Friday, August 14, 2015

The Great White Brotherhood,

from Wikipedia Website
The Great White Brotherhood, in some Theosophical and New Age belief systems, is a group of supernatural beings of great power who spread the true religious teachings through selected humans.[1]
The members of the Brotherhood are sometimes called the Ascended Masters.[1]
Various religious leaders have said they have received messages from these beings, including Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (Theosophy), Guy Ballard ("I AM" Activity ), and Benjamin Creme (Share International).[1]

The idea of a secret organization of enlightened mystics, guiding the spiritual development of the human race, was pioneered in the late eighteenth century by Karl von Eckartshausen in his book The Cloud upon the Sanctuary; Eckartshausen called this body of mystics, who remained active after their physical deaths on earth, the "council of light".[2][3]
Eckartshausen's proposed communion of living and dead mystics, in turn, drew partially on Christian ideas such as the Communion of the Saints, and partially on previously circulating European ideas about secret societies of enlightened, mystical, or magic adepts typified by the Rosicrucians and the Illuminati.[4]

The Mahatma Letters began publication in 1881 with information supposedly revealed by "Koot Hoomi" to Alfred Percy Sinnett, and were also influential on the early development of the tradition. Koot Hoomi, through Sinnett, revealed that high ranking members of mystic organizations in India and Tibet were able to maintain regular telepathic contact with one another, and thus were able to communicate to each other, and also to Sinnett, without the need for either written or oral communications, and in a manner similar to the way that spirit mediums claimed to communicate with the dead. The letters published by Sinnett, which proposed the controversial doctrine of reincarnation, were said to have been revealed through this means.[5]

Eckartshausen's idea was expanded in the teachings of H. P. Blavatsky as developed by C. W. Leadbeater, Alice Bailey and Helena Roerich.
Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society, attributed her teachings to just such a body of adepts; in Isis Unveiled, she called the revealers of her teachings the "Masters of the Hidden Brotherhood" or the "Mahatmas". Blavatsky claimed that she had made physical contact with these adepts' earthly representatives in Tibet; but also, that she continued to receive teachings from them through psychic channels, through her abilities of spirit mediumship.[6]

Ideas about this secret council of sages, under several names, were a widely shared feature of late nineteenth century and early twentieth century esotericism. Arthur Edward Waite, in his Book of Black Magic and of Pacts, hinted at the existence of a secret group of initiates who dispense truth and wisdom to the worthy.[7]
A young Aleister Crowley, reading this, wrote Waite and was directed to read von Eckartshausen's book. Crowley's search for this secret wisdom eventually led him to become a neophyte in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, which represented itself to be the visible and earthly outer order of the Great White Brotherhood.[8]
Within the Golden Dawn itself, its teachings claimed to be derived from a similar body of initiates which in that tradition were called the Secret Chiefs.[9]

The actual phrase "Great White Brotherhood" appears to have been popularized in Leadbeater's 1925 book The Masters and the Path.[10] Since the introduction of the phrase, the term "Great White Brotherhood" is in some circles used generically to refer to any concept of an enlightened community of adepts, on earth or in the hereafter, with benevolent aims towards the spiritual development of the human race, and without strict regard to the names used within the tradition.[11]
Dion Fortune adopts the name to refer to the community of living and dead adepts.[12]

The ritual magicians of the Western mystery tradition sometimes refer to the Great White Brotherhood as the "Great White Lodge", a name that appears to indicate that they imagine it constitutes an initiatory hierarchy similar to Freemasonry. Gareth Knight describes its members as the "Masters" or "Inner Plane Adepti", who have,
"gained all the experience, and all the wisdom resulting from experience, necessary for their spiritual evolution in the worlds of form."
While some go on to "higher evolution in other spheres", others become teaching Masters who stay behind to help younger initiates in their "cyclic evolution on this planet". Only a few of this community are known to the human race; these initiates are the "teaching Masters."[13]
The AMORC Rosicrucian order maintains a difference between the "Great White Brotherhood" and the "Great White Lodge", saying that the Great White Brotherhood is the "school or fraternity" of the Great White Lodge, and that "every true student on the Path" aspires to membership in this Brotherhood.[14]
Some of Aleister Crowley's remarks appear to indicate that Crowley identified the Great White Brotherhood with the A∴A∴, his magical secret society.[15]

The term Great White Brotherhood was further developed and popularized in 1934 with the publication of "Unveiled Mysteries" [16] by Guy Ballard's "I Am" Activity.[17]
This Brotherhood of "Immortal Saints and Sages" [18] who have gone through the Initiations of the Transfiguration, Resurrection, and the Ascension [19]] was further popularized by Ascended Master Teachings developed by The Bridge to Freedom, The Summit Lighthouse, and The Temple of The Presence. [20]

Other esoteric traditions, however, dismiss or deny the existence of a Great White Brotherhood. Neo-Pagan author Isaac Bonewits has been sharply critical of the concept; in his 1971 book Real Magic, Bonewits dismisses the "Great White Brotherhood" as part of his rejection of what he sees as the Manichean dualism of the implied opposition of whiteness and darkness, white magic versus black magic.
Bonewits mentions the Brotherhood as an example of his larger thesis, that,
"(t)he whole idea of White as Good and Black as Evil is purely the result of cultural bigotries."[21]

Great Brotherhood of Light

The Great White Brotherhood, also know as Great Brotherhood of Light, is perceived as a spiritual organization composed of those Ascended Masters who have risen from the Earth into immortality, but still maintain an active watch over the world. [22] [23]
The Great White Brotherhood also includes members of the Heavenly Host (the Spiritual Hierarchy directly concerned with the evolution of our world), Beneficent Members from other planets that are interested in our welfare, as well as certain unascended chelas. [24]

The Ascended Masters are believed to be joined together in service to the Earth under the name of the Great White Brotherhood. The use of the term "white" is supposed to refer to their advanced spirituality (i.e., that they have a white colored aura) and has nothing to do with race.
The later versions of Blavatsky described the masters as [25] ethnically Tibetan or Indian (Hindu), not European. Recent research indicates, however, that this description was used by Blavatsky to hide the real identity of her teachers, some of whom were well known Indian rulers of her time. [26]

Belief in the Brotherhood and the Masters is an essential part of the syncretistic teachings of various organizations that have continued and expanded the Theosophical philosophical concepts. [27] [28] [29] [30] [31]
Information given by the Summit Lighthouse and the I AM movement is suspect, since none of the writers of these groups are Masters of any Brotherhood. Examples of those believed to be Ascended Masters are Jesus, Confucius, Gautama Buddha, Mary the Mother of Jesus, Pope John Paul II [32], Kwan Yin, Saint Germain and Kuthumi.
It is believed that all of these put aside any differences they might have had in their Earthly careers, and unite instead to advance the spiritual well-being of humanity. [33]

Founding of the Great White Brotherhood

In 1952, Geraldine Innocente, Messenger for The Bridge to Freedom, delivered this Address purported to be from Sanat Kumara describing the founding of the "Great White Brotherhood":
" . . . I had nothing to work with but Light and Love, and many centuries passed before even two lifestreams applied for membership - One, later became Buddha (now, Lord of the World, the Planetary Logos Gautama Buddha) and the Other, became the Cosmic Christ (Lord Maitreya, now the Planetary Buddha). The Brotherhood has grown through these ages and centuries until almost all the offices are held now by those belonging to the evolution of Earth and those who have volunteered to remain among her evolution. . .. " [34]
On July 4, 1954 it is believed that Sanat Kumara stated through Geraldine Innocente:
" . . . Thus We took Our abode upon the sweet Earth. Through the same power of centripetal and centrifugal force of which I spoke (cohesion and expansion of the magnetic power of Divine Love), We then began to magnetize the Flame in the hearts of some of the Guardian Spirits who were not sleeping so soundly and who were not too enthusiastically engaged in using primal life for the satisfaction of the personal self.

"In this way, the Great White Brotherhood began. The Three-fold Flame within the heart of Shamballa, within the Hearts of the Kumaras and Myself, formed the magnetic Heart of the Great White Brotherhood by Whom you have all been blessed and of which Brotherhood you all aspire to become conscious members. . . . " [35]
Esotericism and Theosophy

The Great White Brotherhood is the name given in some metaphysical/occult circles to adepts of wisdom in or out of earthly incarnation who have assumed responsibility for the cosmic destiny of the human race, both individually and collectively. Nicholas Roerich and his wife, Helena Roerich, inspired by the Theosophical writings of H.P. Blavatsky, published the "Agni Yoga" series of books.
Their contents, claimed to be inspired by the Master Morya, described the work of the Brotherhood and the Spiritual Hierarchy. Most occult groups assign a high level of importance to the Brotherhood, but some make interaction with the Ascended Masters of the Brotherhood a major focus of their existence.
Of these several, the most prominent are the "I Am" Activity - the original Ascended Master organization founded in the 1930s, The Bridge to Freedom, the Church Universal and Triumphant, and The Temple of The Presence. [36]
  1. Barrett, David (1996). Sects, 'Cults', and Alternative Religions: A World Survey and Sourcebook. London: Blandford.  
  2. von Eckartshausen, K., The Cloud upon the Sanctuary (Isabelle de Steiger, translator). (Weiser: 2003)
  3. The Cloud on the Sanctuary (accessed Dec. 14, 2007)
  4. Godwin, J. The Theosophical Enlightenment (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1994), ch. 1.
  5. Godwin, J. The Theosophical Enlightenment (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1994), ch. 15.
  6. Hutton, R. The Triumph of the Moon: A History of Modern Pagan Witchcraft (Oxford, 2000), p. 19
  7. Arthur Edward Waite, The Book of Ceremonial Magic (first edition title: The Book of Black Magic and of Pacts), conclusion. (London, 1913)
  8. Aleister Crowley (Symonds, John and Grant, Kenneth, eds.), The Confessions of Aleister Crowley (Bantam, 1971), pp. xiv-xv (Symonds introduction)
  9. Crowley, supra, p. 347 et passim.
  10. Leadbeater, C. W., The Masters and the Path (Theosophical Publishing House, 1925; expanded, 1927)
  11. Crowley, supra.
  12. See generally, Fortune, Dion, The Training and Work of an Initiate (1930; rev. ed. Weiser, 2000) and The Esoteric Orders and their Work (1928).
  13. Knight, G, A Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism (1965; repr. Weiser, 1978), v. 1 ch. X "Chesed", ss. 14-16.
  14. Lewis, H. S., Rosicrucian Manual (AMORC, 1938), pp. 139-140.
  15. Crowley, A. Liber ABA, book 4. part 3, appendix II; a/k/a Magick in Theory and Practice (Sangreal, 1969).
  16. King, Godfre Ray. Unveiled Mysteries. Chicago, Illinois: Saint Germain Press 1934
  17. Saint Germain Foundation. The History of the "I AM" Activity and Saint Germain Foundation. Schaumburg, Illinois: Saint Germain Press 2003
  18. Vyasa, Krishna-Dwaipayana. Mahabharata. Chapter 23 - Arjuna's Quest: Indra addresses Arjuna saying: "This area is the abode of Immortal Saints and Sages. War and war-weapons are just unknown here."
  19. Besant, Annie. Initiation: Perfecting of Man. London: Theosophical Publishing House 1912
  20. A History of Ascended Master Activities The Temple of The Presence 1999.
  21. Bonewits, I, Real Magic (1971; rev. ed., repr. Weiser, 1989), pp. 95, 112-113
  22. Blavatsky, H. P. Isis Unveiled Volume 2 page 100: ". . . the Secret Association is still alive and as active as ever"
  23. Roerich, Nicholas and Helena Hierarchy Agni Yoga Society, Inc. 1931 (reprinted 1977): "Certainly, when the black lodge directs its arrows against the White Brotherhood, the consequences are self-destructive, and the manifestation of a rebounding blow is unavoidable. What you heard is a consequence of self-destruction, because the aimed arrow returned to the sender."
  24. Leadbeater, C.W. The Masters and the Path. Adyar, India: Theosophical Publishing House 1929 (Reprint: Kessinger Publishing 1997).
  25. Sinnett, Alfred Percy. The Occult World. Boston: Colby & Rich, 1882.
  26. K. Paul Johnson: The Masters Revealed. Madame Blavatsky and the myth of the Great White Lodge. Albany, NY 1994: SUNY press
  27. I AM Ascended Master Dictation List Saint Germain Press Inc., 1995, Listing of those who are claimed to be Ascended Masters by The I AM Activity
  28. Schroeder, Werner Ascended Masters and Their Retreats Ascended Master Teaching Foundation 2004, Listing of those who are believed to be Ascended Masters by The I AM Activity and The Bridge to Freedom
  29. Luk, A.D.K.. Law of Life - Book II. Pueblo, Colorado: A.D.K. Luk Publications 1989, Listing of those who are claimed to be Ascended Masters by The I AM Activity and The Bridge to Freedom
  30. Booth, Annice The Masters and Their Retreats Summit Lighthouse Library June 2003, Listing of those who are believed to be Ascended Masters by The I AM Activity, The Bridge to Freedom, and The Summit Lighthouse
  31. Shearer, Monroe & Carolyn I AM Adorations, Affirmations & Rhythmic Decrees Acropolis Sophia Books and Works 1998, Listing of those who are claimed to be Ascended Masters by The I AM Activity, The Bridge to Freedom, The Summit Lighthouse, and The Temple of The Presence
  32. Serapis. Ascension of John Paul the Great., Serapis Bey announced on May 1, 2005: "John Paul II has entered into the Oneness of the Eternal Life with his own God Presence.
  33. Sinnett, Alfred Percy. The Occult World. Boston: Colby & Rich, 1882.
  34. The Bridge to Freedom Journal November 1953 (Reprinted by Ascended Master Teaching Foundation).
  35. The Bridge to Freedom Journal November 1955 (Reprinted by Ascended Master Teaching Foundation).
  36. White Paper - Wesak World Congress 2002. Acropolis Sophia Books & Works 2003.

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