ancient Egyptian art. He is usually represented as a Falcon or a human figure with a Falcon head. In very early times of ancient Kemet the Sun and the Moon were regarded as the all seeing eyes of the great falcon god Horus. His right eye representing the Sun and his left eye representing the Moon.”[202] The Vanquisher is a complex Kemetic mythology-belief system, older than recorded time. In the far and distant prehistoric past, he was given the title Hor Nubti: Horus the Vanquisher of Set [evil].”[203] Horus is the pubescent male who was born of the virgin mother without the fatherhood, third in advent, but placed first in series, as the representative of all the powers, whose natural genesis has been traced to lunar phenomena, and who in the solar mythos was the opponent and vanquisher of the Beast with ten horns, which represented the total of the opposing Typhoninan [Typhon-Set] powers.[204] It sounds like the 12th Chapter of the Book of Revelation is more bastardization of Kemetic Mythology. Typhon was the most deadly monster of Greek Mythology. The last Son of Gaia, fathered by Tartarus, he was known as the “Father of All Monsters”; his wife Echidna was likewise the “Mother of All Monsters.” Since the Greek Historian Herodotus, Typhon has been identified by some scholars with the Kemetic God Set. [205]
Everyone who met Brother Huey knew that there was something very special and spiritual about him. When the Panthers formed in 1966, the CIA/FBI had drawn up personality assessments and profiles of Bobby and Huey. An undercover student agent told me about Bobby and Huey’s personality assessments that they had developed to discourage me to from joining the Panthers. At the time right out of high school, I had no idea what he was talking about. “The Arc of the Moral Universe Is Long, but It Bends Toward Justice” –Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.[206] Even then, they had assessed that Huey wouldn’t break; and once removed from the BPP leadership, things would fall apart. But there were those spiritual and unknown value and intangibles among the people that they couldn’t see, assess, control or figure out. There was no material award or gain for Huey and Bobby taking an armed stand against systematic global injustice. Huey and Bobby were brilliant individuals that would have prospered in any chosen field, but they SACRIFICED their lives for righteousness for righteousness sake. The entire community feared the government would crack down on them and the BPP with a “ROD of IRON” and they did.
There was a big difference between the Huey pre San Luis Obispo California Men’s (Penal) Colony and Huey post-San Luis Obispo. When Huey was first incarcerated at San Luis Obispo, the word circulated among brothers and sisters that they were using “Chinese Brainwashing” torture techniques on him, and we had to visit him as much as possible to keep his mind together. I recalled hearing that they were torturing Huey with slow drips of water on his head 24hrs a day, and “water boarding” techniques.
This was in 1968-69 when we basically threw very little or anything at all about secret governmental brainwashing and mind control programs. CIA-MK ULTRA Mind Control Programs weren’t exposed until 1974.[207] The brothers had described San Luis Obispo as a pill factory where prisoners were lined up each morning and given daily doses of pills then walked around all day like zombies. During the early 1970s, a petition addressed to the California Senate Committee on Penal Institutions by La Raza Unida, a Chicano organization representing prisoners confined in the California Men’s Colony, described the situation at San Luis Obispo: “The simple fact that a number of prisoners are walking the yard in this institution like somnambulists, robots, and vegetables as a result of the drug [Prolixin-Lithium] should be reason enough to make people apprehensive as to the effect it is having. That no prisoner feels safe because he never knows when he will become a candidate for said drug is another factor in producing tension in this institution.”[208] butlerlobomony A court case also exposed that San Luis Obispo had an advanced acute mental health facility involved in experiment forced electrical convulsion shock treatment-torture, and “Prefrontal Lobe Lobotomies”.[209] Huey was held in solitary confinement at the East Facility, at San Luis Obispo.[210] The East Facility housed that advanced acute mental health experimental facility.[211] The Huey that formed the BPP with Bobby Seale in 1966 was far different than the Huey P. Newton that left the California prison system in 1971. What they did to Huey and who did it remains top secret and classified information. buterbateson Within two years of his release from prison, Huey was at the University of Santa Cruz’s Kresge College of Consciousness directly under the observation and control of the founders of NLP, Richard Bandler, John W. Grinder; and the British Godfather of the CIA and MK ULTRA and the Palo Alto Group (Mental Research Institute)- DOUBLE BIND Dr. Gregory Bateson.[212] At Kresge College, Grinder was a linguistic professor. Bandler was a student. In 1974, Dr. Bateson formerly joined the faculty at Kresge College as a fellow and lecturer, and the Bateson, Grinder and Bandler’s collaboration developed. Grinder, Bandler, Virginia Satir of Stanford Research Institute’s Mental Research Institute (MRI) collaborated with Dr. Bateson in “The Structure of Magic” (Magick), Volumes 1 and 2 (1975).[213]

The CIA (MK ULTRA- MONARCH) had to find and figure out who Huey was, and prevent another Huey P. Newton from rising among the masses. Even the ILLUMINATI and Satanic Bloodlines (Priory of Sion) were also extremely curious about Huey. 

butlerjean In 1970, Jean Genet of the Old World ILLUMINATI flew into Oakland just before Huey was released from prison. His official BPP escorts were Big Man Howard and it appears to be Emory Douglas which would be consistent with historical records. One evening, Genet danced in a pink negligee for the Captain of the Captain of BPP, David Hilliard and three other brothers. In January 1969, I was among a group of brothers and sisters that had been purged from the BPP by a new governing body of the Central Committee, led by subsequent convicted federal criminal, governmental extortioner and front man for a convicted white professional (Croatian?) municipal extortioner, Lucas Dallas AKA William L. Dallas (In re Dallas Lucas, Inc. 185 BR 801 (BAP 9th Cir 1995); and the Chinese Triads, Virtual Murrell.
Murrell publicly accused purged BPP dedicated civil rights brothers such as Stokely Carmichael and H. Rap Brown of practicing “ultra-democracy” whatever that maybe. According to Murrell, we were not only suddenly buffoons, counter-revolutionaries, but renegades, and so artfully jacknapes and factionalizers.   In 1970, while the Old World ILLUMINATI homosexual was dirty dancing in pink negligees for the new BPP leadership, we were the targets of a deadly assault not only by BPP Goon Squads with a shadow governmental license to kill, but also by a clandestine mutli-level governmental COINTELPRO-Project CHAOS search and destroy task force. Undoubtedly, the BPP Great Purge of 1969 had been a shadow government- ILLUMINATI setup.
Personally, I discovered around February 1969 that Chairman Bobby Seale wouldn’t be trusted any longer beyond looking at him. At Merritt Jr. College, two heavily armed BPP goon squad members began to tail and intimidate me and several student activists around campus. One guy, I knew went by the name of Robert Johnson had adopted the name,  “Tcshaka.”  The other guy we called, “Paul the Hunchback.” I accompanied a student delegation to Bobby Seale’s house down the street from campus. We pleaded with Bobby to withdraw the goon squad and preserve the college campus as a neutral ground for the well being and safety of the student body. The goon squad was withdrawn.
However within days during a special event on campus, I watched from a campus upstairs window as what appeared to be a platoon of new BPP members surrounded and invaded the entire campus like something like a siege of a Vietnam village. A squad of brothers asked students about my whereabouts on campus. Fortunately, the old Merritt Jr. College building on Grove Street (MLK, Jr. Blvd) is a gothic structure with hidden rooms and a couple of towers. I knew some of its secrets. I watched from one of the campus’ hidden windows on the second floor as the entire platoon met up with Chairman Bobby in one of the school’s many patios.
Tcshaka aka Robert Johnson was out of Baltimore, MD associated with black special agents out of SS General Fritz Kramer’s National Security Council (NSC) or National Security Agency (NSA). Paul the Hunchback was a black special agent associated with the Alameda County Sheriff’s Department or FBI/California Attorney General Eville Younger’s State Police.   
The arch of the universe bends toward justice, peace and balance- Maat. There are certain universal truths that can’t be beaten down forever by an “IRON ROD,” ILLUSIONS and DECEPTIONS. 
Regardless of the notions of idolatry, Kemetic Cosmology, Mythology and Science revolved around universal truth and principles- Maat since the dawn of human civilization. The name Huey stands for Heart, Mind and Spirit[214]. He was our spiritual bold “Hero” and fearless “Vanquisher” of the enemies of the people that had built a nation around him willing and ready to run and do battle with “EVIL”. The BPP was built around the “Living Prodigy” of Huey P. Newton. When they tried to take him down, Bobby Seale did a masterful task of building a worldwide “Free Huey” campaign around the true “Myth” and “Legend” of Huey P. Newton. butlerhueyfalcon1 All pharaohs claimed to be the incarnation of Horus the “Living King.”[215] Ramses II was nicknamed “SeSe” – the Vanquisher.[216] I call Huey P. Newton“SeSe” that they still fear. The old Huey P. Newton that we knew in 1966 would know and SERVE the ILLUMINATI alright with a Bullet in the ASS.
Papa Don’t Take No MessPapa Don’t Take No Mess… Papa is the man you can understand. How a man has to do whatever he can… Papa is the man who will take a stand. Papa don’t take no mess… Papa got a whole lotta heart. And Papa would do his part… Wait a minute. Looka here. Don’t take Papa light. Cause when he gets uptight. He knows he’s right. You got to sacrifice. Papa is a man that will take a STAND.” Papa Don’t Take No Mess- Papa Don’t Take No Mess.[217] With a Gun in his Hand!

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33],_Duke_of_Cumberland_and_Strathearn [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [50] [51] [52] [53] [54];wap2 [55] [56] [57] [58] [59] [60] [61] [62] [63] [64] [65] [66] [67] [68] [69] [70] [71] [72] [73] [74] [75] [76] [77] [78] [79] [80] [81] Civico, Aldo, Qualifications Summary, International Institute for Peace, Rutgers University (2011) [82] [83] [84] [85] [86] Civico, Aldo, Qualifications Summary, International Institute for Peace, Rutgers University (2011) [87] [88] [89] [90] Aldo Civico’s Qualifications Summary, International Institute for Peace, Rutgers University (2011) [91] [92] [93] [94] [95] [96] [97] [98] [99] [100] [101] [102] [103] [104]

[105] Reston, Jr, James, Warriors of God: Richard the Lionheart and Saladin in the Third Crusade, pg. 152

. [106] Bible, Book of Revelation, Chapter 12 (KJV)

[107] Reston, Jr, James, Warriors of God: Richard the Lionheart and Saladin in the Third Crusade, pg. 152

[108] [109] [110] [111] [112] [113] Civico, Adlo, Qualifications Summary, International Institute for Peace, Rutgers University (2011) [114] [115] [116] [117] [118] [119] [120] [121] Id. [122] Id. [123] Id. [124] : [125] Joseph Mengele and others experimented extensively with children and adults using mescaline, electro-shock 11 cause2/kitty-kelley-oprah-secrets-teenage-prostitute/ [126] Ross, Colin, BLUEBIRD, Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality By Psychiatrists, (2000) Manitou Communications, Inc., page 329 [127] [128] [129] [130] [131] [132] [133] Id. [134] Id. [135] Id. [136] [137] [138] [139] [140] [141] [142] [143] [144] [145] [146] [147] [148] [149] [150] [151] [152] [153] [154] [155] [156] [157] [158] [159] [160] [161] [162] [163] [164] [165] [166] [167] [168] [169] [170] [171] [172] [173] [174] [175] [176] [177] [178] [179] [180] [181] [182] [183] [184] [185] [186] [187] [188] [189] [190] [191] [192] [193] [194] [195] [196] [197] [198] [199] [200] [201] [202] [203] [204] [205] [206] [207] [208] Mitford, Jessica, The Torture Cure, Harpers, Vol. 247, August 1973, pg. 26 [209] People v. Feagley (1975) 14 Cal3d 338, 369 [210] [211] [212] [213] [214] [215] [216] [217]


21 10 2011
Illuminati v. Dr. Conrad Murray, to Lynch a Black Patsy on National Television
The case against Dr. Conrad Murray for culpability as the “Patsy” in the death of Michael Jackson is among the “unseen” well beyond the rule of law of the courtroom. It is a clandestine Illuminati attack upon Dr. Murray to anchor and re-image him in the mind of the world public opinion as the Lone Nut killer of Michael Jackson through a slick mass media psychological warfare persuasion, manipulation, and mind control program.

“… I believe that the CIA controls the media system in the United States.” – Media Mogul, Ted Turner[1]
I suspect that Turner, above, with the Master “Hidden Hand” gesture had been a willing participant in Operation MOCKINGBIRD all along fronting for the CIA.

CNN’s very own daring candy man, Anderson Cooper, out of Yale University received his training with the CIA. The candyman sugar-coats American Imperialism, crimes and corruption and military-industrial transgressions around the globe.
According to CNN, he worked for the CIA at Langley headquarters following his sophomore and junior years at Yale, but declined full-time employment when he graduated from college. However, Anderson was found after graduating from Yale studying Vietnamese at the University of Hanoi, most likely for the Company.[2] That dog won’t hunt.

The CIA is Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler’s SS (Schutzstaffel). After WWII, the secret 1945 Fort Hunt Treaty between the U.S. and Nazis formed the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) under the mold and control of the foreign intelligence division of the SS, AMT IV.[3] The CIA is an official citizen intelligence agency of the U.S. Government that is bound to an oath of secrecy, but also bound to allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, that is among the SEEN.[4]
Among the SEEN of the SS was an oath of allegiance to the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler, but among the UNSEEN was the more deadly and binding Blood Oath of  Secrecy to the New Order of Teutonic Knights aka the Knights of the Black Sun.[5]
The UNSEEN is also layered inside the CIA. The elite men at the genesis of the CIA with the SS (Allen Dulles, Frank Wisner) ran the Company like an order of Knights most often believed to have been Knights Templar,[6] but it was actually Himmler’s New Order of Teutonic Knights. However, both Knight Templars and Teutonic Knights of the Crusades of the Middle Ages stand at the pinnacle of Hierarchy of Freemasonry.[7]    
Billionaire Mass Media Mongol Ted Turner is an elite member of the Committee of 300. The Committee is the driving force behind the clandestine conspirator agenda to create a “New World Order”, under a “Totalitarian Global Government”.[8] He is generally believed to be a Knight of Malta. The Knights of Malta is an order of Knights Templar.[9] He is among the Master Elite of the 1% that control over 40% of America’s resources.
CNN, the CIA’s Network headquarters in Atlanta has set his sight on Dr. Murray.[10] Its psychological warfare specialists has packaged the nationally televised “In Session” program to spin and control public access and opinion; manipulate images and illusions in Dr. Murray’s televised manslaughter trial.[11]
CNN’s other darling and candyman, Vinnie Politan, long-time CourtTV and truTV host, is the point man in charge of the spin control machine and smoked mirrors program, “In Session”.

Above, Vinnie Politan, displaying one of the 12 (twelve) Masonic Hand Gestures used in mass media, the Heart Sign or Sign of Fidelity. The thumb (the “Thumbs Up”) upwards symbolizes the subjection to a group of powers superior (Hierarchy). From the Book “Masonic Signals in the Press” by Johannes Rothkranz

Michael Jackson with the ILLUMINATI Heart Sign or Sign of Fidelity without complete or partial subjection to hierarchy and corrupt power which maybe one of the causes of his assassination. The butterfly on shoulder suggests he was a CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Mind Control victim. The picture includes the Masonic Blazing Star (Knight Watch) and Crown. I read the Crown as the Holy Roman Empire. Michael is a MONARCH under watch by Knights of the Crown and under control of the Holy Roman Empire.

Compare these recording artists with MJ showing degrees of fidelity and subjection to the Occult and ILLUMINATI by the “Thumb’s Up”Prince (Disciple of Philip Anschutz)showing complete subjection,  Jennifer Lopez, Rihanna and the least possible subjection Eminem, probably because of race.

The Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley with the ILLUMINATI-Masonic Master Heart Gesture.

Above, Prominent Hollywood Actor Christopher Walken (Deerhunter) ILLUMINATI-Occulted Heart Gesture and Left Hand Path Mystic-Evil Facial Expression.

The other “In Sessions” host is Ryan Smith, above left, with a form of the ILLUMINATI Pyramid Hand Gesture. Notice, Ryan is Down while Philip Anschutz, of Anschutz Corporation is Above.  Ryan specializes in entertainment law and hosted a show on BET called and was worth no more than “My Two Cents” to the people.[12] 

Above, Bill Cosby, a Black High Level Luciferian ILLUMINATI exhibits the same ILLUMINATI Hand Gesture. Famed Hollywood actor Robert DeNiro, middle,  with ILLUMINATI Hand Gesture protrays “LUCIFER”.
“In Session” features illusionary and slanted reports out of Beth Karas, who has been with the network since 1994. The other two primary contributors to the show are Mike Brooks, the network’s front man for national security-law enforcement state, and legal illusionist Sunny Hostin, a former federal justice department prosecutor of the weak, oppressed and powerless.[13]

Above, Sunny and Dr. Murray share another form of the Masonic Gesture of Fidelity (Brotherhood-Sisterhood) and with Occulted Doctrine of Duality of the Unseen Hand, Light versus Dark, Good versus Evil, the Seen and UNSEEN. Dr. Murray’s Thumb extends upward leaving the Hand to Square in the Signal Position of “L” meaning-showing, ABSOLUTE and COMPLETE  Fidelity to the Elite or the Organization.
“In Session” Black Drama queens, Ryan Smith and Sunny Hostin, have as much backbone and spine of a snake. They create special illusions of racial justice. They pretend to be fair, just and balanced, but bend backyard-forward; up and down, side to side but always bend back around to the center squarely on the side of the prosecution, security state and the ILLUMINATI.
Dr. Conrad Murder & Involuntary Manslaughter-LET THE MASTER ANSWER
Respondeat superior (Latin: “let the master answer”; plural: respondeant superiores) is a legal doctrine which states that, in many circumstances, an employer is responsible for the actions of employees performed within the course of their employment. This rule is also called the “Master-Servant Rule”, recognized in both common law and civil law jurisdictions.[14]

Dr. Conrad Murray, the Big Black Brute but most secret servant of the Scottish Rite to the end with another Masonic Hand Sign. He shouldn’t be alone facing manslaughter charges.  Dr. Murray closed his independent medical practice and stepped in to become Michael Jackson’s (MJ) in-house personal physican for AEG’s (Anschutz Entertainment Group) Live London tour concerts.
MJ chose Dr. Murray to fill the position, but he was contractually employed through AEG Live. AEG’s defense to the “Master-Servant Rule” is that Dr. Murray’s contract was never formerly executed with signatures. That Dog won’t hunt. Dr. Murray seemed to have partually fulfilled his end of the bargain, while AEG deliberately delayed the preparation and execution of the contract until after MJ’s death as if they had expected MJ to be murdered and Dr. Murray setup as the “Patsy” for the assassination.
The Jackson family is pursuing AEG for the wrongful death of MJ under the doctrine of Respondeat superior-Let the Master Answer.[15] Why didn’t the Los Angeles Police Deparment pursue the BIG DOG in the hunt, AEG, for corporate medical gross neglience and the death of MJ?
Expert Witnesses for the ILLUMINATI, the Spin Machine Candyman & White Knights, Dr. Alon Steinberg and Dr. Nader Kamangar
Dr. Alon Steinberg, the SEEN 

In the Dr. Conrad Murray trial, I was rather struck with the appearance, image and assertive behavior of Dr. Alon Steinberg playing up to the jury like a Mass Media Sugar-Coated Candyman. Above, the Candyman work the magick of a mystic with his hands to sugar-coat ILLUMINATI setup of Dr. Murray. Below, the Mystic-Masonic Pointer takes place in the courtroom,  Candyman with Legendary Occulted -Mind Control Pointers  Adolf Hitler and Hitler’s Guru, the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley -“You Must Go in this Direction”

“In Session” Legal Analyst/Illusionist Sunny Hostin suggested the bite into the Candyman illusion and the tension of duality of racial stereotypes; she called him “Attractive”. The Candyman appearance in Dr. Murray’s trial was a big hit among those that can see but won’t see and those that can hear but cover their ears. Some of the internet buzz is that the “charismatic” Candyman had  “set hearts racing[16] while Dr. Murray remains the Big Black Brute.
Dr. Alon Steinberg, the UNSEEN & the WILL   
Alon \a-lon\ as a boy’s name is pronounced AL-en. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Alon is Oak Tree.[17] The oak tree and its leaves are a staple of Druid Witchcraft and are popular as pagan symbols among nature followers of the forest Horned God Pan.[18] Freemasons commerce their mystic works underneath the Oak Tree.[19]

The Oak Tree is also sacred to the pagan mythology of the Bloodlines of Wotan. Above, Oak Leaves with Swords to the Knight’s Cross, the Nazi Iron Cross for Courage.

Above, Candyman Dr. Steinberg, displaying the very same Masonic Hand “Thumbs Up” Gestures used by Candyman Vinnie Politan in Mass Media, the Heart Sign or Sign of fidelity. The thumb upwards symbolizes the subjection to a group of powers superior (Hierarchy).
It is apparent that Dr. Steinberg is the Illuminati’sHero”, the White Knight, riding to the rescue to work the UNSEEN mythical magic of a wizard-priest and slay the dark and evil dragon played out in world mass media.
Dr. Steinberg is the hero out of the Old Deep South. He attended high school in Bellaire, Texas, a predominately white enclave carved out of the City of Houston. Houston is in Harris County, a former slave colony.[20]
Dr. Steiner received his medical degree from the University of Texas Galveston School of Medicine and interned further Old Deep South at Jackson Memorial Hospital, the University of Miami.[21]  Dr. Steinberg is one of the California Medical Board’s review board cardiologists that played up to the jury like a Candyman-White Knight and Snake in the Grass. He found 6 separate and distinct deviations of standard of care against Dr. Murray – each one amounting to in his opinion, “gross negligence.”[22]
Dr. Murray is charged in violation of California Penal Code 192(b) defines “involuntary manslaughter” as an unlawful killing that takes place… during the commission of a lawful act which involves a high risk of death or great bodily harm that is committed without due caution or circumspection.
The phrase “without due caution and circumspection” is basically synonymous with California’s legal definition of “criminal negligence.” It is an act which is “aggravated, reckless and flagrant and which is such a departure from what would be the conduct of an ordinary prudent, careful person under the same circumstances as to be in disregard for human life, or an indifference to the consequences of such an act.” Criminal negligence means that the death was not the result of inattention, mistaken judgment or misadventure. But rather it was a reasonably foreseeable consequence of the aggravated, reckless or negligent conduct.[23]
Dr. Conrad Murray, the Big Black Brute
Defense Attorney Michael Flanagan … he [Dr. Murray] is a doctor? Prosecutor Walgren, objection, assumes facts not in evidence. Judge Michael Pastor, objection sustained. Defense Attorney Flanagan, he’s not a doctor?

A Negro doctor? No such thing. The boy must be lying.  I believe that you can at least  find tail and feathers on uncle. Hes be good for something!
I was surprised when the court allowed Dr. Steinberg full range to ride herd into the case to pass judgment on Dr. Murray before the jury on the ultimate issue of “gross negligence” with ugly contempt.
It didn’t appear that he was trying to help the jury decide the question with his expert opinion. Dr. Steinberg was dictating, commanding and implanting the jury and the national/international audience with the gross negligence of Dr. Murray with reckless utter deprived racial injustice. Black medical professionals should be up in arms by the way Dr. Murray is being unjustly and unprofessionally treated in the Courtroom and in the Public Domain. They wouldn’t treat a white medical profession with such reckless contempt on the air or in the courtroom. Dr. Steinberg was WILLING Dr. Murray’s “gross negligence” to be as thou.

Magick- “the art and science of causing change to occur in conformity with the will.” –Aleister Crowley[24]
On direct examination by the prosecution, Dr. Steinberg was allowed to testify to his six points where he concluded “gross negligence” in the treatment of Michael Jackson by Dr. Conrad.[25] One of his points of “gross negligence” was WILLED the lack of a backup battery for a pulsoximeter. Some of Dr. Steinberg’s other points of “gross negligence” were equally as trifle and spiteful. Dr. Murray didn’t have a crash cart. He waited more than 2 minutes to call 911.[26]
Dr. Steinberg lied when he testified to the jury that he had never heard of doctors using Propofol to treat insomnia. During cross-examination, defense counsel Michael Flanagan forced Dr. Steinberg to admit that he was well versed on a 2010 published study in China on the successful INNOVATED threatment of Propofol on patients with severe insomnia. Dr. Steinberg objection to the report was basically come down to being that it wasn’t Anglo-Saxon.[27] They didn’t go there.
The court allowed Dr. Steinberg to go on and on Dr. Murray’s “gross negligence” as a medical professional, which began to grow intensively to exhibit a certain amount of viciousness and arrogance. Dr. Murray’s “gross negligence” was because he WILLED it had been thou.
California Medical Board’s review of Dr. Murray’s medical practice was isolated from a LAPD investigative statement that appears to be suspect and a special “singling out” of Dr. Murray for special treatment.
Dr. Steinberg acquired a copy of Dr. Murray’s voluntary LAPD statement and kept improperly referring and WILLING it to be at trial as Dr. Murray’s “testimony” and WILLED it so that Dr. Murray fed Propofol into MJ by drip with an IV bag even though there was no evidence of such.[28]
Dr. Steinberg didn’t inform Dr. Murray of any charges. Dr. Murray wasn’t noticed with any charges against him. Dr. Steinberg didn’t ask Dr. Murray’s any questions and relied on innuendo, conclusions and unknown outside sources and factors to arbitrary form his findings. Additionally, Dr. Murray didn’t appear to have any review or appeal rights. Evidence of administrative (California Medical Association) findings can be admissible unless it fails the “constitution safeguard” smell test. In federal courts, administrative investigative findings and reports can be admissible in civil proceedings if they are “trustworthy.”[29]
Dr. Nader Kamangar, Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine of UCLA, was next on the stage aggressively WILLING “gross negligence” to the jury and public opinion. Dr. Kamangar is a sleep expert, an alter state (consciousness) specialist. On the national/international mass media stage, he viciously ripped into Murray’s treatment of MJ with Propofol to induce sleep as “unethical, disturbing and beyond comprehension”[30] because he like Dr. Steinberg WILLED it had been thou.
During cross-examination, defense counsel Michael Flanagan challenged Dr. Kamangar’s assertion that Propofol use for treatment for insomnia as “beyond comprehension”. He confronted Dr. Kamangar with 2010 published study in China on the successful INNOVATED use of Propofol on patients to threat severe insomnia. Dr. Kamangar response was equally condescending, argumentative and dismissive as Dr. Steinberg because it was published after MJ’s death and wasn’t Anglo-Saxon approved.[31] 
Dr. Kamangar’s mean-spirited attack on Dr. Murray was cold, chilling and disturbing. According to Kamangar, he wasn’t qualified to administer CPR even if a person fell out in distress at his feet. He insisted that Dr. Murray shouldn’t touch that person, but call 911 immediately and let paramedics attend to the situation nevertheless being a practicing cardiologist and licensed physician.[32]
People v. Olquin (1994) 31 Cal. App. 4th 1355, 1371, 37 Cal. Rptr. 2d 596. An expert may not use opinion testimony to improperly usurp the fact-finding function of the jury.

Another thing that struck me about Dr. Kamangar was his presistent display of the Illuminati Pyramid Hand Symbol. Below, Illuminati Pyramid Gesture among the Powerful- German Chancellor Angela Merkel with President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. I believe her hand signal and facial expression among the the first Black U.S. President and First Lady is pretty clear.

It is used so often on television, mass media and among the so-called Hip Hop Generation that I suspect it is not only an Illuminati Communication Signal but a “Mass Media Illuminati Hypnotic” experimental tool. We Control.-Evil Rules.

Thomas Mesereau, above, with the ILLUMINATI Pyramid Hand Gesture. Mesereau has also been invited on CNN to poison public opinion around Dr. Murray. Mesereau was the lawyer who successfully defended MJ’s 2005 molestation criminal trial. Mesereau may be an excellent defense counsel, but this man is extremely scary and evil. He seemed to maintain the ILLUMINATI Triangle Hand Sign throughout his TV appearance and rant against Dr. Murray.
In the ILLUMINATI Spirit, Mesereau was hateful, mean spirited, overbearing and adamantly asserts sadistically in tone and mannerism that Dr. Murray “violated every ethical obligation he had as a doctor” when he gave MJ Propofol … and deserves to go to prison because he also WILLED it as thou.
Mesereau wants to make it clear to the world as far as the Big Black Brute is concerned, “I am on the side of the prosecution.”[33]And the ILLUMINATI! Finally, I had to mute the sound and turn away from him. It was terrifying to see a man so full of venom and EVIL.
Out of the Spin, Illusions and Smoked Mirrors, Back to Reality: a Doctor’s Real World in California
In 1998, Dr. Michael Sexton, a San Rafael emergency room doctor and a California Medical Association board member said that criminalizing the medical decision-making process is proper only in extraordinarily rare cases. “To the extent that we’re seeing over the last few years an increase in these kinds of filings, I think that’s inappropriate,” he said.[34]
Dr. Sexton couldn’t think of a single case that should have drawn criminal charges against a doctor in his 24 years in emergency medicine. He argued that the California Medical Board’s review of doctors and the civil law system, where malpractice is litigated, works well.[35]
“The criminal system is designed to punish people who do things wrongly with intent,” he said. “Who’s going to want to take care of someone who has a serious illness with a high potential for a bad outcome?” And fear of prosecution could scare doctors away from developing innovative new procedures that might be second-guessed, he said.[36]
Dr. Ronald Bangasser, medical director of the Redlands-based Beaver Medical Group, has been a physician more than 20 years and is involved in peer review of doctors’ work. Even in that capacity, he said, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen . . . anything that comes even close to being murder.” That includes cases in which doctors did things they should not have or went beyond their expertise.[37]
I don’t think anything has changed since 1998 with the overall physican views within the California Medical Association and doctor peer review on criminalizing medical decisions and innovation in medicine only in extraordinarily rare cases. The California Medical Association has never administratively reviewed CIA-MK ULTRA mind control doctors, prison medical abuse or doctors violating the Nuremberg Code using unwitting citizens as experimental guinea pigs.
What you see in ILLUMINATI v. Dr. Conrad Murray played out in the public domain are illusions and smoking mirrors, We’re through the looking-glass here, people… white is black and black is white.[38]
Let the Master Answer, The Big Dog in the CIRCLE

Dr. Murray (“Thumbs Up”) and Philip Anschutz with the Masonic Brotherhood and Hidden Hand Gesture. Anschutz’s Left Hand form the “the Claw”.  
Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG) Live is a live entertainment promotion subsidiary of Anschutz Entertainment Group. It is the world’s second largest live show promoter.[39]
The Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG) is a sporting and music entertainment presenter and a subsidiary of The Anschutz Corporation.[40] The Anschutz Corporation is a privately-held holding company headquartered in Denver, Colorado. It was started in 1958 by Fred Anschutz, an wildcatter (oil man), and the father of Philip F. Anschutz, who took over the company in 1962. The Anschutz Corporation, and affiliates Anschutz Company and Anschutz Investment Company, are vehicles for the diversified investments for Anschutz.[41]
A conglomerate is a combination of two or more corporations engaged in entirely different businesses that fall under one corporate structure (a corporate group), usually involving a parent company and several (or many) subsidiaries. Often, a conglomerate is a multi-national company.[42]
The Anschutz Corporation is a multi-national conglomerate. AEG is part of a powerful I.G. Farben like corporate intra-structure setup by the World’s Greatness Racial Mass Murderers, the New Order of Teutonic Knights, the (Schutzstaffel) SS and Totenkopf (Death Heads) out of Nazi Germany.
Philip Anschutz, The Big Dog of the CIRCLE 

The BBC described Philip Anschutz as having, “A reputation as one of the hungriest of US corporate vultures.”[43]
Philip Anschutz of Denver, CO is a man of legendary GREED. In 2006, he was ranked 89 among the World’s Richest People [44] and 33rd in the United States.[45]  He is the grandson of an aristocratic immigrant of Volga Germans from Russia that settled in Russell,Kansas with enough financial resources and political-social connections to open a bank.
In 1876, Volga Germans, mostly from the area around Saratov and Samara in Russia had  began settling in and around Russell, Kansas.[46] In 1762, Catherine the Great (1729-1796), a German native of Stettin, Pomerania, displaced her husband Peter III and took the vacant Russian imperial throne. In 1762 and 1763, Catherine published manifestos inviting Prussian-Europeans, (except Jews) to immigrate and farm Russian lands while maintaining their language and culture. Most of the Prussian-German immigrants settled along the River Volga in the region of southern Russia.[47]
The prominence of Freemasonry among the aristocratic circles of Russia that included the Volga Germans were described with these words: “so many prominent Russians were Freemasons in the second half of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries that it would be easier to number those who were not than those who were.”[48] I assume that Karl Anschutz’s Prussian-Russian linage and roots had been no exception.

Freemasonry did not find favor in the eyes of Catherine, the Great. She distrusted the “secret” nature of the lodges and feared they could be used for political purposes. In 1782, Catherine outlawed all secret organizations but nevertheless exempted Freemasonry.[49] Catherine’s son, Grand Duke Paul, was a Mason. On the foreign front, her principal foe was Emperor Frederick II of Prussia, also an active Scottish Rite Mason. The rituals used by the Russian lodges were according to the Scottish, Schroeder and Swedish rites.[50]
Kansas & the Knights of the Golden CIRCLE

During the Civil War and the late 1800s, Kansas had been a stronghold for one of the most corrupt, vile, obscene and subversive Confederate Underground forces in the war against the states, the Knights of the Golden Circle (KGC).

KGC was led by a terrorist and murderer, Colonel William Clarke Quantrill (July 31, 1837-?), above. Quantril had been a man among the most profane and obscene of the Civil War era. He had been described as “the bloodiest man in the annals of America.[51]
One of Quantrill’s Band of KGC was William T. “Bloody Bill” Anderson, above, with the KGC Masonic Left Hand Gesture above the Heart forming the Sign of Fidelity and “the CLAW” also known as the “DEVIL’S CLAW.” 
 Bloody Bill and his men were also among America’s most obscene, vile and deprived. They usually murdered their prisoners along with mutilating and scalping the dead. Anderson’s men adopted the practice of dangling the bloody scalps of their victims from their horse bridles.[52]

Above, John Wilkes Booth, the Assassin of President Abraham Lincoln. Booth was one of the most infamous members of the obscene KGC with Left Hand Fidelity Gesture and “the DEVIL’S CLAW” with Jesse James in the background.

Among the Obscene included Frank and Jesse James that savagely attacked Union forces, Unionist homes and businesses, and anti-slavery settlements in Kansas and Missouri.[53] Above, Frank and Jesse showing the KGC Left-Hand Masonic Sign of Fidelity with “the DEVIL’S CLAW” over the Heart.

The  Knights of the Golden Circle was a Masonic Blood Oath society. Above, a rare KGC poster and look from the era. It shows their sacred CIRCLE.

Above, note the KGC Blazing Star in the middle and above the group, and SKULL and BONES (Brotherhood of Death Affiliation).

Brotherhood of Death, Mass Murderer Major-General (Brigadeführer) SS Walter Schellenberg forming the “The DEVIL’S CLAW.” You can’t go any further in the ABYSS of corrupt, vile and obscene POWER than the SS, Knights of the Black Sun, the World’s Greatest Racial Mass Murderers.  Among the SS, Himmler also had his 12 (twelve) round table (CIRCLE) of profane Knights at Wewlesburg Castle. If you believe that the KGC-SS Brotherhood of Death’s “DEVIL’S CLAW” calling card is obscure and a thing of the past. Think again. It is being re-packaged and re-imaged in Mass Media.

Antonio “L.A.” Reid of “The X Factor” television show gesture “The DEVIL’S CLAW” in the current music entertainment industry. Reid is a mass media three-time Grammy Award-winning record executive, songwriter, and record producer. Best known as the co-founder of LaFace Records, he is responsible for signing and helping bring Mariah Carey, Pink, Justin Bieber, Rihanna, Kanye West, Avril Lavigne, Toni Braxton, TLC, Usher, Ciara, OutKast, and Dido to multi-platinum album sales. He currently serves as Chairman & CEO of Epic Records. Think that is just an innocent hand-fist gesture? Think again.

Here is Reid with the “DEVIL’S HORN” and the ILLUMINATI Brotherhood Gesture with popular Canadian Recording Artist and Actress Arvil Lavigne with a Masonic 5-Point Blazing Star.

Here is Reid’s entertainment industry associate, Arvil Lavigne, under the  Brotherhood of Death’s SKULL and BONES gesturing the “DEVIL’S HORNS.”

Entertainment Industry Mass Media Recording Artist and Movie Actor, Will Smith,  gesture “The DEVIL’S CLAW” for “Hip Hop Generation” mass public persuasion and re-imaging.

In Religion, Politics and Money, here is popular right-wing Televangelist Pat Robertson gesturing “The DEVIL’S CLAW” for Middle America, again, mass public persuasion and re-imaging.
The KGC was organized out of the rank and file of the Scottish Rite by Confederate Brigadier Generals Bedford Forrest and Albert Pike to continue an underground and covert war by banding together the DEMONIC, CORRUPT and OBSCENE forces in a sacred Masonic circle against Slave-Free United States to redeem the OLD SOUTH,
“Expediency makes strange allies. Knights of the Golden Circle – Pike and bigwigs of the Confederacy’s political and military – drew into their tight little midst thieves and terrorists James, Quantrill, Younger and the Daltons…”[54]
During and following the Civil War, the terrorist, outlaws and infamous bandits of the KGC amassed millions in gold, money and loot to fund its clandestine programs for a NWO that undoubtedly include a new and modern form of slavery led by Pike’s Scottish Rite. 
In 1884, KGC moved its headquarters into Colorado Springs, Colorado and reorganized more secretly than before. The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan is the most notable affiliate of KGC that is still visible today. Nevertheless, there are persistent stories that survive that the descendents and secret Scottish Rite affiliates of KGC still control billions of secret gold and blood money treasuries of loot from the 19th Century.[55] From a reliable source, the powerful and secret KGC exist and operate out of Colorado.
Anschutz‘s father was a land investor who had enough finanical resources to invest in ranches in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming, and eventually went into the oil-drilling business. Anschutz’s grandfather, Karl Anschütz (born November 10, 1859, in the largely German region of Samara) emigrated from Russia and started the Farmers State Bank in Russell, Kansas.[56]
Anschutz & the CIRCLE
Anschutz grew up in Hays, Kansas, with part of the family located in Wisconsin. Anschutz’s father’s oil-exploration business was called, Circle A Driling,[57] which I read “A CIRCLE.
Anschutz lived in Russell with a neighbor and friend, former powerful right wing Republican U.S. Senator Bob Dole.[58]  Another neighbor of Anschutz and Dole was former U.S. Senator (PA), Arlen Specter, inventor of the Magic Bullet Theory in the JFK Assassination.[59] Dole was a Scottish Rite Mason[60] along with Specter.[61]
In 1988, Santa Fe-Southern Pacific (SFSP), headquartered in Chicago was sold in large part to Philip Anschutz backed by Morgan Stanley. Clarity Media Group is the holding company for media properties owned by Philip Frederick Anschutz. These include the San Francisco Examiner and the Washington Examiner. On June 17, 2009, Clarity Media Group acquired The Weekly Standard, a conservative opinion journal, from Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation.[62]
This year in 2011, Anschutz bought the parent company of the Oklahoman Newspaper. The Oklahoman, based in Oklahoma City, is the largest newspaper in the state with daily circulation of about 143,000 and Sunday circulation of about 201,000.[63]
Anschutz, the CIRCLE, Scottish Rite & the Luciferian Doctrine
Anschutz investments also include the control of numerous entertainment companies, and co-founding Major League Soccer as well as multiple teams, including the LA Galaxy, Chicago Fire, Houston Dynamo, San Jose Earthquakes, New York / New Jersey Metro Stars and the Kansas City Wizards. Anschutz owns stakes in the Los Angeles Lakers, Los Angeles Kings, and venues including the Staples Center, O2 Arena, and the Home Depot Center. Anschutz also invests in family films such as The Chronicles of Narnia. Forbes ranks him the 34th richest person in the U.S. with an estimated net worth of $7 billion as of October 2010.[64] I really don’t believe that you can get any closer to the elusive 1% that control 40% of America than Philip Frederick Anschutz.
Anschutz and the BAPHOMET Powers of Narnia, Lords of the Ring and Baphomet

Anschutz’s links to C.S. Lewis’ BAPHOMET, The Chronicles of Narnia, is revealing to say the least. Reportedly, he had pleaded with Lewis’s heirs to produce Lewis’ books of “Narnia” into family entertainment motion pictures. J. R. R. Tolkien, creator of Luciferian “Lords of the Ring” books and movies and C.S. Lewis were both London Oxford University professors and members of a society among the professors known as “The Inklings”.[65]

C. S. Lewis called Charles Williams “his dearest friend.” Williams was a fellow Inkling. He was a specialist in Tarot and Kabbalah. He was described as a man whose mind was steeped in occult rituals and demonic forces. Demonic Williams had a large impact on Lewis and his writings. C. S. Lewis wrote of Williams’ poems: ‘They seem to me… for their profound wisdom, to be among the two or three most valuable books of verse produced in the century.”[66]

Charles Williams was also a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Many have reason to believe that both Tolkien and Lewis were secret Luciferian members of the Golden Dawn (Masters of Corrupt and Obsense Powers). The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was an amalgamation of Freemasonry and Theosophy. Luciferian Madame H.P. Blavatsky was the founder of Theosophy. Theosophy is a Luciferian-Satanic/occult religious philosophy. The Golden Dawn was the domain of Baphomet and Luciferian Eliphas Levi’s Teachings of Enochian Magic.[67]

Levi’s Enochian Magic is an elaborate system of advanced Luciferian-Satanic ceremonial magic involving Kabbalah (The highest level of Jewish witchcraft) and medieval grimoire (a manual of black magic for invoking spirits and demons). Among the first initiates of the Order of the Golden Dawn was a coroner who allegedly performed necromantic rites and the World’s Most Renowned Luciferian, Aleister Crowley, the Great Beast 666.[68]
I certainly cannot prove that there is a definite connection between Anschutz and the Scottish Rite, BAPHOMET and KGS. Scottish Rite Freemasonry and KGS are by their very nature Blood Oath secret societies, but there is enough circumstantial evidence that tends more to suggest a connection than there isn’t.
The CIRCLE Revealed, O2 Arena

The O2 Arena in London where MJ was to perform the AEG Live tour was developed by Anschutz. I read the name of the arena as, CIRCLE Too; it is among the CIRCLE Also. O2 is a circle with (12) twelve golden pillars.[69]

The Golden Circle was run by thirteen of the best and wealthiest men in the Old South. The Master sat on the Throne of the East and gave out his wisdom and directions to twelve so-called Disciples, who in turn each had (12) twelve disciples. The only way one could get into the Inner Sanctum or Inner Circle was when one of the Master’s (12) Twelve died off or retired.[70]
Anschutz Corporation Logo Revealed, THE BAPHOMET TRIANGLE

Anschutz’s embolismic is an occulted inverted slanted triangle that is consistent with Baphomet’s inverted triangle or pyramid out of Aleister Crowley’s early profane Luciferian O.T.O, but may more likely represent the 3 stars that bracket Virgo Constellaton, discussed below.
Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG) Live Logo Revealed, The Masonic Blazing Star

Anschutz’s embolismic 5-Point Star logo for AEG Live is the Masonic 5-Point Blazing Star. The masonry-stone star is taken from a Paris Lodge from the 19th Century. The Masonic Blazing Star is one of the most important symbols of Freemasonry. Like many other Freemason symbols, it undoubtedly derives this importance, first, from the repeated use that is made of it as a Masonic emblem; and second, from its great antiquity, as a symbol derived from older systems.[71]
Anschutz Chicago Fire Logo Revealed, The Knights Templar Rose Croix

Anschutz’s embolismic logo for the Chicago Fire is within the Masonic Rose Croix. Above, Chicago Fire Logo with Knight Templar Symbol and Rose Croix. According to Jean-Pierre Bayard, two Rosicrucian-inspired Masonic rites emerged towards the end of 18th century, the Rectified Scottish Rite, widespread in Central Europe where there was a strong presence of the “Golden and Rosy Cross“, and the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, first practiced in France, in which the 18th degree is called Knight of the Rose Croix.[72]
Anschutz Houston Dynamo, Masonic Blazing Star & 5-Point Star

“… the blazing star has been regard as the emblem of Ominiscience, or the All-Seeing Eye, which to the ancients was the Sun” -Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, p. 506

Anschutz’s Los Angeles Galaxy, Masonic Blazing Star

Anschutz’s embolismic logo for the LA Galaxy is the Dog Star scared to Freemasonry. The first degree of Freemasonry mentions the Blazing Star as one of the ornaments of the Lodge. Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky and is located in the constellation Cannis Major, hence the name “Dog Star.”

“To find in the BLAZING STAR of five points an allusion to the Divine Providence, is also fanciful; and to make it commemorative of the Star that is said to have guided the Magi, is to give it a meaning comparatively modern… The Ancient Astronomers saw all the great Symbols of Masonry in the Stars. Sirius glitters in our lodges as the Blazing Star.” – Albert Pike from Morals and Dogma, page 14-15.
“The Ancient Astronomers saw all the great Symbols of Masonry in the Stars. Sirius glitters in our lodges as the Blazing Star.” – Albert Pike from Morals and Dogma, page 486

Staples Center is owned and operated by the L.A. Arena Company and Anschutz Entertainment Group. The arena is home to the Los Angeles Lakers and the Los Angeles Clippers of the National Basketball Association (NBA), the Los Angeles Kings of the National Hockey League (NHL), and the Los Angeles Sparks of the Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA).

Anschutz’s embolismic logo for the Staples Center is 3 (three) 5-Point Masonic stars. The Zodiac is built into Masonic architecture. The 3 stars form the slanted triangle found in the Anschutz Corporation above. It is most likely represented the Virgo Constellation and the three stars that bracket Virgo, Arcturus, Spica, and Regulus.

Janet Jackson is resting on the very same KGC waxing (new moon to full) moon object of head dress, Initiation and Wisdom, below. Does it represent the horns and the obscene wisdom and power of BAPOMET? Is she a disciple or MONARCH victim of Anschutz?

I believe that Philip Anschutz’s grandfather, Karl Anschutz, was among an elite hierarchy of the Old Prussian Scottish Rite Grand Lodge under Frederick the Great, Luciferian Doctrine; and the ILLUMINATI when he came to America on a secret mission.
The ILLUMINATI helped secretly fund the Old South Seccession from the United States and Civil War to maintain a MASTER-SLAVE state of the Holy Roman Empire, the IMPERIUM (Frances Parker Yockey) of the Imperial Romans.
When the Old South was defeated, the ILLUMINATI moved in once more to help back and fund the clandestine war of resistance (Knights of the Golden Circle) against the United States; and the Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln under the leadership of Masonic Master and Confederate General, Albert Pike.

An important cell of the Old South’s violent war of clandestine resistence was centered in Kansas and Missouri under the legenary KGC profane racist demonic murderers and cut-throat bandits, William Quantrill, Jesse and Frank James, the Dalton and Younger Brothers. They have also been re-packaged and re-imaged as popular heroic figures in romantic books, novels and Hollywood movies and television programs.

I believe that Karl Anschutz moved into Kansas with money and resources fronted by the ILLUMINATI to open a bank among the SEEN to among the UNSEEN financially back the KGC and laundry the spoils for further and future deeper covert operations, infiltrations and subversion to undermine the U.S. Government, Constitution and the People for the establishment of a CORRUPT and OBSCENE POWER, an IMPERIUM in America.
Philip Anschulz is the secret descendant KGC MASTER that sit on the Throne of the East and give out his wisdom and directions to twelve, Disciples, who in turn each has (12) twelve disciples. The only way one could get into the Inner Sanctum or Inner Circle is when one of the Master’s (12) Twelve died off or retire.

Philip Anschutz is part an elite powerful Luciferian global group taking control of news, information and SUBJECTING the music-movie entertainment industry by the unseen CORRUPT and OBSCENE POWERS under BAPHOMET for a New World Order (NWO) and MODERN SLAVERY.
For the Assassination of Michael Jackson –LET THE MASTER ANSWER

Finally, Joe and Katherine Jackson sold Michael’s soul at an impressionate age to Lucifer for a Secret Blood Oath of Fortune and Fame. Before Michael had come of an age to protect himself, he had been beaten, abused, trauma-based MIND CONTROLLED with experimental drugs right out of the pages of CIA-MK ULTRA.

He had been Satan-ized by the ILLUMINATI. He had been hounded and persecuted for the sexual abuse of children through-out his adult life. He has been tricked, fooled, robbed, cheated and Demonized, but among all of that he has remained to be one of the most brilliant, best known and loved entertainers on the Globe even in death. Somehow surrounded by enemies, Michael found the strength, brilliance and fortitude to invest wisely to corner a market in the music industry with the valuable Beatles-Artist Musical Catalogue that would have rewarded him and his heirs wisely for decades.

Somehow against all odds, Michael gathered the strength and will to RESIST. He declared mind war and danced on BAPHOMET’s Houses of Mysteries and CORRUPT POWERS over the music industry. Michael wasn’t producing the mind numbing, polarizing and dumbing down music that subjects the music industry. Michael RESISTED and made music that tried to address some of the needs of the people. Michael tried to speak TRUTH TO POWER through the power of his God given talent. Around the World, Michael had developed UNCORRUPT POWER among the masses which is always a serious threat to the ILLUMINATI.
The MASTERS of the ILLUMINATI-NEW IMPERIUM  of CORRUPT and OBSCENE POWERS are a secret, violent and corrupt Oligarchy (Family-Social Groups) mixed into a Plutocracy (Rule by Wealthy Elite) for a New World Order. It is a racial hierarchy secretly following the Luciferian Doctrine of the Aryan Supremacy Myth laid out by Madame Helena Blavatsky and Nazi Germany.
National Socialism, as Deputy Fuhrer Rudolph Hess observed, was “nothing but applied biology” which we refuse to clearly understand. Mix that with the Myth of God’s MASTER RACE and Chosen People (Calvinism) that God endowed upon them the “EARTH” as the Sons and Daughters of God that can neither Sin, Break Law (Murder, Rape, Steal) or Pollute, “Do what thou Wilt shall be the whole of the Law”, we have Assassinations of our most prominent watchful and peace loving UNCORRUPT POWERFUL citizens like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; 9-11-the Inside Job; Wall Street Mortgage Plunder; Wars of Aggression in Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya and the Continent of Africa; and Human Rights Violations across the Globe.
The ILLUMINATI/IMPERIUM assassinated Michael Jackson of UNCORRUPT POWER and redistributed almost all that he had accomplished among them. By virtue of his skin, he was not one of them to enjoy the even the simple fruits of his labor in peace and prosperity.
Dr. Conrad Murray hungry by simple GREED joined the ILLUMINATI (Scottish Rite) in a Luciferian Blood Oath of Secrecy for Fame and Fortune and CORRUPT POWER not knowing for him and his family by virtue of skin color there was no law or honor that protected him from them. He was “Goat Meat” to be consumed at will. Dr. Murray no longer belong to us. He sold his soul to the DEVIL. He is bound by a Blood Oath of Secrecy and they will kill him and all his family if he violates the oath.
Joe and LaToya Jackson will talk about the Conspiracy that Killed Michael, but they do not have the courage to name names behind the illusions and smoked mirrors for they too are bounded by the same Luciferian Blood Oath of Secrecy for Fame and Fortune.
From the Letters from the Birmingham Jail, I recall Dr. King saying that Civil Rights Laws were important not to make them love us but protect us from them.
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal…
It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedomand that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”
–President Abraham Lincoln, the Gettysburg Address, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, November 19, 1863
It seems ironic that almost 146 years after the Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln that we come full CIRCLE to face the same demons that seek to destroy the “government of the people, by the people, for the people” to reign CORRUPT and OBSCENE POWER to redeem the way of the Old South to enslave the “All of the People” of this nation for the MASTERS of a New Imperium.  
For the Assassination of the Beloved Michael Jackson “LET THE MASTERS ANSWER.”    

[29] See Beech Aircraft Corp. v. Rainey, 488U.S. 153, 161-62 (1988) (describing
conflicting circuit court decisional law).
[35] Id.
[36] Id.
[37] Id.


29 06 2011

BUNGA BUNGA, The Rise of Lucifer, Ruling Oligarchies & the Imperium, Genocide and Terrorism
To most Black Folk of conventional wisdom that have absolutely no idea what or how important the Imperium may be historically, I will call them by another name that most commonly identifies the Imperium, the ILLUMINATI.
It may have slid under the radar of the free press and investigative journalism if there still is such a thing, but Italian Prime Minister Silivo Berlusconi and this BUNGA BUNGA stuff is worth exploring. It leads down the “Rabbit Hole”to the Libyan Aggression.
“THE GRAND ILLUSION” The Libyan Terrorism
Billioniare Italian Prime Minister Sivilo Berlusconi, along with President Barack Obama and French President Nicolas Sarkozy, has been one of the prime movers behind National Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) unholy war of aggression and terrorism against the African People’s Republic of Libya under the grand illusion that it was due to a “Humanitarian Threat” to save innocent civilians.[1]

NATO has carried out about 12,000 terrorist missions over Libya. One air strike hit a Libyan Down’s Syndrome Society for children of whom western press has been silent on and government’s commission for children. The school was home to children with Down’s Syndrome up to the age of 6 teaching them to go to normal schools, giving speech therapy, handicrafts and sports sessions and teaching them to read and write. It handled 50 to 60 children a day.[2]

Within the week of June 19, 2011, NATO air strikes deliberately targeted civilians. They slaughtered at least 5 Libyan children and 24 adult civilians.[3]

The unholy alliance, Obama, Sarkozy and Berlusconi,  have demonstrated an incredible ungodly indifference and an absolute sick reckless disregard for soveriegn independence, and the lives and humanity of Africans and People of Color.
“THE ILLUSION DESTROYED” The Libyan Aggression

On Friday, June 25, 2011, the U.S. House of Representatives destroyed the illusion that the war crimes and terrorism perpetrated against the Libyan people was in our name. The House delivered a rare rebuke of President over his involvement in the Libyan aggression by rejecting a resolution to authorise his war of aggression and terrorism in Libya in “OUR NAME.”[4]

To carry on this senseless racial and blatant illegal war of terrorism against the Libyian people, President Obama rejected the advise of his own key advisors that he needed to win congressional approval for the American involvement in the NATO-Libyan air assault.[5]

If this terrible waste of America’s valuable resources to murder and slaughter Africans is “NOT IN OUR NAME”, then the veil has been lifted that the Libyan Agresssion is in realty in the name of the racialist Sadomasochistic ILLUMINATI that created Barack Hussein Obama.
Lust’s Passions will be Served. –Marquis de Sade, the Illuminati

The passionate boyish clowning around of U.S. President Barack Obama, PM Berlusconi, and Nicolas Sarkozi of France appears as illusions of harmlessness. PM Berlusconi and President Sarkozi are very dangerous and little vain men.

They may appear to be passionate and playful with President Obama and First Lady Michele Obama, but be very careful of what it is that you perceive. It may very well be “mockery” of the President and First Lady and the American People and its form of government.

SARKOZI and Berlusconi, they are real LUCIFERIANS and ILLUMINATI, Masters of Illusions. 
“I bring greetings from a man, what’s his name? Some tanned guy—Barack Obama… You won’t believe it, but the two of them sunbathe together because even his wife is tanned.” PM Berlusconi, 2008. [6]
The name Lucifer actually means Morning Star or The Illuminated One. Thus, the various Mystery Religions taught that it is Lucifer (or Satan) who gives us light and shows us that we are God and have no need of repentance, but that we need only realize the “God within” and bring it to its full potential.[7]
Various Secret Societies throughout the Ages have taught this Babylonian Mysticism, because they knew that these Mysteries were based upon the doctrine of Luciferianism. They were known for centuries as “The Illuminati“. Their name was derived from Lucifer’s name: “The Illuminated One”.[8]
The “The Illuminated Ones” maintain an exalted status over ordinary mortals, a place closer to GOD in the “Hierarchy of the Universe.”

Lust’s passion will be served; it demands, it militates, “IT TYRANNIZES” –Marquis de Sade, the Illuminati
In 1777, the Illuminati began to cooperate with all Masonic lodges in order to infiltrate them. Adam Weishaupt became a member of the Grand Orient; the lodge was backed financially by Mayer Amschel Rothschild to conspire against the establishment.[9]

It is also believed that Weishaupt formed an inner council of members (the “law of five”), which included: himself, Sir Francis Dashwood (Hellfire Club), Kolmer, Alphonse Donatien De Sade (Marquis de Sade) and Mayer Amschel Rothschild.[10] Keep a mental note of MARQUIS de SADA and MAYER AMSCHEL ROTHSCHILD.
“I [PM Berlusconi] told the president that [Obama] has everything needed in order to reach deals with him: He’s young, handsome and even tanned….”[11]
In other words, Obama was a wonderful ILLUMINATI-MK ULTRA male sex toy. Within elite circles, Berlusconi is often compared to the Roman Emperor Tiberius.[12] Tiberius is a code word for an “elite” sadistic ILLUMINATI pedophile.
“When he went for a swim, gangs of little boys (his ‘minnows’, as he used to call them) would join him in the water; they had been trained to chase him and nibble between his legs. On other occasions, the elderly emperor preferred the pleasures of voyeurism. According to his Roman biographer Suetonius, ‘Bevies of girls and young men, collected from all over the place, used to have sex in threesomes in front of him, to excite his waning appetites.’”[13]
Tiberius was a not only a notorious “elite” pedophile that took intense pleasure in having sex with children under 10 years of age, but he also enjoying throwing them to their death off a sea cliff during his private escapades.
Sadism is the sexual or social pleasure of gratification in the infliction of pain and suffering upon another person. The world is derived from the name of the Marquis de Sade of the ILLUMINATI, a French nobleman philosopher-writer; and serial sadistic criminal and pedophile.
Marquis de Sade is famous for writing novels and plays of “Sadomasochism.” De Sade championed the inception and reception of extreme pain as an art form that to him was both sublime and beautiful.[14]
Berlusconi’s waning sadistic appetite is for underage girls, trauma based-multiple personality disordered (MPD) ILLUMINATI-MK ULTRA-MONARCH “butterflies” consciously and unconsciously immune to pain.
PM Berlusconi’s former wife, Veronica Lario, told the world of Berlusconi and the ILLUMINATI that, “Many parents are willing to close their eyes and offer their virgins to the dragon.”[15]
In the New Testament, Lucifer-Satan has many names. In the Book of Revelation, he is known as the “great dragon” (Rev. 12:9). Don’t tell me that there is no such thing as the ILLUMINATI or LUCIFERIANS.
Recently as of April 2011, Berlusconi has been embroiled in a national scandal and criminal trial involving the sadistic sexual exploitation of underage girls.[16]
At the heart of the scandal is the African-Moroccan-born Karima El Mahroug AKA Ruby the Heart Stealer. Obviously, Karima also has a disturbing MK ULTRA-MONARCH ritual child sexual abuse background and history.
“When I was nine years old, I was raped by two of my uncles – my father’s brothers.” -Karima El Mahroug [17]

Above, Ms. Mahroug in classic MK-ULTRA SEX KITTEN animal pattern blouse flashing Baphomet  hand symbol.

Here, Ms. Mahroug in the classic SEX KITTEN leopard spots and wild animal posture.

Here, Ms. Mahroug (SEX KITTEN alter) is centrally sexually exploited by a group including men muzzled like k-9’s. Karima first coined the secret group LUCIFERIAN-ILLUMINATI sex rituals, the BUNGA BUNGA. Below, no speculation is necessary. Ms. Mahroug in objectification SEX KITTEN alter.

“All the girls were naked during the bunga bunga and I had the feeling that they were competing with each other to make Berlusconi notice them by performing more and more daring sexual acts.”-Karima Mahroug [18]
BUNGA BUNGA, “The sound of it is crude and infantile. It is almost like a racist Africanism – some kind of colonial imagined tribal ritual of sexual abandon. It has a racist, imperialist quality to it – like a phoney African word, like ‘wonga’”.[19]

As for PM Berlusconi, he hasn’t denied the existence of BUNGA BUNGA. In true sadistic arrogance, he reportedly said that ‘bunga bunga’ parties where merely civilized [Illuminati Ones] dinner parties.[20] In other words, it is within a domain of an exalted status over ordinary mortals. Suck my you know what!
The illusionary playful Silivo Berlusconi is/was a member of P2. Propaganda Due (P2) is a 2400 member secret neo fascist Masonic Lodge in Italythat caters only to the elite. It was led by Luicio Gelli.[21]
During WWII, Oberleutnant (Italian) SS Licio Gelli was said to have derived his wealth from his presence in the Italian town of Cattaro, where the seized national treasures of Yugoslavia stolen by the Croatian Ustashi fascist were hidden.[22]
A significant portion of these hidden treasures were never recovered and returned to Yugoslavia “but were stolen by Gelli”. Furthermore, as the war ended, and with the help of the Vatican, he helped organize the “Rat-lines” to get Nazi war criminals to South America for a fee of 40%. In collaboration with notorious pro-Nazi Catholic priest from Croatia, Father Krujoslav Dragonovic, Gelli, for example, helped Klaus Barbie, the “Butcher of Lyon” escape, with his costs borne by the US taxpyers, the U.S. Army Counter Intelligence Corps.[23]
In 1998, Gelli was charged and convicted for fraud linked to the 1982 collapse of Banco Ambrosiano. During the arrest, police found gold bars, valued at more than $1.76 million, buried in terra-cotta pots brimming with flowers that decorated the terrace of Gelli’s mansion in Tuscany.  Reports said some of the gold might come from a cache that Italian fascists stole from Yugoslavi aduring World War II.[24]
Gelli, the ILLUMINATI KING, of Himmler’s SS was also a CIA asset. As part of Reinhard Gehlen’s CIA/Nazi Intelligence team (Gehlen Org), Gelli was the go between for the CIA and the Vatican through his P2 Lodge. Gelli and P2 are further connected to an ultra shadow figure, Heinrich Rupp. Rupp was part of the Martin Bormann secret post WWII Nazi ODESSA network.[25] Below, Bormann and Hitler within days of the fall of Berlin.
Rupp was part of Operation PAPERCLIP Nazis secretly brought into the United States to either work clandestinely in the new Military-Industrial Complex or work for US intelligence and Special Forces. Even today little is still known or exposed about Heinrich Rupp, but Rupp suddenly popped up in the “October Surprise” that propelled Ronald Reagan into the White House.
In 1980, Rupp surfaced as a longtime pilot for the CIA, including Air America. Rupp flew Reagan-Bush campaign manager and former CIA director, William Casey, from Washington National Airport to Le Bourget in Paris for secret meetings with Iranian officials. At three meetings on October 19 and 20, 1980 with representatives of Khomeini’s government at the Waldorf Florida and Crillon Hotels in Paris, it became the basis for the “October Surprise” that deliberately delayed the release of 52 Americans being held hostage in Iran since November 4, 1979 until after the election of Republican Ronald Reagan over incumbent President Jimmy Carter.[26] In fact, Gelli was a guest
of honor at the 1981 inauguration of President Ronald Reagan.[27] Up you’ll you know what!
Rupp of the Bormann Org along with Reinhard Gehlen, General Walter Dornberger, General Walter Schreiber, Otto Skorzeny, Klaus Barbie, Franz Six, Emil Augsburg, Willi Krichbaum, Walter Rauff, Kurt Blome, Prince Valerio Borghese, Stephano Delle Chiaie, and many others were ultimately controlled and connected by the aristocratic and fascist CEPIC/Cercle des Nations leadership (Opus Dei and SMOM-linked).[28]
P2’s membership is totally secret and not even available to its Mother Lodge in England. He was a double agent for the CIA and the KGB. Gelli also had close ties with the Italian Mafia. Gelli was a close associate of Benito Mussolini’s fascist elite. He was also closely affiliated with Roberto Calvi, head of the scandal-ridden Vatican Bank.[29]
The P-2 operated beyond democratic control, like the SS, a “state within a state secret”. They were the most powerful Italians, including high-ranking officers of the secret services and the army, influential industrialists and bankers, incumbent and former ministers.[30]
Berlusconi, P2, CIA and SMOM 
PM Berlusconi’s relationship with the Bush Crime Family is opposite to the personal and public relationship with President Obama and First Lady Michele Obama. It is a matter of race, blood, power, noble pedigree of the “elite” and the aristocracy of the ILLUMINATI. Part of this world of blood, power and pedigree is the hierarchy of the SMOM. President Obama and Michele Obama operate outside of that hierarchy.
The SMOM (Sovereign Military Order of Malta) of the New World Order is a military order of the aristocratic ruling “elite” based on the Middle Age crusader Knights Hospitaller of Jerusalem and is most interwoven with Freemasonry. The Jesuit Order rules SMOM, and the Papacy. SMOM governs the CIA. It rules the secret Luciferian Masonic orders such as the P2. It heavily influenced and collaborated with Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler and his Middle Age crusader SS Teutonic Knights.[31]
Himmler had been a high-ranking member of SMOM along with the head of the U.S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS), Bill Donovan. SMOM members of the CIA were Allen Dulles, James Jesus Angelton, John McCone, George H.W Bush, William Casey, General Vernon A. Walters, and William F. Buckley, Jr.[32]
FBI SMOM members were J. Edgar Hoover and Cartha DeLoach. Nazis SMOM members included Himmler, Reinhard Gehlen, Fritz Thyssen, Licio Gelli, Kurt Waldheim, and Franz von Papen.[33]
SMOM members also included Former Prime Minister of Great Britain Tony Blair; Elmer Bobst; George W. Bush; Jeb Bush, Prescott Bush, Jr., Frank Charles Carlucci III; Former President Bill Clinton; and so many others including Henry Kissinger. It also included Italian PM Berlusconi.[34]  
NATO, The Secret Arm of P2
In addition, Gelli and P-2 were linked to a covert CIA operation in Italy code-named, Gladio. Project Gladio ran under cover of NATO by the Italian military secret service, SIFAR. NATO secretly provided Gladio operatives with SS training, weapons and explosives, storage.
Obersturmbannführer ( Lieutenant Colonel) SS Otto Skorzeny trained Gladio specialists carried out covert domestic and international false flag operations (9-11), counterintelligence and terrorist actions including bombings, murders and assassinations.[35]
“The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it.” -Hauptsturmführer SS Dr. Josef Mengele
MK-ULTRA was another secret umbrella mind control project that was spawned from the secret network and spider web of Operation PAPERCLIP nazis that escaped Germany through Nazi-Vatican Ratlines, ODESSA.
InItaly, P2’s Heinrich Rupp worked with Martin Bormann’s right hand man and former chief of the German Nazi intelligence in Northern Italy, Standartenführer (Colonel) SS Walter Rauff, Father Krunoslav Draganovic and Monsignor Karlo Petranović, based in Genoa to smuggle secret ODESSA SS war criminals and collaborators on ships out of Europe for South America.
Reichsleiter Martin Bormann, the Third Reich Genius of Finance and Administration, was one of the Nazi Germany’s most powerful men behind Hitler and Himmer. Bormann was Party Chancellery (Parteikanzlei) and the private secretary to Adolf Hitler.[36]
During the fall of Berlin in May 1945, Bormann most likely escaped from the Salzburg airport into Spain and then to South America. Bormann was the Reichsleiter in exile. He did not consider himself a war criminal, but a legally appointed head of state that kept the loyal strings of Nazi Party and Blood Covenant SS together in exile as Hitler, Himmler and Bormann had planned all along since the Nazi defeat at Stalingrad in 1942.[37]
From 1945 to 1949, the Bormann Nazi-Vatican Ratline helped approximately 5,000 SS war criminals and collaborators escape through Rauff’s secret emigration bureau in Genoa. Bormann’s Blood Covenant SS ODESSA network includes one of the world’s most wanted sadistic SS doctors of WWII, Hauptsturmführer (Captain) SS Dr. Josef Mengele, the Angel of Death of Auschwitz-Birkenau.[38]
SS Mengele has to be one of the world’s greatest sadomasochist of all time. At Auschwitz, Dr. Mengele conducted some of the most inhumane, barbaric, and savage experiments on human beings with that crazy Satanic grin.
Dr. Mengele reportedly developed a drug to keep a victim/subject conscious to deliberately inflict far greater pain than the human body and mind could normally endure. He was responsible for the deaths of thousands which earned him the name, “The Angel of Death”. Mengele was personally responsible for the death of about 400,000 people. He may well have been the “World’s Greatest Mass Murderer.”
On paper, MK-ULTRA had been designed to defeat the “enemy” in its brain-washing techniques. Clandestinely, MK ULTRA was Hauptsturmführer SS Dr. Mengele’s blood covenanted trauma-based mind control research and development.
One of the most important and well published projects of MK-ULTRA was a secret laboratory established and funded by CIA director, Allen Dulles, in Montreal, Canada at McGill University in the Allen Memorial Institute headed by ILLUMINTI network psychiatrist, Dr. Ewen Cameron. Dr. Cameron had served as a member of the Nuremberg tribunal that heard and studied secret case study experiments of the Nazi-SS doctors.
Dr. Cameron, Director of the Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal from 1943 to 1967, and Head of the World Psychiatry Association, participated in a psychiatric evaluation of the occultist Deputy Fuhrer Rudolf Walter Richard Hess, Hitler’s Second in Command, on behalf of the Nuremberg Prosecution team.
Dr. Cameron also participated in discussions being held at the time (believed to have occurred at Columbia University), in the US, regarding the “social reintegration of Operation PAPERCLIP Nazis”.[39]
From 1956 to 1962, numerous eye witnesses reported Dr. Mengele’s presence AKA Father Joseph in Montreal and at Allan Memorial Institute eventually leading to the 1985 Deschene’s Commission: A Commission of Inquiry on Nazi War Criminals in Canada.[40]
It is generally believed that in Canada, Dr. Mengele and Cameron worked in secret setting up MK ULTRA MIND CONTROL experiments and protocols at the Alan Memorial branch of McGill University in Canada.[41]
Under Dr. Mengele, MK ULTRA became an umbrella for Project ARTICHOKE (Unconscious Manchurian Candidate-Mind Control Assassins), MK SEARCH (Dr. James A. Hamilton’s Stanford/Vacaville Prison Mind Control/Black Assassins), MK DELTA (Dr. Alton Ochsner-New Orleans) and the MONARCH Program (Sex Kitten Mind Control Programming).[42]
Dr. Cameron AKA Dr. White and Dr. Mengele AKA Dr. Green were the master ILLUMINTI mind control MONARCH programmers. The testimony of a U.S. MK ULTRA test subject linked Dr. Mengele to electo-shock, LSD, radiation, rape, dislocation of joints, chemical and drug experimentation of children.[43]
Dr. Mengele’s MONARCHS were sent to special schools with many other children and taught how to sexually (Sex Kitten) please men and women as ILLUMINATI assets, spies, counterintelligence operatives, assassins and sexual whtemailers. According to one of the children, Monarch Sex Kitten children were used to entrap and whitemail politicians in order for Richard Helms, Sidney Gottlieb, Martin Orne, L. Wilson Green, and others to secure permanent funding for MK ULTRA, experiments and operations that continue to this day.[44]
Dr. Mengele’s ritually abused- trauma based Monarch Children are also at the disposable of sadistic wanings of Sivilo Berlusconi and ILLUMINITIBUNGA BUNGA  
Nicolas Sarkozy, Lucky Luciana, French Connection & the BUNGA BUNGA

Sarkozy has his genesis in the Charles Lucky Luciana, Allen Dulles and Frank Wisner, Sr. underworld Mafia-CIA network going back to WWII. The Office of Strategic Services (OSS-Dulles) and the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI-Wisner) clandestinely recruited heavily from New York and Chicago underworlds to help U.S. intelligence keep in touch with Sicilian Mafia leaders exiled by Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. It included America’s most notorious and criminal syndicates and figures, Charles ‘Lucky’ Luciano, Meyer Lansky, Joe Adonis and Frank Costello.[45]
The public aim of this most unholy alliance was to prevent sabotage on East Coast ports and gain intelligence on Sicily prior to secret allied army invasions. It was also designed covertly to suppress the Italian Communist Party. While in prison, Luciano earned a pardon for his wartime U.S.intelligence collaboration. He was deported back to Italy where the secret collaborations with U.S. Intelligence continued in the international drug trade. In Italy, Luciano built an international heroin empire, while the OSS and ONI worked with Chinese triads to control opium, morphine and heroin of the Golden Triangle.[46] Luciana’s Corsican Ambassador was Frenchman Erienne Leandri.
Nicolas Sarkozy is the son of Catholic Hungarian Nobleman Pal Sarkösy of Nagi-Bosca and Andree Mallah, Jewish commoner from Thessalonica, Greece. Sarkosy is a descendant of the noble Corsican (Italian) House of Charles (Carlo) Bonaparte, the father of Napolean.
Ahead of the Russian Red Army invading Hungry, Sarkösy fled into France. Pal Sarkösy was part of the fleeing Nazi collaborator Arrow Cross Party. He played a prominent part in deporting the Jews of Budapest between May and October of 1944.  Sarkösy subsequently divorced Mallah and married a French aristocrat, Christine de Ganay. [47]

In France after WWII, infamous General and President Charles de Gaulle betrayed and angered the New World Order (NWO) by freeing Algeria and its other African colonial states.[48]
De Gaulle refused to be a pawn of the secret international ring of Luciferians after the fall of the Nazi war state. He opposed the entry of the United Kingdom into the European common market (1961 and 1967); refused the deployment of UN helmets into Congo (1961); encouraged the Latin American states to become free of US imperialism (speech of Mexico, 1964); kicked NATO out of France and withdrew from the Atlantic Alliance’s integrated command (1966); he condemned Israeli expansionism during the Six Day war (1967); and supported independence of Quebec (Speech of Montreal 1967).[49]
The Luciferians of the CIA and NATO initiated and supported about 40 unsuccessful attempts to assassinate President de Gaulle. De Gaulle had a superior and dedicated intelligence apparatus around him. SAC (Civic action services), a militia also formed around de Gaulle for additional protection. The militia was led by Charles Pasqua and Achille Peretti, one of de Gaulle’s bodyguards.[50]
Pasqua and Peretti were Corsicans linked to the underworld of Lucky Luciana’s Mafia-CIA network. In fact, Pasqua had secretly turned to Luciana’s Ambassador, Étienne Léandri, to recruit forces to constitute the Gaullist militia.[51]
Pasqua became a principal of Ricard Company, a liquor society of Canada. He subsequently married a daughter of the Canadian bootlegger that started Ricard. Peretti became an influential and powerful French politician. Pal Sarkosy’s second wife, Christine de Ganay, became Peretti’s secretary.[52]
In 1972, Time Magazine revealed the existence of a secret criminal organization, the Corsican Union, which controlled a large part of the drug trade between Europeand America, the infamous French Connection.[53]
Time named the Mafia boss of French Connection, Jean Venturi. He had been arrested a few years earlier in Canada. Venturi was Charles Pasqua’s commercial delegate at Ricard. The names of several families headed by the “Corsican Union” were also cited by Time; among them was Achille Peretti’s Family.[54]
The Wisners, father like son, CIA-New World Order Mass Mind Control, Assassinations, Covert Operations and Secret International Terrorism. In 1977, Pal Sarkösy separated from Christine de Ganay. Christine then marries the infamous FRANK WISNER, JR., right, of the CIA and U.S. Department. Nicolas, who remained close to his mother in law “benefits” from special training programs of the U.S. State Department courtesy and influence of Wisner, Jr.[55]
In France, Nicolas joined the leadership of the Gaullist party with Charles Pasqua as a party national leader. In 1982, Nicolas finished law school and joined the French Bar Association then marries the niece of Achille Peretti, the French Connection Mafia Family. Nicolas’ best man was none other than Charles Pasqua also of the French Connection. As a lawyer, Sarkozy defended the interests of his mentor Corsican Mafia friends and benefactors. He bought a property on the Island of Beauty, in Vico, and went as far as envisaging making his name more “Corsican” of “Mafia”, he replaced the “y” in his surname by an “i” becoming Nicolas Sarkozi.[56]
In 1993, Charles Pasqua became the French Interior Minister. Pasqua controlled the Moroccan marijuana trade and used his position of power to legalize his other activities taking control of casinos, gambling and horse races in francophone (French-speaking) Africa. Pasqua wove ties with Saudi Arabiaand Israeland became an officer of honour to the Mossad. Nicolas Sarkozy on his part in the mob ring became French Minister of Budget and spokesman for the government.[57]
In WashingtonD.C., another of Sarkozy’s god-fathers, Big Frank, also quietly moved in more position of power and influence. Wisner became the successor of Paul Wolfowitz as head of the Political Planning department of the U.S. Department of Defense.[58]
The rest is history. The CIA and the Mafia got the Luciferian French President that they created. Sarkozi’s half brother of Christine de Ganay, Pierre Olivier, under the American name of Oliver, was named by SMOM Frank Carlucci as the director of the new investment fund of the Carlyle Group (common investment firm of the Bush and Ben Laden Families). Oliver handles the main assets of the sovereign funds of Kuwait and Singapore.[59]
French President Sarkozy is an infamous Luciferian womanizer involved in the international “Objectification” and exploitation of women.

In his third marriage, he was rewarded with a former top BUNGA BUNGAPresidential Model” MK ULTRA Monarch Sex Slave model, Carla Bruni.[60]

Garla Bruni. From the excellent work of Pseudo-Occult Media: “This would be a good point to cover some of Carla Bruni’s programming as it seems obvious she is a Monarch programmed kitten (sex-slave), the epitome of a ‘Presidential Model’ as she is currently “married” to the French President (an award for his work as an “elite” pawn serving the global Illuminists’ agenda); and previously being used by countless wealthy/connected individuals. Here are a few images of Carla to illustrate her Monarch sex-slave kitten programming (and usual symbolic ones [split mind/checkerboards/mirrors/bird-cage veil/dollhouse/masks/etc]).”[61] Sadly below, Carla Bruni in SEX KITTEN alter.

Carla Bruni in MK ULTRA Mindless Barbie Doll Alter.
Carla Bruni in Masonic Checkerboard Pattern Alter.

Carla Bruni with Dr. Mengele’s signature MK ULTRA MONARCH BUTTERFLY tag.

Carla Bruni in PUSSY CAT ALTER.
Carla Bruni, below, at bottom roll of a classic Dr. Mengele “Presidental Model” SEX KITTEN TWINNING.

Finally, Carla Bruni dressed and primed for the ILLUMINATI Luciferian Sex Magkic Ritual, BUNGA BUNGA.

BUNGA BUNGA & Eyes Wide Shut
Prosecutors described the BUNGA BUNGA parties in a three-phase sequence. “The first phase consisted of a dinner; the second was the ‘bunga bunga’ phase which took place in a room used as a discotheque, where the participants appeared in masks, performing striptease and erotic dances … and being touched on their intimate parts by Mr Berlusconi.” In the third phase, “one or more young women spend the night with Berlusconi for payments above those received by the other participants”.[62]
Yes, it sounds just like the infamous Satanic-Luciferian “elite” sex magkic ritual in Stanley Kubrick’s “Eyes Wide Shut.” It wasn’t just “nonfiction” stuff after all.
Stanley Kubrick & The House of Harlan

Eyes Wide Shut is a 1999 drama film based upon the 1926 novella Traumnovelle (Dream Story), which was written by Arthur Schnitzler. The film was directed, produced and co-written by Stanley Kubrick; and was his last film before his sudden death. The story, set in and around New York City, follows the sexually charged adventures of Dr. Bill Harford, who is shocked when his wife, Alice, reveals that she had contemplated an affair a year earlier. He embarks on a night-long, sexually charged adventure, during which he infiltrates a massive masked orgy of an underground cult.[63]
During the Third Reich, Josef Goebbels’ top director and favorite filmmaker was Veit Harlan. In 1957, Stanley Kubrick went to Munich, Germanyto film Paths of Glory. In Munich, he met and eventually married a German actress Susanne Christian. She was in fact, Christiane Harlan, from the Third Reich’s infamous House of Harlan.[64]
As a girl, she had been a member of the Bund deutscher Mädel, the Nazi organization for girls that paralleled the Hitler Youth for boys. She liked parading about in her uniform. She had worked as members of the Hitler Youth in the fields alongside French prisoners of war and Ukrainian slave laborers.[65]
In 1957, Kubrick also met Christiane’s uncle, Goebbel’s favorite filmmaker, Veit Harlan (1899-1964) and wanted to make a film about him and, in Christiane’s words, “the absolutely normal life under the protection of Joseph Goebbels”.[66] Right.
Veit Harlan made JUD SUSS, “The most successful anti-Semitic film the Nazi’s ever made.”[67] On September 30, 1940, Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler ordered all SS and police members to see the film. It was shown to SS units, and Einsatzgruppen about to be sent east on their murderous assignment, and was also sent to non-Jewish populations of areas where Jews were about to be deported, by 1943 viewer ship of the film was reported as over 20.3 million people.[68]
Veit Harlan received the 1943 Universum Film Archiv award. Harlan was the only film director of the Third Reich to be tried for crimes against humanity. The prosecutors focused on his use of the SS to recruit (persuade) ghetto Jews to perform as extras.[69]
However, Goebbels and Harlan produced and released Third Reich propaganda films to the very last weeks of WWII. On January 30, 1945, Goebbels and Harlan released the film, Kolberg. It offered propaganda to fight Nazi Germany’s enemies until the very end.[70] At Nuremberg, Harlan was later acquitted on all counts.[71]
It appears that Harlan was an ardent Nazi that lived in close secret collaboration with the Nazi cultural and political elite, [72] the Thule, SS and the ODESSA.
I suspect that Kubrick’s infamous orgy scene in Eyes Wide Shut was not based on Schnitzler’s obscure 1926 novella Traumnovelle as the ILLUMINATI would like you to believe. Stanley Kubrick risked his life and deliberately publicly exposed from the House of Harlan current secret “elite” Luciferian-SS sex magkic, the ILLUMINATI BUNGA BUNGA rituals.
Furthermore, Kubrick’s sex magkic ritual was filmed in England at the Mentmore Towers, Mentmore, Buckinghamshire near London.

Mentmore and the Castle was built between 1852-1854 in reality by the High Sheriff of Buckinghamshire, Baron Mayer Amschel de Rothschild.[73] Baron Rothschild is a direct descendent of the ILLUMINATI, Mayer Amschel Rothschild.[74]
I believe that there is convincing argument that Adolf Hitler was also a descendant of the Rothschilds, Salomon Mayer Rothschild of Vienna.[75]
Salomon Mayer von Rothschild (September 9, 1774, Frankfurt/Main – July 28, 1855, Paris) was a German born banker in the Austrian Empire and the founder of the Viennese branch of the prominent Mayer Amschel Rothschild family. He was the second son of Mayer Amschel Rothschild of the ILLUMINATI.[76]
Finally, lets bring it home to Brother MYSTIKAL & the ILLUMINATI.

Brother Mystikal (Michael Lawrence Tyler) with the sign of Baphomet. Mystikal was someone that I immediately took notice of. Mystikal’s work of art is not just rhymes and raps, but a cool blend of African shouts, hollers, and work songs, jazz, rhythm & blues and spirituals. I feared that his unique art form wouldn’t last because it wasn’t the direction the ILLUMINATI music industry was moving toward, but I am certain that Mystikal entered the Luciferian Blood Covenant for Fame and Fortune.

When I first saw Mystikal’s video version of “Shake It Fast“, I was divided. I was mesmerized by the music with an interesting blend of jazz, rhythm and African shouts, but it was the theme that disturbed me, Stanley Kubrick’s secret Satanic Sex Magkic Ritual in Eyes Wide Shut” featuring the “Objectification” of Black Women and it appears underage sisters.
Above, Mystikal with ILLUMINATI Pyramid hand symbol. Pseudo-Occult Media did a small thing on its ILLUMINATI-occulted links, but nothing really deep. It deserves more critical attention and detail, which I reserve for a latter more detailed post.
Shake Ya Ass“, also known by its clean title, “Shake It Fast“, is the second single released from Mystikal’s fourth album, Let’s Get Ready. It also featured Pharrell. It was released on July 18, 2000 and was produced by The Neptunes. The single was a huge success for Mystikal, peaking at number 13 on the Billboard Hot 100, number three on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles & Tracks and number seven on the Hot Rap Singles. Both the song and music video (directed by Little X) received heavy airplay and it has arguably become Mystikal’s most well-known song.[77]
There is little and why a Black imitation of a secret ILLUMINATI Luciferian Sex Magkic Ritual was necessary and appropriate for mass media youth consumption, but according to Mystikal, he got a call from Little X (Julien Christian Lutz of Toronto), a music video director, to check out “Eyes Wide Shut” as a possible music video theme production. Mystikal saw the movie and liked the idea. Little X set everything up.[78]  End of story. I don’t believe so.
Eric Dubay’s Famous Freemasons Exposed, author of the “Atlantean Conspiracy”, follows the Michelangelo Mystery at the Vatican’s Sistine Chapel which may have been built in the same proportions to Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem. Dubay argues convincingly to follow the hands to unleash Michelangelo’s Freemason and ILLUMINATI secrets hidden in his art at the Sistine Chapel.
“Take careful notice of the way God and Adam’s hands are positioned. The middle and ring fingers are held together while the pointer and pinky fingers are separated. This makes an “M” and as you will see represents Masonry – the oldest, most wide spread secret society in existence, operating in almost every country in the world with 5+ million members. For centuries, the Vatican and world Royalty have conspired using the vehicle of Freemasonry to place initiates into key power positions of politics, business, banking,and media in an effort to control populations.”

 Follow the HANDS, Queen Elizabeth I, King James of England, and Christopher Columbus.

Follow the HANDS, King Ferdnand, Queen Isabella I, and Lorenzo de Medici, Ruler of Florentine Republic.
 The HANDS of Francois I, King of France, Catherine de Medici, Queen of France, and Mary Queen of Scots.

Aleister Crowley, The Great Beast 666.
HANDS  of First Lady Michelle Obama, Director of the Rockefeller Bloodline Chicago Council of Foreign Relations. Follow Mystikal’s HANDS, he’ll shows what he was working with when he made an imitation of a secret ILLUMINATI Luciferian Sex Magkic Ritual featuring the continued “objectification” and exploitation of Black Women.
Below, Mystikal’s video producer, Little X, with ILLUMINATI Masonic Pyramid Hand Symbol. Even his studio chair displays the sacred masonic pyramid. He features a New Age Metal for Jesus “Sacred Warrior” uniform with patches of a pair of white wings and red sword. Their Jesus is a Michelangleo FREEMASON/ILLUMINATI re-imaging.
Not too after Mystikal’s Luciferian sex ritual video, he was arrested and charged with a sadistic gang rape and extortion of a female acquaintance. In theDeltaState, rape can be punishable by life in prison. In the case, Mystikal reached a deal and pleaded guilty to sexual battery. He was sentenced to 6 years in prison and did every moment of it with 5 years parole to boot. What is really odd about Mystikal’s sex case is that the victim, his 40 year old hairdresser, has never been identified or surfaced in 6 years.
It’s hard to say what happened. Whether Mystikal grew to believe that he was among the elite “Do What Thou Wilt” ILLUMINATI-Luciferian, free beyond the law, to sadistically sexual exploit and brutalize Black women, I can’t say for sure. Did Mystikal get away with his life unlike Stanley Kubrick for mass public exposure and publicizing secret Luciferian Sex Magkic Rituals? I believe that it may have been a factor.
Nevertheless, Negroes in the rap game seem to come to believe that a little money and fame entitles them to real Luciferian-ILLUMINATI unnatural and ungodly power and privilege which is by its very nature historically have been restricted to race, blood, nobility and pedigree. 
“War is not the Answer!”- Marvin Gaye
In conclusion, I am lost in the musical genius and poetic justice and of Marvin Gaye left 40 years ago,
What’s Going On, Brother?
War is hell, when will it end,
When will people start gettin’ together again
Are things really gettin’ better, like the newspaper said
What else is new my friend, besides what I read
Can’t find no work, can’t find no job my friend
Money is tighter than it’s ever been
Say man, I just don’t understand

What’s going on across this land!
The United States has no legitimate governmental interest or congressional mandate across this land to assault and mass murder the Libyan people, yet in Libya, the U.S.military continues to be NATO’s primary force and the U.S. Taxpayers its chief financial benefactor.
Military operations in Libya have already cost U.S. taxpayers $664M as of May. It  is costing U.S. taxpayers $2M a day and $60M to carry on NATO’s illegal war of aggression in Libya.
The “IN OUR NAME” veil has been lifted from the Libyan Aggression. Through President Obama, the ILLUMINATI of  NATO  continue to plunge the U.S. government and people into moral, political, constitutional, financial collapse. ILLUMINATI puppet masters control President Obama, and across this land he is rapidly becoming an absolute mind controlled little tyrannical dictator of American democracy.
Yet across this land, most of the so-called peace activists, white liberal progressive communities and reactionary Black Folk and so-call Hip Hop Generation continue to act as the ILLUMINATI’s “MOCKINGBIRDS”.
They continue to yap on KPFA with the exception of “Guns and Butter” and Democracy Now, etc., the false and insidious storyline that Muammar Gaddafi is some kind of a demented brutal dictator killing his own people as a “justification” for the ILLUMINATI’s senseless, racial, costly and inhumane war of aggression against a sovereign and independent African nation on the other side of midnight.
The little ugly creepy sadistic-terrorist ogres, Berlusconi and Sarkozi, know very well what Obama really is, a Cyborg-part human-part machine. They created him. They pull his strings and push the buttons. He is a virtual cyber puppet at the absolute disposal of the puppet masters, the ILLUMINATI, not the American people.
When NATO attacked Libya, I went into a state of depression and reflection for a couple of weeks. I lamented over and over, how was it possible that this small African nation going to defend themselves against the might and power of the U.S. military. As I reflected back, I was reminded of profound wisdom from Brother Huey P. Newton before “Clockwork Orange”, Huey often said, “The Will of the People will Defeat the Man’s Technology.”  

[13] Id.      
[15] Id. At footnote 10
[24]Orlando Sentinel,September 11, 1998
[28]Id. At footnote 5
[40] Id.
[46] Id.
[65] Id.
[66] Id.
[68] Id. At footnote 1
[69] id.
[71] Id. At footnote 1
[72] Id.


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