Friday, August 21, 2015

White House: Obama Conducting Reign of Terror

White House: Obama Conducting Reign of Terror


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Suspected White House leakers are on the run
By Wayne Madsen
President Obama was urged by the few White House insiders from whom he still takes advice to leave the country on his ten-day Asian trip, his longest trip abroad since becoming president, in order to not inflict any more damage to the Democratic Party in the wake of one of the worst electoral defeats for the party of an incumbent president in recent history. According to sources close to the White House, who put themselves in great danger by even talking to members of the media, the plans to have Obama leave for a visit to India, Pakistan, Indonesia, South Korea, and Japan are an attempt to get Obama out of the country while top Democrats can sort through the political disaster created for the party by Obama's increasingly detached-from-reality presidency.
Virtual political guerrilla warfare has broken out between Obama's inner circle on one hand and senior Democratic officials, including outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Party strategist James Carville, former Demcratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean, and, behind-the-scenes, Vice President Joe Biden and former President Bill Clinton, on the other.
Top Democrats are still reeling from Obama's bizarre behavior at a $7500-a-plate fundraiser at a stately mansion at Brown University in Rhode Island on October 25. The fundraiser, organized by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, was supposed to highlight Democratic Party unity. However, while Obama endorsed Democratic House candidate David Cicilline for outgoing Representative Patrick Kennedy's seat, the president failed to endorse Democratic gubernatorial candidate Frank Caprio over Republican-turned-independent former Senator Lincoln Chafee. Obama's lack of an endorsement for a Democrat over a former Republican prompted Caprio to tell a radio show host that Obama "could take his endorsement and really shove it as far as I’m concerned."
Later that day, Obama briefly appeared at the fundraiser at Brown University, where Democratic loyalists paid $7500 to hear Obama speak, but departed after only twenty minutes, telling the assembled guests that he had to go back to the White House to "tuck in my daughters, walk the dog, and 'scoop the poop.'"  The Democratic faithful were appalled and shocked at Obama's quick departure and one of the three reasons he gave for it: to scoop up dog turds as if the President of the United States actually performs such tasks with a phalanx of White House staff and Secret Service agents at his disposal.
Vice President Biden knows too well about Obama's lack of attention to his daily tasks of being president. The details of the fiasco at Brown soon were conveyed to Biden by his two old Democratic Senate colleagues from Rhode Island: Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse. Biden was not amused about Obama's dissing of the Democrats in Rhode Island. A week later, Chafee defeated Caprio for the Rhode Island governorship, thanks largely to Obama's less-than-neutral stance in cutting a secret deal to support Chafee against Caprio.
White House leaks about the ineffectiveness of Obama's presidency are expandng beyond the revelations attributed to a former high-level Obama administration insider and which have been reported by a blogger named "Ulsterman." Some White House staffers have described a "reign of terror" in the White House over continued leaks and a troika of leadership that is making decisions without any input from the president. The troika reportedly consists of First Lady Michelle Obama, presidential adviser Valerie Jarrett, and the president's mother-in-law, Marian Robinson, who resides in the White House.
Not to be deterred, some White House staffers have sought out journalists and have arranged to meet them at nearby Starbuck's cafes to discretely convey to them inside information about the current disarray within the Obama administration. Some staffers have personally born the brunt of Obama's temper and witnessed his extreme narcissistic behavior. WMR has also learned from White House sources that Obama is taking presciption anxiety medication.
Vice President Biden, under intense pressure from some Democratic Party officials and Cabinet members to invoke Article 25, Section 4 of the Constitution and have Obama temporarily or permanently removed as president because of his mental incapacity to fulfill his constitutional oath as president is reluctant to take such drastic action. Biden feels that the country would "become unglued" after such action and he doesn't want to be the one who would be responsible for "picking up the pieces," according to a source who works within Biden's office.
Some staffers have said on deep background that the revelations by the ex-White House official to "Ulsterman" are not even half of the story about what is actually occurring in the White House.
However, Biden and other Democratic and adminstration do believe that if Obama were to  display some of the same reckless behavior publicly as many White House personnel have witnessed privately, there may be wide support for enactment of the provisions of the 25th Amendment.
Such a public display by Obama that could trigger succession action might involve a public outburst, including the use of foul language or a statement that Obama believes there is a conspiracy against him.
On October 5, Obama was addressing Fortune magazine’s “Most Powerful Women” summit in Washington, DC. During the middle of Obama's speech, the presidential seal fell off the podium. Publicly, Obama took the incident as a joke, but WMR has learned from White House insiders that Obama went on a tirade after the incident, accusing White House staffers of purposely not anchoring the seal to the podium. The White House supplies all the podiums and seals at all presidential addresses and the seal is usually well-anchored with four screws affixed to the podium. Obama reportedly "freaked out" and accused White House staffers of engaging in a conspiracy against him. The presidential tirade over such a trivial matter was not lost on senior administration officials who have witnessed Obama's lackadaisical behavior during the consideration of much weightier issues, for example, the war in Afghanistan.
Although some observers believe African-Americans would react negatively to the invocation of the 25th Amendment, WMR has learned that members of the Congressional Black Caucus would reluctantly go along with such a move. Many in their ranks, including outgoing House Judiciary Committee chairman John Conyers (D-MI) were outraged over Obama's lack of interest in Haiti after that nation's devastating earthquake. For many black caucus members, it was their first indication that there was something very wrong with Obama and his grasp of reality.
With Obama intent on running for re-election and seriously considering sending White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to replace former Virginia Governor Tim Kaine, the potential Democratic challengers to Obama in 2012 are beginning to stir. WMR has learned that former DNC chairman Howard Dean is seriously considering a challenge to Obama as is Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who will reportedly depart Foggy Bottom after Defense Secretary Robert Gates leaves his position, possibly in January.
Several top Democrats consider Obama's chances to keep the White House in 2012 as slim and they find it fanciful that White House policy adviser David Axelrod is moving back to Chicago to work on Obama's 2012 re-election campaign, an effort many Democratic officials find a "fool's errand."
Obama also is disengaged from the plight of his former Senate Democratic colleagues in the wake of their near loss of the Senate with a much-reduced majority. There is pressure on Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to step down as Majority Leader. However, Charles Schumer (D-NY), who has been mentioned as a replacement, reportedly has let it be known that he will not carry Obama's water as Majority Leader and may not want the job after all. The Majority Whip is Dick Durbin (D-IL) but he is seen as part of the Obama Chicago Mafia and almost every Democratic senator agrees on one thing: they do not want Durbin as their Majority Leader. Obama, the titular head of the Democratic Party, has refused to weigh in with any effective leadership as congressional Democrats pick up the pieces and lick their wounds.
Meanwhile, a team of ex-CIA officers are traveling the globe assembling a dossier of documents on Obama's past, including his education, passport, travel, and residency records. The team has scoured Kenya, Indonesia, Pakistan, and other countries collecting documents that are not already mantained in the CIA's own files on Obama's past. There is a possibility, according to WMR's sources, that any "smoking gun" documents may be released while Obama is in Asia in order to elicit a public and, perhaps, irrational enough response from the president to prompt the public to begin raising questions about Obama's suitability for office. Such an incident would make it easier for Biden to begin  the succession process that was previously considered when President Richard Nixon was drinking heavily and taking prescription medication during the final days of his administration, twice during the Ronald Reagan administration — after the attempted assassination and in 1987 when he demonstrated early stages of Alzheimer's Disease, and during the Bill Clinton administration, when Clinton's self-destructive sexual antics had Vice President Al Gore considering taking similar steps.
Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist, author and syndicated columnist. He has written
for several renowned papers and blogs.
Madsen is a regular contributor on Russia Today. He has been a frequent political and national security commentator on Fox News and has also appeared on ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera, and MS-NBC. Madsen has taken on Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity on their television shows.  He has been invited to testifty as a witness before the US House of Representatives, the UN Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, and an terrorism investigation panel of the French government.
As a U.S. Naval Officer, he managed one of the first computer security programs for the U.S. Navy. He subsequently worked for the National Security Agency, the Naval Data Automation Command, Department of State, RCA Corporation, and Computer Sciences Corporation.
Madsen is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ), Association for Intelligence Officers (AFIO), and the National Press Club. He is a regular contributor to Opinion Maker.

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Voodoo in Obama’s White House

Voodoo in Obama’s White House

Kurt Nimmo
August 17, 2009
Kristen Atkinson, a blogger over at the Townhall website, has posted an article claiming Marian Robinson, the 72-year old first grandmother who lives at the White House, is practicing Santería, otherwise known as voodoo. A close friend of Michelle Obama says the president became furious at his mother-in-law.


Obama may be outraged by a voodoo priestess chanting in the White House, but paganism at the highest levels of government is nothing new.

According to Atkinson, Marian Robinson became increasingly frustrated as her husband, Fraser Robinson, was hobbled by multiple sclerosis in the late 1980s, and turned to “Santeria in a desperate hope” to cure him. “Michelle put her foot down when she heard that her mother took her dad to ceremonies where they did spells and trances, and sacrificed animals, chickens and goats I think. But Marian was desperate and kept going anyway, even when her husband was to sick to go with her. I don’t think the president knew anything about this earlier because it was before they met. Michelle and Craig (her brother) wanted to close the book on this and never talked about it again after their father died in 1991.”
Robinson, concerned about her failing health, invited an old friend from Chicago to visit her at the White House and the friend performed a Santeria ceremony in the residence. “No voodoo in the White House. Absolutely. I don’t care what you call it,” Obama allegedly declared.
Obama may be outraged by a voodoo priestess chanting in the White House, but paganism at the highest levels of government is nothing new or particularly shocking.
[efoods]The global elite pulling Obama’s strings are dedicated paganists and their religion is based on the mystery school religions of Sumer and Babylon. “Most modern human beings are convinced that … pagan gods passed into the dustbin of history two millenia ago, but we suspect that this may not be the case. Repeatedly throughout history, the elites of the Great World Empire have been attracted to religious secret societies such as these, which maintain a high regard for the ancient pagans,” write Jerry Russell and Richard Stanley.
A prime example of the global elite’s obsession with the mystery school religions is the Bohemian Grove ritual, where the hand-picked minions of the elite — 1,500 of America’s most influential CEOs, government officials, financiers, industrialists, and media moguls — worship a giant 40-foot owl and sacrifice a mock human being in effigy they call Dull Care. Members include former presidents George W. Bush, his father, Henry Kissinger, and David Rockefeller.
For more on Bohemian Grove and the elite, see the Prison Planet archive.
Another example is Skull and Bones, aka The Order of Death, a secret society that has George W. Bush and John Kerry as members. Skull and Bones features bizarre occult initiation rituals and an obsession with death. Numerous Bonesmen can be traced to positions of enormous influence, including the Federal Reserve, the Council on Foreign Relations, captains of industry, and all branches of the establishment. The secretive gathering at Bohemian Grove is an off-shoot of Skull and Bones.
The British press has exposed the occult activities of Cherie Blair and her famous husband, Tony Blair, the former prime minister. In 2004 the London Times reported on the fact that Tony Blair had made political decisions based on new age readings. “Among the milder activities Cherie Blair is said to have taken jars of her own and her husband’s hair and nail clippings to health guru who ‘dowsed’ the jars by waving a pendulum over them to detect ‘poisons and blockages’ that could affect the Blairs,” Steve Watson wrote for Prison Planet on September 21, 2005.


Obama’s “good luck” charms, including the pagan god Hanuman.

“This all sounds bizarre and incredible, you couldn’t make it up. Yet we have seen again and again how elite figures are obsessed with these kinds of activities,” Watson comments. “It seems that with absolute power comes an urge to tap into the dark side of humanity and any kind of underworld that lies beyond. It is therefore not surprising that our so called leaders and decision makers that have led us into a period of intense conflict and disharmony around the world are the same people who pander to and in many cases engage in such dark occult activities.”
It is also not surprising that Obama’s mother-in-law paraded around the White House with a voodoo priestess, although this may not have anything to do with the elite’s obsession with mystery religions, the occult, secret societies, and The Order of Death.
However, it is suspicious that Obama carries around “charms,” as documented by Time Magazine. One of Obama’s charms happens to be an image of Hanuman, as known as Bajrang Bali, the monkey god and one of the most revered gods in the Hindu religion, the largest pagan religion in the world.
Isn’t it strange that Obama, described ad nauseam as a Christian, would carry around a pagan idol?

Three Witches In Charge of White House

Three Witches In Charge of White House

In recent weeks, unnamed Democrat officials have been leaking insider information about Obama’s troubling psychological state and the disarray in the White House to journalists “Ulsterman” of NewsFlavor and Wayne Madsen.
According to an exclusive-to-subscribers Wayne Madsen Report of November 4, 2010:
“White House staffers have sought out journalists and have arranged to meet them at nearby Starbuck’s cafes to discretely convey to them inside information about the current disarray within the Obama administration. Some staffers have personally born the brunt of Obama’s temper and witnessed his extreme narcissistic behavior. WMR has also learned from White House sources that Obama is taking presciption anxiety medication.”
Madsen claims that, in response, “a troika” has taken over the reins of the White House and imposed “a reign of terror” to stop the leaks and “making decisions without any input from the president”:
“White House leaks about the ineffectiveness of Obama’s presidency are expanding beyond the revelations attributed to a former high-level Obama administration insider and which have been reported by a blogger named ‘Ulsterman.’ Some White House staffers have described a ‘reign of terror’ in the White House over continued leaks and a troika of leadership that is making decisions without any input from the president.”
So who comprises this powerful troika?
They are none other than:
  1. Michelle Obama: who had said in 2008 when her husband won the Democratic Party primaries that she finally was “proud” of America for the first time in her life;
  2. White House Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett: a typical left-wing elitist who espouses radical socialism for us, the “little people,” but herself rakes it in with over half a million dollars in salaries and assorted “compensations.” Jarrett’s reported income in 2009 consisted of:
    • $300,000 in salary and $550,000 in deferred compensation from The Habitat Executive Services, Inc. — “a real estate development and management company” in Chicago.
    • More than $346,000 “for service on boards of directors that reflect her political ties, and work in Chicago real estate and community development.”
  3. Michelle’s 73-year-old mother, Marian Robinson, who resides in the White House and who had brought in a friend who’s a Santeria priestess to do voodoo (which is Satanism) in the White House.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Halifax 81 Masonic Lodge

Halifax 81 Masonic Lodge

Old Masonic Books on PDF

From Darkness to Light
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Chaos Theory 515
Photo by: Kheng Guan Toh
Chaos theory is a scientific principle describing the unpredictability of systems. Most fully explored and recognized during the mid-to-late 1980s, its premise is that systems sometimes reside in chaos, generating energy but without any predictability or direction. These complex systems may be weather patterns, ecosystems, water flows, anatomical functions, or organizations. While these systems's chaotic behavior may appear random at first, chaotic systems can be defined by a mathematical formula, and they are not without order or finite boundaries. This theory, in relation to organizational behavior, was somewhat discounted during the 1990s, giving way to the very similar complexity theory.


One of the first scientists to comment on chaos was Henri Poincaré(1854–1912), a late-nineteenth century French mathematician who extensively studied topology and dynamic systems. He left writings hinting at the same unpredictability in systems that Edward Lorenz (b. 1917) would study more than half a century later. Poincaré explained, "It may happen that small differences in the initial conditions produce very great ones in the final phenomena. A small error in the former will produce an enormous error in the latter. Prediction becomes impossible." Unfortunately, the study of dynamic systems was largely ignored long after Poincaré's death.
During the early 1960s, a few scientists from various disciplines were again taking note of "odd behavior" in complex systems such as the earth's atmosphere and the human brain. One of these scientists was Edward Lorenz, a meteorologist from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), who was experimenting with computational models of the atmosphere. In the process of his experimentation he discovered one of chaos theory's fundamental principles—the Butterfly Effect. The Butterfly Effect is named for its assertion that a butterfly flapping its wings in Tokyo can impact weather patterns in Chicago. More scientifically, the Butterfly Effect proves that forces governing weather formation are unstable. These unstable forces allow minuscule changes in the atmosphere to have major impact elsewhere. More broadly applied, the Butterfly Effect means that what may appear to be insignificant changes to small parts of a system can have exponentially larger effects on that system. It also helps to dispel the notion that random system activity and disturbances must be due to external influences, and not the result of minor fluctuations within the system itself.
Another major contributor to chaos theory is Mitchell Feigenbaum (b. 1944). A physicist at the theoretical division of the Los Alamos National Laboratory starting in 1974, Feigenbaum dedicated much of his time researching chaos and trying to build mathematical formulas that might be used to explain the phenomenon Others working on related ideas (though in different disciplines) include a Berkeley, California mathematician who formed a group to study "dynamical systems" and a population biologist pushing to study strangely-complex behavior in simple biological models. During the 1970s, these scientists and others in the United States and Europe began to see beyond what appeared to be random disorder in nature (the atmosphere, wildlife populations, etc.), finding connections in erratic behavior. As recounted by James Gleick (b.1954) in Chaos, a French mathematical physicist had just made the disputable claim that turbulence in fluids might have something to do with a bizarre, infinitely-tangled abstraction he termed a "strange attractor." Stephen Smale (b. 1930), at the University of California, Berkeley, was involved in the study of "dynamical systems." He proposed a physical law that systems can behave erratically, but the erratic behavior cannot be stable. At this point, however, main-stream science was not sure what to make of these theories, and some universities and research centers deliberately avoided association with proponents of chaos theory.
By the mid-1980s, chaos was a buzzword for the fast-growing movement reshaping scientific establishments, and conferences and journals on the subject were on the rise. Universities sought chaos "specialists" for high-level positions. A Center for Nonlinear Studies was established at Los Alamos, as were other institutes devoted to the study of nonlinear dynamics and complex systems. A new language consisting of terms such as fractals, bifurcations, and smooth noodle maps was born. In 1987, James Gleick published his landmark work, Chaos: Making a New Science, chronicling the development of chaos theory, as well as the science and scientists fueling its progress.


As stated by James Gleick, chaos is a science of the "global nature of systems," and so it crosses many disciplinary lines—from ecology to medicine, electronics, and the economy. It is a theory, method, set of beliefs, and way of conducting scientific research. Technically, chaos models are based on "state space," improved versions of the Cartesian graphs used in calculus. In calculus, speed and distance can be represented on a Cartesian graph as x and y. Chaos models allow the plotting of many more variables in an imaginary space, producing more complex imaginary shapes. Even this model assumes, however, that all variables can be graphed, and may not be able to account for situations in the real world where the number of variables changes from moment to moment.
The primary tool for understanding chaos theory (and complexity theory as well) is dynamic systems theory, which is used to describe processes that constantly change over time (e.g., the ups and downs of the stock market). When systems become dislodged from a stable state, they go through a period of oscillation, swinging back and forth between order and chaos. According to Margaret J. Wheatley in Leadership and the New Science, "Chaos is the final state in a system's movement away from order." When a system does reach that point, the parts of a system are manifest as turbulence, totally lacking in direction or meaning. Wheatley quotes researchers John Briggs and F. David Peat explaining the process of oscillation:
Evidently familiar order and chaotic order are laminated like bands of intermittency. Wandering into certain bands, a system is extruded and bent back on itself as it iterates, dragged toward disintegration, transformation, and chaos. Inside other bands, systems cycle dynamically, maintaining their shapes for long periods of time. But eventually all orderly systems will feel the wild, seductive pull of the strange chaotic attractor.
In simpler terms, every system has the potential to fall into chaos.
The above "strange attractor" is the very same that a French mathematical physicist identified in the early 1960s. In complex systems, where all should fall apart, the attractor comes in, magnetically pulling system variables into an area and creating a visible shape. Because previous efforts to graph such phenomena could only be completed in two dimensions, this effect could not be visualized. However, computers now allow the phenomena of "strange attractors" to become visible, as images of multiple dimensions representing multiple variables can finally be created.
Part of the difficulty in studying chaos theory arises because complex systems are difficult to study in pieces. Scientists's efforts to separate pieces of dynamical systems often fall apart. The system depends on each minute part of that system and the way it interacts with all other components. As Briggs and Peat state, "The whole shape of things depends upon the minutest part. The part is the whole in this respect, for through the action of any part, the whole in the form of chaos or transformative change may manifest."
In the same breath, it is important to establish the importance of the autonomy the smallest parts of a system possess. Each component of a complex system has the ability to fluctuate, randomly and unpredictably, within the context of the system itself. The system's guiding principles (the attractors) allow these parts to cohere over time into definite and predictable form. This runs contrary to the impression many have of chaos theory, believing there is no order to be had in such a system. But chaotic movement does possess finite boundaries, within which is the capacity for infinite possibility. Even lacking direction, parts of a system can combine so that the system generates multiple configurations of itself, displaying "order without predictability." These systems never land in the same place twice, but they also never exceed certain boundaries.


By the early 1980s, evidence accumulated that chaos theory was a real phenomenon. One of the first frequently-cited examples is a dripping water faucet. At times, water drops from a leaky faucet exhibit chaotic behavior (the water does not drip at a constant or orderly rate), eliminating the possibility of accurately predicting the timing of those drops. More recently, the orbit of Pluto was shown to be chaotic. Scientists took advantage of applications using chaos to their benefit; chaos-aware control techniques could be used to stabilize lasers and heart rhythms, among multiple other uses.
Another arena within which chaos theory is useful is that of organizations. Applying chaos theory to organizational behavior allows theorists to take a step back from the management of day-to-day activities and see how organizations function as unified systems. An organization is a classic example of a nonlinear system (i.e., a system in which minor events have the potential to set off grave consequences or chain reactions, and major changes may have little or no effect on the system whatsoever). In order to exploit the chaotic quality of an organization, one needs to try to see the organizational shape that emerges from a distance. Instead of pinpointing causes in the organization for organizational problems, the company is better served, according to chaos theory, by looking for organizational patterns that lead to certain types of behavior within the organization.
Organizational expectations for acceptable behavior, and the degree of freedom with which individuals are allowed to work, shape the way a company's problems and challenges are handled by its members. By allowing people and groups within an organization some autonomy, businesses encourage the organization to organize itself, enacting multiple iterations of its own functioning until the various pieces of the organization can work together most effectively. An organization that encourages this type of management has been termed a fractal organization, one that trusts in natural organizational phenomena to order itself.
However, applying chaos theory to organizational practice tends to go against the grain of most formal management patterns. Order can be confused with the more popular notion of control. Defined by organization charts and job descriptions, traditional management does not generally seek to add disorder to its strategic plan. As Wheatley states, "It is hard to open ourselves up to a world of inherentorderliness." Organizations are focused on structure and design. Charts are drawn to illustrate who is accountable to whom or who plays what role and when. Business experts break down organizations into the smallest of parts. They build models of organizational practice and policy with hope that this atomizing yields better information on how to improve the organization's functioning. However, chaos theory implies that this is unnecessary, even harmful.
Self-organizing systems are those enabled to grow and evolve with free will. As long as each part of the system remains consistent with itself and the systems's past; these systems can harness the power of creativity, evolution, and free will—all within the boundaries of the organization's overall vision and culture. In this respect, chaos theory shows the need for effective leadership, a guiding vision, strong values, organizational beliefs, and open communication.
During the 1980s, chaos theory did begin to change decision-making processes in business. A good example is the evolution of high-functioning teams. Members of effective teams frequently recreate the role each member plays, depending on the needs of the team at a given point. Though not always the formally-designated manager, informal leaders emerge in an organization not because they have been given control, but because they have a strong sense of how to address the needs of the group and its members. The most successful leaders understand that it is not the organization or the individual who is most important, but the relationship between the two. And that relationship is in constant change.
One of the most influential business writers of the 1980s and 1990s, Tom Peters (b. 1942), wrote, Thriving on Chaos: Handbook for a Management Revolution in 1987. Peters offers a strategy to help corporations deal with the uncertainty of competitive markets through customer responsiveness, fast-paced innovation, empowering personnel, and most importantly, learning to work within an environment of change. In fact, Peters asserts that we live in "a world turned upside down," and survival depends on embracing "revolution." While not explicitly concerned with chaos theory, Peters's focus on letting an organization (and its people) drive itself is quite compatible with the central tenets of chaos theory.
As the global economy and technology continue to change the way business is conducted on a daily basis, evidence of chaos is clearly visible. While businesses could once succeed as "non-adaptive," controlling institutions with permanently-installed hierarchical structures, modern corporations must be able to restructure as markets expand and technology evolves. According to Peters, "To meet the demands of the fast-changing competitive scene, we must simply learn to love change as much as we have hated it in the past."
Organizational theorist Karl Weick (b. 1936) offers a similar theory to Peters's, believing that business strategies should be "just in time…supported by more investment in general knowledge, a large skill repertoire, the ability to do a quick study, trust in intuitions, and sophistication in cutting losses." Though he did not articulate his theories in terms of the explicit ideas offered by quantum physics and chaos theory, his statements support the general idea that the creation and health of an organization (or a system) depends on the interaction of various people and parts within that system. However, as Wheatley states in her book:
Organizations lack this kind of faith, faith that they can accomplish their purposes in various ways and that they do best when they focus on direction and vision, letting transient forms emerge and disappear. We seem fixated on structures…and organizations, or we who create them, survive only because we build crafty and smart—smart enough to defend ourselves from the natural forces of destruction.
Wendy H. Mason
Revised by Hal P. Kirkwood , Jr.


Chen, Guanrong, and Xinghuo Yu, eds. Chaos Control: Theory and Applications (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences). New York: Springer-Verlag, 2003.
Farazmand, Ali. "Chaos and Transformation Theories: A Theoretical Analysis with Implications for Organization Theory and Public Management." Public Organization Review 3, no. 4 (2003): 339–372.
Gleick, James. Chaos: Making a New Science. New York: Penguin Books, 1987.
Peters, Tom. Thriving on Chaos. New York: HarperCollins, 1987.
Sullivan, Terence J. "The Viability of Using Various System Theories to Describe Organisational Change." Journal of Educational Administration 42, no. 1 (2004): 43–54.
Wheatley, Margaret J. Leadership and the New Science: Discovering Order in a Chaotic World Revised. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 200

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 -  The New Pearl Harbor - Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11
 -  The Octopus Is Dying - 5 Kissinger Associates Killed - Kissinger Missing-Presumed Dead

 -  The Redirection - Is The Administration’s New Policy Benefitting Our Enemies in The War on Terrorism?
 -  The Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols - Following The Money Backwards Leads to President Reagan, Russian Rubles and...
 -  Top UN-Secret - What Would Happen if A Society of Counterfeiters Ruled The World?



 -  Zeitgeist - Main File

 -  Water Is The Next Oil - Beautiful Paraguay

 -  George Bush, Skull & Bones and the New World Order - by Paul Goldstein and Jeffrey Steinberg
 -  George Bush - The Unauthorized Biography - by Webster G. Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin
 -  Hitler Ganó La Guerra - por Walter Graziano
 -  Hitler Ha Vinto La Guerra - De Globalizzazione e Bugie - da Walter Graziano

 -  Tales From Time Loop - by David icke

 -  Bush and Obama - Age of Terror - Untold History of United States - Oliver Stone
 -  Bush's Hideous Legacy - Baghdad, 5 Years On - City of Walls
 -  Bush's Iran Lies - Olbermann Special Momment
 -  Bush y Obama - La Era del Terror - La Historia No Contada de Estados Unidos - Oliver Stone
 -  Farenheit 9-11 - en Español
 -  Invisible Empire - A New World Order Defined
 -  Mena Connection - Clinton, Bush and The CIA Drug Smuggling
 -  The Bush Connection - Bush Link to Kennedy Assassination
 -  The Shock Doctrine - Naomi Klein
 -  Votaciones Fraudulentas en USA - Hacking Democracy
 -  When War BackFires! - Delusions of A Maverick As President

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 -  Skull and Bones - Main File
 -  The 2008 Big Crash - The Collapse of World's Financial System - Main File
 -  The Actual Iran Case - The Beginning of World War III? - Main File
 -  The Biggest Secret - The Book
 -  The Dragon Court - Main File

 -  The Elite's Drug Management - Main File

 -  The Endgame Series - Special Reports
 -  The Occult Reptilian Saga - Main File