Friday, August 14, 2015

Only way left to stop Islam from conquering The World

Only way left to stop Islam from conquering The World

Reader comment on item: Decision Time on Iran
in response to reader comment: On the Verge of Disaster
Submitted by Indian Republican (India), Nov 1, 2006 at 11:47
After studying 1400 years of Islamic History , Quranic Translation , Hadis , Sharia , Life of Mohammad , Curriculum of Pakistani Madrassas , Speeches of Muslim Clerics , Recent booklets by Al Qaida ............ I came to the conclusion that Free World is facing a vicious and dangerous enemy called Islam . Where ever Islam is in minority , They multiply to win demographically , As soon as they are in significant numbers , they launch a Jehad against the fellow countrymen who are non muslims.When they have command or power , they will show their true colours , They will massacre Non Muslims like anything. They have no feelings for Non Muslims , as according to Quran all Non Muslims are infidels or sinners and deserved to be murdered or forcefully converted to Islam.
Islam wiped out complete civilisation in Egypt.
Islam wiped out Parsees from Persia ( Iran ) .
Islam has wiped out Buddhists from Afghanistan
Islam has wiped out Sikhs from Lahore
Islam has wiped out Sindhis from Sindh
Islam has wiped out kashmiri pandits from kashmir
Islam is engaged in ethnic cleansing of Hindus & Buddhists in Bangladesh.
Islam is attacking and murdering Jews in Israel
Islam has wiped out Christians from Lebanon in long civil War.
Islam is planning to wipe out Chinese , Tamils , Christians , Sikhs from Malaysia.
Islam is wiping Russians from Chechnya and Ingushetia
Islam has wiped Christians from several Islands of Indonesia
Islam is systematically wiping out Christians from Nigeria , Kenya , Somalia , etc.
Islam has wiped over one million Africans in Darfur , Sudan.
Islam is preparing for a Full scale Civil War in India to wipe out all Non Muslims ( Hindus, Christians , Jews , Parsees , Bahais, Sikhs , Jains , Buddhists , Sanatanis , Naamdharis , Chakmas , Catholics ,...........).
Muslims are growing their numbers by increasing their populations , They practice polygamy , have dozens of children , lure / convert NonMuslim women , Infiltration from Pakistan and Bangladesh ..........There are 250 Million Muslims in India now with their numbers growing.
They are united , determined and Motivated by Islamic Clerics. There are regular mini Intifadas in various muslims majority areas in India .........and day by day they are showing their Militant Islamic Colours as their numbers grow.
West must support India inits struggle against Islamists , otherwise India is becoming stronghold of Militant Muslims day by day ! They are accumulating weapons , bombs , explosives , daggers , guns , etc to prepare for civil war in India .
India & Israel , Both share lot of things in common and are real allies of West.
US and Europe should support the building of Military Alliance between India and Israel. That will be in favour of Western Interests in Asia in particular and World in general.
Israel has technological and Will power to Fight Islamists.
India has man power ( over 1 billion people ) and Brain Power ( IT Professionals , Doctors , Scientists,etc).
We are in World War III . Its Islam versus the West .
Infact its Islam versus the rest.
Israel & India will be an asset to West in its war against Islam.

Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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